Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Half Year Old

My little boy has turn 6 month old about 2 weeks ago. It's a big thing turning 6 month old! he will have big changes in his body and development, in feeding, milk, and socialising. All so exciting. We planned to have a little special time with him on that day, but couldn't do. He was so not in the mood all day. In the first two weeks since he turn 6 month was actually a hard times. His body was struggling to adjust to new milk so that he had bad constipation and sore bottom. He also had to get use to new feeding schedule and vegetable puree. And to add the misery, he started teething, so he got sore and itchy gum. He was a cranky and hard to please little boy! I was feel sorry for him so that I decided to not give him vegetable puree until he settle in with the other new food. Doctor agreed to that idea too.

What happened in the last few weeks when he was still 5 month old?

His physical developments are coming fast and furiously. If I place him on his stomach, he'll extend her arms and legs and arch his back, and when on his back, he'll lift her head and shoulders trying to sit. He got very frustrated sometimes to lay down all the time and not able to sit up by himself. He enjoyed his 'saucer' very much. He could balance his feet, bounce up and down and bite the toys around it. He is come to the point where he can't stay still even for 1 second! Think he sick of half laying on his bouncing chair, so he started to bring his body to the front into a sitting position.

His favourite words are 'ciluk ba', 'pingu', and 'igloo gloo'. He will have big smile when he hear those words. He blowed raspberry or making bubbles quite a lot too. He started to respond to word 'Hi' on the last week of his 5 month. He will smile and sometimes say back 'hei!' :) As for songs, Cicak-cicak di Dinding is no longer his favourite song. Satu-satu Aku Sayang Mummy is replacing it

He was strong enough to hold bottle but couldn't really feed himself just yet. However he could grasp small object with one hand easily. He love to touch and grasp hair and face! Sometimes even open his mouth so big as he close his face toward my face as if he want to eat my head!

Sometimes he became anxious when I leave the room and he couldn't see me anymore, but he recognise the sounds of footsteps, maybe he knows someone is there even though he couldn't really see them. He realised where sounds come from, and turned quickly toward a new one.

He could also shows a strong attachment by raising his arms when he wants to be picked up and crying when you leave the room. He laugh at funny expressions or positions. He was a happy little boy, laugh and smile a lot. His favourite toy is probably paper, which is not a toy at all! He loves to play with papers and it is the only thing that can make him cry so loud if I took it off him and determined to get it back.

I started to introduce him to family pictures. I developed photos of grandmas, grandpas, aunties and uncles individually and put them in special small album. Showed it in play time and talk about the people in the photographs. About the same time, I started to limit the use of pacifier with aim to wean him from pacifier as soon as possible. He didn't get pacifier when he is awake anymore, but still use it during sleep time.

His schedule and pattern were so organise and still the same as when he was 4 month old. However, about a week before he turned 6 month old, suddenly he changed his routine. Also hard to sleep and had sleeplessness nap in the afternoon. He didn't finish his milk and cranky all day. Later I know that it's all because of he was teething! However, he didn't like to munch teether, but love to munch everything other than teether, especially papers, books, and other plastic object which hard such as remote control and handphone.

Last month was Ramadhan month, so there was not much activities and invitations. We spent most days at home. But the quiet month has finished, and now the activities back to normal. I got so many invitations. Everyone suddenly missed me and forced me to go out with the little boy (*grin*).

His schedule has changed since he turn 6 month old into this:

7 am = awake
8 am = bottle
9 am = bath
10 am = cereal
11 am = morning nap
12 pm = bottle
3 pm = afternoon nap
4 pm = cereal
5 pm = bath
6 pm = bottle
7 pm = sleep

Sometimes he sleep through the night, but sometimes he awake and have another bottle around 3 or 4 am. I also give him 100ml mix of water and apple juice a day. This routine may change soon as he seems get used to the new milk. I'll try to give him vegetable puree in the afternoon.

My little boy is getting bigger, can not wait to see what's new on him this month.

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