Friday, December 26, 2008

First Christmas

Christmas has finally here. This year was rather special. It's a first Christmas for Evan, first christmas for me to spend with 2 boys, first christmas with christmas tree and presents under the tree, first christmas without going to the church, and last Christmas here in Amman.

The little boy was spoiled with lots of presents. He looked a bit confused about what was going on. We let him unwrapped all the the presents including ours, which he enjoyed.

We were hoping to have a white christmas as winter came early this year, but we only have grey instead. It was a misserable grey, windy, wet, and cold day. Yet we have a warm house and heart. The only thing missing was a christmas Mass. It was hard to match the little boy's and mass' schedule. Was a relaxing, fun and warm christmas this year with the boys.

Merry Christmas. Peace in everyone's heart, peace on earth.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Wake Up Call

One of my friend told me that my blog is getting uninteresting and monotous. He may be right. Lately my world isn't as big as before, my time isn't as timeless as before. May I blame facebook in this case? :) It rather took over my tiny spare time and mind lately, too. Thus I suppose I had so many happy, funny and interesting things to say other than baby's milestone.

However, I accept the critic with open mind. Between those hectic days I should make time for myself. Having fun blogging like I used to is one of them.


I've been questioning myself of what changes I've made since I have a baby. These are just a few that come across my mind now.

1. No more lady of leisure.

2. Become a morning person - well,... not exactly. I wish I could sleep till 9am every morning or at least on weekend. But the little boy won't let me :)

3. Everyday is a new adventure, every day is a surprise - this is the exciting and fun part

4. No more dull boring days - no more wake up and think what I'm going to do today.

5. I look at the little boy in the mirror instead of myself - well, i usually looked dreadful (*sigh*)

6. I don't mind going to bed at 9pm - as I started to loose energy around 5 pm

7. appreciate 'silence' more - hearing the little boy bubbling and winging away are enjoyable, but when he asleep and watching him sleeping in a warm quite room... it's a gold!

8. taking a warm shower + washing hair is a luxury - means I have a couple more minute to pamper myself.

9. sit down and relax in front of TV for more than 1/2 hour is an oddity - call me strange, but really, there's no time to watch my favourite series. Even when they were repeated few days in a day.

10. Running with hours instead of running on the treadmill - every day goes so fast I'm not even realised.

11. Conscious to 'time' more than ever - found out that I rely on the clock a lot to take care a baby. Days were timeless before.

12. cinema ? what's that ?! - impossible to go to cinema with little boy. So forget it.

13. Little boy's pain feels much worse than my own - little bit of abnormalities even though it's not harmful made me sad and worried so much.

14. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please me (Hooray for poop!) - I guess that's simply becoz I have no choice but HAVE TO deal with it.

15. I discover how much to say just for two teeth - I might be bored people with all the talk about my little boy every time we are in a conversation. He is just my world at the moment.

16. Clothing shopping for myself became priority number 100. - I can't remember the last time I walk in to a clothing shop. What a major change!

17. I discover an inner strength I never thought I have - I'm survive so far. I guess it made me strong and I proud of it.

18 . I give parents with a screaming child an 'I know the feeling' look, instead of a 'Can't you shut him up?' - between mums, we understand each other now :)

19. I give more attention to everyone who has gone or have to go through surgery/operation. - having a c-section just open my eyes to the misery of the recovery post surgery. Not too nice.

20. and, I guess I respect my parents and love them in a new way

Happy Mother's Day for my lovely Mum, and to all mums in Indonesia.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

cheeky little boy

Evan, 8 months old, eating puree in the restaurant

My little boy has turned 8 months old a week ago. People say he looks like me but tall/big like his dad. As for myself, people said I looked slim and well. That's probably because of little exercises I had to do with the little boy who really very difficult to stay still when he is awake. And he is only at this age. He hasn't really crawl or walk yet! I don't even want to imagine what's it's going to be like.

Lots of new things happened when he was 7 months old. All fun, funny, and exciting.

I guess the most advance skill he gained last month was that he can sit unsupported. Started from lay-back position, by pushing his head and body with his elbows and use his right hand as support. After he mastered it, then he was strong enough to be sitting up from down-ward position. It was surprising and rather worrying when I found him sitting up and playing in the cot where he supposed to be sleeping. We adjusted the height of the bed to the second level as soon as possible.
He was also started reaching for things and scooping them up with one hand easily. He was having so much fun exploring all of his toys and became more active. I think he got excited that he could do new things. So I started to put him in the big playing bed more with hope that he could learn how to crawl freely without banging his head on the hard floor. He went to "precrawl" exercise, rocking back and forth on hands and knees with her trunk parallel to the floor, didn't know how to move the knees. He moved the hands forward, but no the knees. So many times he got frustrated that he couldn't reach toys which were far from him.

As he still love simple 'ciluk-ba', he also like books. He like me reading a book. He would sit quietly on the sofa, listen and touch the book. He also would sit, play and touch every picture on every pages of one particular book: Colour Book. However easily get distracted by TV especially when he heard the theme songs of the shows he knew. So funny to see him squeak and scream a little with excitement every time he sees the intro of Oswald and James The Cat. Other toys he seemed to love the most was the singing ball. It was also interesting to see that he like Matahari Terbenam song :)

Eating and drinking was easy. He never refused spoon, which was good. He even get more portion from 2 table spoon to 4-5 tablespoon as I noticed he kept open his mouth asking for more. I kept making puree and started new things slowly. He started to get pumpkin and baby biscuit (only sometimes - not in his daily diet). Also he trained to drink water/juice from the 'sippy cup'. It's rather tricky as he thought it's a toy. At first he just bite away the spout. So I tried to let him know that there's juice inside it by taking out the valve that controls the flow. Then I put the valve back in and he would understand to suck for his drink. I had to remind him from time to time though.

I tried to make him socialise more. But still, every time he sees new people/stranger he will scream and cry. I hosted the play group in my house for the first time last month.

I never mentioned this before, that he was still sleeping in my room. However he sleep in his own cot. As he turn 7 month old, I started to prepare him to sleep in his own room which is just next to my room. Luckily we have space which big enough to move the cot between rooms. I moved his cot to his room for morning and afternoon nap.

I guessed he also developed how to show emotion and mood. When he was bored, he would scream so loud with his eyes looking at me. Sometimes he tried to get attention by calling me 'eeh'... ! :)

I think that's all I can remember from last month. He is now getting more active and hardly stay still. Also more 'vocal'. I am getting used to go out more. As the time goes by, Christmas is near. It would be the first Christmas for my little boy. We bought him lots (maybe too much) of Christmas presents today. Hope he'll like it. I'm excited. :)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh Boy

Yes, he turns 7 month today. ;)

Oh boy,...what a month last month!
I just realised that six month old baby have to go through a lot of things at the same time, which not only confuse the baby, but also make the mum scratching her head badly.

I have mentioned a bit about the early days of Evan's six month old, few weeks ago. It was quite difficult times. He had everything change at the same time. I'm now confused where to start first. For the start he had to change his diet. First he had to drink new - more advance formula milk, then he had more cereal a day and start to explore other food such as puree. As the result he was then eat/drink every 2 hours. I was then started the fun world of making a solid food for baby. Good news is Evan is not fuzz with new food. He just eat everything! He start with carrot puree, then greanbeans. All 2 table spoon portion.

As I tried to be more independent and confident going out with Evan, we then went to mothers group for the first time. It was good. Evan and I had fun, so we went to another meetings. He seemed to tolerate attention from others better now. Think he get used to see crowd and strangers and they were not making him 'too' upset anymore.

His gum was so desperately itchy that makes him upset most of the times. Two teeth at the bottom gum has finally emerged about the end of October. I was excited, he looked so cute with two tiny white teeth in his mouth.

Six month old also the turning point when some of his furnitures are no longer suitable, like the rocking chair and car seat (who can also be installed in the stroller). Whilst his weight is not longer suitable for the rocking chair, but we thought it still fit and safe for him, so we still use it. However he was definitely squeezed in the old car seat. So we got him a new car seat which permanently installed in the car. This is when I too have to adapt with new way to get him in and out the car.

His sleeping habit was also changed. He used to sleep in the big 'playing' bed or stroller during the day. As he get older, I started to put him in his cot for morning and afternoon nap, and it was actually worked easily. However he still sleep in our room. I don't think I'm ready to leave him alone in his own room at night!

As for his skills, his hand control developed enough that he can pull an object towards him. He could grab a toy easily. He has so much grabbing, let it go, pick it up, put it in the mouth. Toys are everywhere.... in travel cot, on carpet, in his bed, and on his playing bed, and his cot. Our living room is always messy with his toys lying around the carpet.. and he was only 6 month old!

He has learned to roll over, but only in two directions. So I didn't worry to leave him in the big bed with pillows barricades. When he lay on his tummy, he did it longer than used to. When he lay on his back, he was strong enough to lift his head, shoulder and chest up, then fell to the side, and make a half sitting pose for a few second then fell to the back. Looked like he want to be able to sit up so bad.

He still love play in the saucer. He got more comfortable jumping, moving around, biting, and banging all the toys around the saucer. When he got excited he would scream in really a high pitch! Everything flying around him was still give him a joy of excitement. Surprisingly he seemed to be a bit bored with Barney and friends. It didn't take his attention anymore. But he took more attention to intro and credit part of most of the shows, like Pingu, Oswald, and Igloo-gloo, The magic key, Thomas and friend, and Bob The builder. The most funny thing was he tried to make me laugh a couple times! At one time I pretended to sleep on the carpet in front of tv, while he was sitting on the rocking chair. In my surprise I felt a gentle tap of a little hand on my knee and a pull of my skirt. I saw him looking at me with very big smile and eye! :D He enjoyed grabbing and pulling my hair - a lot! As well as enjoying biting my cheeks!

Early November I let him hold the bottle by himself. He could hold the bottle the whole feeding when he wakes up in the morning (around 4am). Other times I should still watch him carefully as he could easily threw the bottle away.

His schedule since he had puree on his diet was this:
8 am = bottle
9 am = bath
10am = cereal
10.30am = morning nap
12am = bottle
2 pm = puree
3 pm = afternoon nap
4 pm = cereal
6 pm = bottle
6.30 = sleep
4 am = bottle

So now you may think when I can have my sparetime. It was almost imposible! He didn't have much sleep during the day either which was a bit frustrating. The longest was only 1 hour. Mostly only sleep 30 - 45 minutes.

The hectic mode is actually continuing when he turn 7 month old. I started this posting 2 weeks ago. Glad that it finally finish! (*Phew..*)

Friday, October 31, 2008

My Little Bunny

my little bunny

This is how he play with this toy.
He'll take out the rings one by one then munch and lick them,
left the best part : the pole, the last.
He'll then enjoy biting the top of the pole, till it sound scratchy.
My little bunny likes Barney.
He smiles or laughs everytime Barney sings "I love you, You love me..."
Then he'll hold, pat, study it,
then grab Barney's feet to go straight to his mouth.

Friday, October 24, 2008

out of comfort zone

I wonder what's going on when some of my friends called me recently. They asked how did I go, asked me to go out, offered help, and came to my house for a short visit. Apparently they haven't seen me for ages and started to missed me! (i'm not making this up, they told me) :)

It's probably true. I realise that my world has only been with the little boy in the last 6 months, and my house has been my only comfort zone, far from socialising world that I used to be in. After ramadhan finished I received many invitations and turned down many too. By the sound of them, I think they were concerned that I'll be a prisoner in my own house and will depress soon or later (*grin*).

Yes sometimes I wanted to go out, sometimes I get so tired and cranky. But I enjoyed being at home too. I need more time to be more confidence to bring Evan out. Need time to find right babysitter. Besides, I can go out on weekend. But my friends said it's been 6 months, and it's time to start to be mobile again.

Ah well,.... they might be right. I'll try to go out more or invite some people in so that Evan also can get used to other people. Have started last week when I went to mothers group and mall. That was good. I'll take it slowly, though and hopefully bit by bit I'll build my confidence to take him everywhere.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Half Year Old

My little boy has turn 6 month old about 2 weeks ago. It's a big thing turning 6 month old! he will have big changes in his body and development, in feeding, milk, and socialising. All so exciting. We planned to have a little special time with him on that day, but couldn't do. He was so not in the mood all day. In the first two weeks since he turn 6 month was actually a hard times. His body was struggling to adjust to new milk so that he had bad constipation and sore bottom. He also had to get use to new feeding schedule and vegetable puree. And to add the misery, he started teething, so he got sore and itchy gum. He was a cranky and hard to please little boy! I was feel sorry for him so that I decided to not give him vegetable puree until he settle in with the other new food. Doctor agreed to that idea too.

What happened in the last few weeks when he was still 5 month old?

His physical developments are coming fast and furiously. If I place him on his stomach, he'll extend her arms and legs and arch his back, and when on his back, he'll lift her head and shoulders trying to sit. He got very frustrated sometimes to lay down all the time and not able to sit up by himself. He enjoyed his 'saucer' very much. He could balance his feet, bounce up and down and bite the toys around it. He is come to the point where he can't stay still even for 1 second! Think he sick of half laying on his bouncing chair, so he started to bring his body to the front into a sitting position.

His favourite words are 'ciluk ba', 'pingu', and 'igloo gloo'. He will have big smile when he hear those words. He blowed raspberry or making bubbles quite a lot too. He started to respond to word 'Hi' on the last week of his 5 month. He will smile and sometimes say back 'hei!' :) As for songs, Cicak-cicak di Dinding is no longer his favourite song. Satu-satu Aku Sayang Mummy is replacing it

He was strong enough to hold bottle but couldn't really feed himself just yet. However he could grasp small object with one hand easily. He love to touch and grasp hair and face! Sometimes even open his mouth so big as he close his face toward my face as if he want to eat my head!

Sometimes he became anxious when I leave the room and he couldn't see me anymore, but he recognise the sounds of footsteps, maybe he knows someone is there even though he couldn't really see them. He realised where sounds come from, and turned quickly toward a new one.

He could also shows a strong attachment by raising his arms when he wants to be picked up and crying when you leave the room. He laugh at funny expressions or positions. He was a happy little boy, laugh and smile a lot. His favourite toy is probably paper, which is not a toy at all! He loves to play with papers and it is the only thing that can make him cry so loud if I took it off him and determined to get it back.

I started to introduce him to family pictures. I developed photos of grandmas, grandpas, aunties and uncles individually and put them in special small album. Showed it in play time and talk about the people in the photographs. About the same time, I started to limit the use of pacifier with aim to wean him from pacifier as soon as possible. He didn't get pacifier when he is awake anymore, but still use it during sleep time.

His schedule and pattern were so organise and still the same as when he was 4 month old. However, about a week before he turned 6 month old, suddenly he changed his routine. Also hard to sleep and had sleeplessness nap in the afternoon. He didn't finish his milk and cranky all day. Later I know that it's all because of he was teething! However, he didn't like to munch teether, but love to munch everything other than teether, especially papers, books, and other plastic object which hard such as remote control and handphone.

Last month was Ramadhan month, so there was not much activities and invitations. We spent most days at home. But the quiet month has finished, and now the activities back to normal. I got so many invitations. Everyone suddenly missed me and forced me to go out with the little boy (*grin*).

His schedule has changed since he turn 6 month old into this:

7 am = awake
8 am = bottle
9 am = bath
10 am = cereal
11 am = morning nap
12 pm = bottle
3 pm = afternoon nap
4 pm = cereal
5 pm = bath
6 pm = bottle
7 pm = sleep

Sometimes he sleep through the night, but sometimes he awake and have another bottle around 3 or 4 am. I also give him 100ml mix of water and apple juice a day. This routine may change soon as he seems get used to the new milk. I'll try to give him vegetable puree in the afternoon.

My little boy is getting bigger, can not wait to see what's new on him this month.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

life from a balcony

I live in a top floor of the apartment building number 5.

I love everything about this apartment building, except that it has stairs (in small steps), in the ground floor corridor where the main door is. It didn't really matter before, but now it start to annoy me. It's not user friendly for people who walk in wheels like handicaps or babies in the stroller. I'm not strong enough to carry the whole stroller plus baby in it through the stairs. While I can't be so mobile anymore, it would be nice to stroll outside the house sometimes for a change, especially in the weather like now. It started to get cooler but not so cold. It's warm, not hot. But alas, I can't do it just because of those little annoying stairs around the main door!

What I can do is only take the stroller out to the medium or big size balconies in my apt. Or sometimes I just carry the little boy out there to see things and feel the fresh air. The routine to walk/stroll in the medium balcony has been going on since about 7 weeks ago, around 4-6pm, before the little boy's bath time. This medium balcony is facing east and the main street where other buildings are, so it's busier than the other balcony and not sunny during those hours.

I was not intentionally observing, but went out to the same spot everyday at the same time,... I can't help myself to notice unimportant routines that happened around my neighbourhood:

- a van will deliver a box of meal for the guard of the building next door
- a white-brown cat will move back and fort or sit on the top of the wall fence across the street
- a grey Prado will come and park at building number 4 across the street, then a well dressed women with a toddler and a baby carried by maid will emerge from the front door and jump into the car
- a car will stop in front of my building, the driver will dial his hand phone. Not long after a teenage boy will come out of my building and jump into the car.
- a funky sport car will stop across the street, at the building number 4, to let a trendy women out of the passenger seat then the car will leave with loud sound
-a truck selling gas will pass on the other street, it has loud musical sound like ice cream seller.
- a man who I guess is a driver will clean a car across the street
- two Filipino maids will be at the front of the house number 6 across the street, gardening. Sometimes they chat with the maid who is watering the garden at the first floor in my building.
- my neighbour at the first floor watering her garden every second day.
- a man will walk a dog that looks like chihuahua. The man always busy with his hand phone. Either texting, or talking on the phone.
- a boy will pass by with his bike, with two plastic of arabic breads hanging on each side of the handlebar.

Very unnecessary. But that's one of the thing that keep my mind in place after being at home the whole day.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Shoes battle

what's this on my feet?! they look yummy!
Mum said they are my very FIRST SHOES and they are not supposed to go to my mouth.
She tried them on this morning, she thought they were too small at first,
but then my foot suddenly went into one of them perfectly.
Love them, they look good on me.
I've decided, even though I can't walk yet
I will wear this shoes everytime I go out from now on.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Shadow

whose shadow is it??

it's a shadow of no one!

it's only a shadow of the funky cutting tree in front of my neighbour's house

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

you might just knew that I...

1. smell papers. What would I do first when I open new book fresh from the store? I'll browse and smell it! Same thing with new CD covers and cards.
2. am a dreamer. Meaning: I always have dreams when I sleep. Meaning: I sleep well and tight when I dream. In contrary, I would wake up tired if I had no dream. I had a dream journal at one stage, it stopped when i was pregnant because sleep is a hard thing to do, or if I had dream it's impossible to remember.
3. like everything organised and plan ahead. I'd choose what am I going to wear a night before. I prepare my luggage at least a week before I go travelling.
4. hate cleaning, but sort of a neat freak. I can't sleep if the dishes hasn't washed. Can't stand to see stack of dirty clothes or mound of clean un-iron clothes.
5. eat noodle with rice even though I know it means double carbo-hydrate. I just love it that way.
6. like my coffee Black at home or office. Cuppa of coffee in the morning is a must, otherwise I'll turn to a zombie (had yucky decaffeinated during pregnancy). Cappuccino is the kind of coffee I'd have at the hang-out places.
7. walk around back and forth when talking on the phone (thank God for wireless and handphone)
8. am addicted to internet. Will jump up and down, wailing, and cranky without it.
9. think secret agent is the coolest job, but a doctor or a lawyer - like the one in Hollywood's tv series - is my dream job.
10. wrote diary since I was 12 year old, as a result I have more than 10 written diary. I still have them all. Only stop when I start this blog in 2005.
11. keep old handwritten cards and letters.
12. hate to be alone, but annoyed to be with around people too long. Just like to have my time alone sometimes.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Baby and I

This little boy turns 5 month old today. Where's the time flies?! Well, I know exactly where and when it flies, as days sometimes went so slow for me. What sort of day I normally have? Hard to tell. They are full of up and down. There are days when the baby is sweet, easy, and happy, but there are difficult days when he cry and cry, screaming and kicking, doesn't want to sleep and want to be carried around all day.

Can say my lifestyle has changed drastically. It wasn't easy to adjust. There were times I got so stress and frustrated. It took around 4 months to get used to this new lifestyle. I'm now understand that I can't be so mobile as before. I can't go to meet different groups and spend unlimited time with them. I can't go to malls and supermarket whenever I want anymore. When I'm in malls or supermarket I can't just stroll away and spend time as long as I want. I have to be quick quick quick. Only go to necessary shops, and not to waste so much time thinking what to buy, or not to waste time to bargain away. Sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee at a cafe is out of my dictionary now, at least at this stage. However I think I adjust quite well now. As the baby growing and I get my health better, I enjoy motherhood better too.

Thankfully I can have part-time maid here, so at least someone can do the hard work cleaning this big house. It would be perfect if my maid can also be a nanny, so I can leave the baby with her when I do my own thing outside the house sometimes. But the baby didn't get along well with her. I don't think I need a full time nanny since I don't work. I wish i had part-time nanny so at least I can do my things during weekdays like to go to pilates or beading class again. Talking about having my own time, hubby is so understanding giving me time to do my own things on weekend when he can be at home taking care the baby. I can use one day on weekend for few hours to go to malls, meet up some friends, or have pedicure or Thai massage on that occasions. Thai massage was great, btw. ;) However sometimes I prefer to be just spend my weekend with my two boys.

So here I am taking care the baby everyday (Hubby of course helps when he is at home), from A to Z, from feeding, bathing, changing nappy, putting him to bed, to playing and entertaining. A friend said that I am lucky to be a full time mum. I know now that he is right. I have privilege to witness him grow and develop day by day. I might be too attach to him now, so I don't think I have a heart to leave the baby with a nanny! Or maybe he will refuse to be taken care by anyone else but me or hubby, which will be a Big problem. Anyhow I am too tired to think of anything to avoid that problem.

Talking about the baby,... he is growing well. He must be about 8 kg and more than 70 cm tall now. He is more aware of and responsive to new things, active, and probably very active! Smile and laugh a lot, but cry a lot too sometimes. Everyday is a challenge. He often change his habits or suddenly gain new skills. I have to be fully alert and aware so I can keep up!

Last month was also when he started to have routine. It's not always the same, but in average his schedule is like this:

- 7 am = awake, play in the cot until I finish shower
- 8 am = watch TV, (while I have breakfast)
- 9 am = bath
- 10 am = nap
- 11 am = play or watch TV
- 12 pm = feeding - milk, then play
- 2 pm = nap
- 3 pm = play
- 4 pm = feeding - rice cereal, then strolling in or out the house
- 5 pm = bath
- 5.30 = feeding - milk
- 6 pm = sleep
- 3 am = feeding - milk, then back to sleep

I try to talk Indonesian as much as I could, even sing Indonesian children songs. With hope he will be bilingual. As I read and sing him some English songs too, I just realise that I've learnt more than 20 English children song in the last 2 months. From all songs, I Love You, You Love Me (theme song from Barney TV Show) and Burung Kakak Tua was his favorite songs, kind of songs that can calm him down, distract him from whatever he was doing, stop him from crying, and put him to sleep. But recently he switch Burung Kakak Tua to Cicak Cicak di Dinding! :D

Hubby and I surprised that he understands Ciluk-Ba better than Peek-A Boo. :) He will smile happily whenever he hear word Ciluk-Ba. I guess this make this become his fav game.

I'm glad that our TV subscription has lots of kids channel. I usually tune in Disney and Jim Jam channel. But only Jim Jam has all shows suits to babies. It has Barney, Thomas and Friends, Bob the Builders, Pingu, Igloo-gloo, etc. Alas, there is no pocoyo anywhere. I don't know if this is normal, but my baby has already aware of the existence of TV since he was 2 month old. And now he will giggle and move his hand and feet frantically everytime he watch Barney. His head will look for the TV whenever he hear the theme song of Thomas and Friends and Bob the Builders. Pingu also become his favorite lately.

In detail here is what my baby gained and developed last month.

His stomach has grown bigger so he doesn't need to feed so often. He had four or five bottles of milk a day. Few weeks ago he gained a new talent which was rolling over. He lifts his head and shoulders high, using his arms for support when lay on his tummy. He started to roll over from his back to his front, or vice versa. Although sometimes this upset him because he have to use his hand to support his body when at the same time he want to put things on his hand to his mouth. The other exciting thing was that he started to eat rice cereal, just once a day. Doctor worried he will not like it or will have difficulty swallowing as eating with spoon is different than sucking the milk from a teat. But the fact was he didn't have any difficulty at all. He was just enjoy it, excited, and cried as we didn't put the spoon in his mouth quick enough, and even cried to have some more!

He also now able to reach out and grab things, everything, including my hair! Once he wraps his hands around something, he'll study it then put it straight into his mouth. He always excited to see flying objects, such as musical mobile, but everything flying on top of him will make he madly excited. He also can play with his own hands and feet. So cute. One day I realise it's strangely quiet in the bedroom. So I look in, only to discover that he was amusing himself by playing with his toes. He was also wanted to be propped up or held in a sitting position. His back and neck get stronger when then one day I found him sitting without back support on his rocking chair!

I noticed he got more selective about people and surrounding. He used to smile and friendly to everyone he met, and now began to be choosy. We went out to dinner with friends few times just to find him over tired as he was too excited to see new things and couldn't sleep. When a stranger picked him up, he will look, then think, then pout, then cried! (*sigh*)

I am now excited to know what talent he will gain, what surprise he will give, and how big he will grow this month.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lowest Point on Earth

After Baptism Site, so here is a story about the sea whose the name sounds kinda creepy, Dead Sea. I believe it called the Dead Sea because nothing can live in it. There's no sea plants, fish or any kind of swimming creatures living in or near the water. What I saw instead is white, crystals of salt covering almost everything. I guess it's no ordinary table salt. The salts in the Dead Sea are mineral salts in extreme concentrations, which contains more than 35 different types of minerals that are essential for the health and care of the body skin.

The water in the Dead Sea is deadly to living things. But the good news is it's NOT deadly to human. What's so cool about the Dead Sea, that is because of the extremely high concentration of dissolved mineral salts in the water, means our bodies are much more buoyant. People can just easily float, and hard to actually swim. Hubby had tried, and it's true! Other people (including hubby) also covered their bodies (and face!) with Dead Sea mud, which was available free on the side of the sea. As for me,.. uum... I wasn't really sure to give myself to be covered by black sticky mud and float in a rather blacky salty water that day. Maybe next time, because we will (hopefully will) come back. This unique place is only about 30 minutes drive from Amman, and has modern hotels, nice public swimming pool and beach. Good destination to just have relaxing time on the water on weekend.

Have I mentioned that this place is only 420 metres below sea level. Its shores are considered as the lowest point on the surface of the Earth. How cool is that?! (Well it's actually very hot when we were there ;p). On the way there my ears was rather hurt like when I was in a plane because of the pressure. It's also make the place very very very hot in summer,but pleasant warm weather in winter.

The warning board seen along the main street. I thought it's hilarious.

The hotel we stayed in. Very satisfactory. Nice room, nice food, and it has massive and lots of pools!

floating hubby

Rocks on the seaside covered with salt

View from the one of the corner of the hotel outlooking the pool and the sea.

Private beach at the back of the hotel

The seaside

Evan doesn't look so impress :)

Monday, September 8, 2008


that's all I want to say

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

A River of History

It is He who, coming after me, is preferred before me,
whose sandals strap I am not worthy to untie.
" This all happened at Bethany on the east side of the Jordan River,
where John was baptising. (John 1:27-28)

After almost a year since our visit to Mount Nebo, we finally had a chance to go to the baptism site, Jordan River, which is believe was the place where Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist.

Now this place is open for public and pilgrimage, and are welcome to have a baptism ceremony here. However, due to earthquakes in the region and time the Jordan River has shifted, the actual baptism is no long in the path of the Jordan River. There is a small stone bowl filled with jordan river water on the side of the river available for people who want to have baptist in this site.

It's rather amazing to see that Israel is only a few feet away, separated by fences only. The river which also flows across that country made it possible to have a Baptism site on their end. However it believes there is no archaeological evidence has been found over there. Whilst on Jordan side, the excavation which were began in 1996 have uncovered more than 20 churches, caves, and baptism pools from Roman and Byzantine periods. This place also has endorsed by the Pope.

From the ticket office where we had to park our car, we then should wait for a shuttle minibus to take us to the site. We were then surprise that we actually have to walk for about 2km through the jungle of Jordan until we find the actual place where believes is the place where Jesus was baptised and where John's the baptist church is. The walk should be easy, but we found it hard. Not because of the footpath, but it was burning hot! I just realised that it's located nearly the lowest point on earth (the lowest point is Dead Sea), at over 350m below sea level. The air is thick and hot, and the temperature might be about 41C at that time.

While it's a sacred place, where we should pray and contemplate, but no time and desire to do such thing. The heat and poor Evan trapped in his hot stroller made us just to have a quick look, Can't wait to go back or be under the shelter. The souvenir shopping after that was quite good, though. Some shops have the AC on, which was a relieve, where we found some unique souvenirs to buy. We then could not wait to have a nice lunch and cool rest in one of the hotel in Dead Sea where we going to stay for a night. Off we go to Dead Sea!

Note: The actual trip to baptism site and dead sea was made on 3-4 July 2008.

waiting for the shuttle minibus

Jordan River

The actual baptism site, and John's the Baptist church and ruins at the back

place where people have baptism ceremony

New Orthodox Church of St. John the Baptist at the background. Look at Evan,... struggling with the bright sunny hot sun. :0

The other country, just across the fence.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Blue Spoon

I am 4 month old now.
I visited a nice lady yesterday who examine me and gave me two painful shots.
Apparently I weigh 7.95 kg and 70 cm tall.
I have my very first cereal today.
ooh... soo excited! Mum feed me with little blue spoon which can turn
into white if the food is too hot. cool isn't it?
Can't wait to have another feed with my blue spoon tomorrow

Monday, August 4, 2008


I like to munch everything including my fingers,
I like to sit up coz my neck is getting stronger,
and I can lift up my head when I lay on my tummy!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Where's Oma?!

nyum nyum... hmmm ...strange... nyum nyum... it sounds like Oma...nyum nyum....
i'm sure it's Oma talking,.... but I only can see mum here ....nyum nyum......

Monday, July 14, 2008

My Mum

My mum went back to Jakarta yesterday evening after spending 2 month here with us. She had no choice than flew across the continent for more than 20 hours to see her first grandson. it was a brave thing to do considering she had to travel alone to a strange country. Arrived on the 19th of May, she suffered a jet lag for 1,5 weeks (*grin*).

It's been a year since the last time I met her, and it's been 3 years since I move from my parents house. I'm happy to finally have family visiting us. Even though we never lost contact, it's hard to explain about my new life style and the way we live here if they are not experience themselves. So it was really nice to have her in our house (I wish dad could come too, but he has business to run - 2 months was to long). It's funny, I hardly talk and do things together while we were in Jakarta. I can't remember when was the last time we went holiday together. Here, we had fun doing things together, catching up and talk about many things, and travel around.

It was only 2 months, but so many things happened. We've gone through a lot of changes especially in the milestone and growth of Evan. His schedule, habit, and skills changed quite fast so that we didn't have time to breathe. Mum help us a lot with that. She loves spending time with Evan, cuddling, carrying and playing with him. We had lot of laugh together. She help me going through the misery of breastfeeding and c-sec wound problem and gave us a few tips and tricks on taking care of Evan. She also help us with some of the house chores like cooking, laundry and iron. And we had a great time travelling out of town a few times.

I am now feel a lot better from the c-sec and have more confidence in taking care Evan. It's been a lot of fun with mum here. I wouldn't know what to do without her. I miss her as soon as she walk out the door. Thanks Mum!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Member Of The Church

Please meet the new member of the church, Christopher Evan Ellis Richards.

Now is time to baptise the bub. It strange... never thought I would have child and baptise him in the far far away land.....

Anyway, we looove to have Evan baptised at Jordan River, where believed was the place where Jesus was baptised by John. Especially while we live here, in this region. It will be a nice special baptism for our bub! But our trip to that place few weeks ago changed our mind. The place was incredibly hot in summer and we had to take long walk to get into the baptism spot. We were all scorched! I had bad headache after. We wanted to get the baptism done before my mum leaves, which was only about 3 more weeks at that time, so we were then consulting our intention to the priest. The arrangement was not difficult at all. We could choose any date as long as it is on weekend usual Mass, and we just need to bring a candle. Based on our condition and situation, the best time to do it was on the 12th of July. It was just an coincidence that it would be a day before my mum is leaving to Jakarta, and a day when Evan turn 3 month old.

Evan was the only baby who was baptised on that day, and that was his second time visiting Church. The first time was the week before and it was a drama. He was so tired but couldn't sleep. So he cried and cried. I had to carry him the whole Mass (*sigh*). On the big day, he was a cranky boy the whole morning. The mass started at 5pm, made us worried if he is going to behave in the church. I had a bit of flu and the weather was very hot. We were all thinking he might catch my flu too, so we gave him small doze of panadol. He then able to sleep about 45 minutes before we hit the Church. By surprise, he was such an angel in the church. He behave, no cry, no cranky the whole mass. Not sure if he was very tired from kicking and crying the whole day or it was panadol working.

The mass/ceremony went well. Evan baptised with his Oma and Opa as his Godparents, and using Christopher as baptised name. Few friends came to the Mass and lots of people congratulate him and said how nice and behave he was. He looked a bit girly in her white clothing, but he looked cute and that's the only suitable clothes we could find in such a short time. We are all glad it's been done, and now our job as parents to be the first teacher to teach and raise him in the practice of the faith by what our say and do. Such a hard job, but we'll get there.

click on the pic to get closer look.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gain No More

I was very happy to realise that I lost 12 kg within 2 weeks after given birth. I thought would be easy and fast to loose another 5 kg to get to my normal weight and shape. Alas that was it. No more weight lost! (*hiks*) Very slow recovery from c-sec and no more breastfeeding might be the cause.

It's been almost 3 months now but I still can't wear my old clothes. They are all look sooo tiny now (*sob sob*). I desperately need new wardrobe! To make it worse, today I found out that I gain 2 kg!

Oh, dear.... I need diet and lots and lots of exercise!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Attempt

Let me fly, let me fly!

First Barbell

don't disturb. I'm busy exercising with my new barbell.
one.. two... one... two....

Jagoan Ngempeng

summer is here. The day can be very hot sometimes. But I like summer clothing. I can move more freely and show my muscly arms in them:)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Shot

I'm 2 months old now!
I went to Jerash yesterday. Although it was a very hot day, and I stroll around in my stroller on bumpy stony streets, mum, dad, and Oma took a good care of me so I feel comfortable, didn't get too much sun and still have a nice breeze coming to my seat. I slept the whole walk through. I felt pretty thirsty and hungry just in time when we were about to reach a restaurant. I had a feed there and few pictures with mum. Do I look good in red or what?! :)

I had my first immunisation today. Wasn't pleasant at all as I had 2 shots! I could handle the first one, but I scream very loud on the second shot. The loudest scream I've ever made (*grin*) Mum and Oma then gave me a bit of liquid that taste different today. It taste sweet. They said it's a syrup for making me not having temperature from the shot.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Wonder From The Past

After more than 1 year living in this country, last weekend we finally went to Petra, 3 hours drive from Amman. That was our first long trip with Evan. Travel out of town with bub was a challenge. Our luggage was massive for only to stay for 2 nights as we brought everything for him. From powder to nappies, from milk to steriliser and thermos.

Evan is still too small for exploring Petra, so we take turn to go to the site. Someone should stay at the hotel with Evan, and therefore we can not explore the site too long.

Petra itself is huge! It takes more than 3 days if you want to see everything in details. I and mum managed to walk only to the amphitheater, which was not even the half way, whilst Hubby able to walk further to the Monastery.

As we thought we have taken everything with us, we forgot to bring little single thing: camera charger. Found out later that it was a big mistake! Even though we had more than 300 photos, we still missed so many things, especially the walk from Amphitheater to the Monastery. That's the only downsize of this trip.

I may not explore the whole Petra, may not walk up to the Monastery, may not satisfied with the photos, but I can say I've been to Petra ;p I've seen the great Treasury and gone through the long walk, the walk I didn't image I can do considering my c-sec wound still hurting (Yes, still!! :( .... ). I've experience the atmosphere, the place, surrounding, and the locals, which were all amazing. We might not be able to reach Petra if my mum wasn't here. So thanks to mum :). She's enjoying the walk and scenery too, of course. At the end everybody's tired but happy. :)

Check out more photos here

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Since Then

I stroll around the complex in my stroller, just to have fresh air in the evening,
and for mum and dad and oma to shop in local minimarket and vegetable shop

I grow lots of pimples lately. Started from my cheeks, then spread around my face and head. Mum was worried and took me to doctor last week. Doctor said nothing to worry about. It will go away by itself in a a couple of months.

My first trip out of town. This is at Mount Nebo, about 45 minutes from Amman. It was hot! But I like going out. The girls (mum and oma) then had a lot of mozaik shopping in a town nearby.

I am being pampered by Oma lately. Love it :)

Yay! my tummy is full, bum is clean, i'm happy and want to play now.

I am at the Mariott hotel Petra with mum, dad, and oma. My first long trip by car. 3 hours in the car was hot, but it's ok with me. I slept most of the time, and I just stayed in the hotel during our 2 nights stay. It has nice and comfy bed. I slept very well at night. Mum and dad like it because they were tired from the walking during the day.

I like to have people around and laugh, talk and play with them. My best mood to do that is after I finish my milk. Seems like people love me doing that as they talked and laugh back at me. But, I would cry so hard and loud when I'm hungry. Nothing can stop me screaming when I'm hungry! Looks like it was very annoying for mum and dad, though...