Monday, December 22, 2008


I've been questioning myself of what changes I've made since I have a baby. These are just a few that come across my mind now.

1. No more lady of leisure.

2. Become a morning person - well,... not exactly. I wish I could sleep till 9am every morning or at least on weekend. But the little boy won't let me :)

3. Everyday is a new adventure, every day is a surprise - this is the exciting and fun part

4. No more dull boring days - no more wake up and think what I'm going to do today.

5. I look at the little boy in the mirror instead of myself - well, i usually looked dreadful (*sigh*)

6. I don't mind going to bed at 9pm - as I started to loose energy around 5 pm

7. appreciate 'silence' more - hearing the little boy bubbling and winging away are enjoyable, but when he asleep and watching him sleeping in a warm quite room... it's a gold!

8. taking a warm shower + washing hair is a luxury - means I have a couple more minute to pamper myself.

9. sit down and relax in front of TV for more than 1/2 hour is an oddity - call me strange, but really, there's no time to watch my favourite series. Even when they were repeated few days in a day.

10. Running with hours instead of running on the treadmill - every day goes so fast I'm not even realised.

11. Conscious to 'time' more than ever - found out that I rely on the clock a lot to take care a baby. Days were timeless before.

12. cinema ? what's that ?! - impossible to go to cinema with little boy. So forget it.

13. Little boy's pain feels much worse than my own - little bit of abnormalities even though it's not harmful made me sad and worried so much.

14. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please me (Hooray for poop!) - I guess that's simply becoz I have no choice but HAVE TO deal with it.

15. I discover how much to say just for two teeth - I might be bored people with all the talk about my little boy every time we are in a conversation. He is just my world at the moment.

16. Clothing shopping for myself became priority number 100. - I can't remember the last time I walk in to a clothing shop. What a major change!

17. I discover an inner strength I never thought I have - I'm survive so far. I guess it made me strong and I proud of it.

18 . I give parents with a screaming child an 'I know the feeling' look, instead of a 'Can't you shut him up?' - between mums, we understand each other now :)

19. I give more attention to everyone who has gone or have to go through surgery/operation. - having a c-section just open my eyes to the misery of the recovery post surgery. Not too nice.

20. and, I guess I respect my parents and love them in a new way

Happy Mother's Day for my lovely Mum, and to all mums in Indonesia.

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