Sunday, December 21, 2008

cheeky little boy

Evan, 8 months old, eating puree in the restaurant

My little boy has turned 8 months old a week ago. People say he looks like me but tall/big like his dad. As for myself, people said I looked slim and well. That's probably because of little exercises I had to do with the little boy who really very difficult to stay still when he is awake. And he is only at this age. He hasn't really crawl or walk yet! I don't even want to imagine what's it's going to be like.

Lots of new things happened when he was 7 months old. All fun, funny, and exciting.

I guess the most advance skill he gained last month was that he can sit unsupported. Started from lay-back position, by pushing his head and body with his elbows and use his right hand as support. After he mastered it, then he was strong enough to be sitting up from down-ward position. It was surprising and rather worrying when I found him sitting up and playing in the cot where he supposed to be sleeping. We adjusted the height of the bed to the second level as soon as possible.
He was also started reaching for things and scooping them up with one hand easily. He was having so much fun exploring all of his toys and became more active. I think he got excited that he could do new things. So I started to put him in the big playing bed more with hope that he could learn how to crawl freely without banging his head on the hard floor. He went to "precrawl" exercise, rocking back and forth on hands and knees with her trunk parallel to the floor, didn't know how to move the knees. He moved the hands forward, but no the knees. So many times he got frustrated that he couldn't reach toys which were far from him.

As he still love simple 'ciluk-ba', he also like books. He like me reading a book. He would sit quietly on the sofa, listen and touch the book. He also would sit, play and touch every picture on every pages of one particular book: Colour Book. However easily get distracted by TV especially when he heard the theme songs of the shows he knew. So funny to see him squeak and scream a little with excitement every time he sees the intro of Oswald and James The Cat. Other toys he seemed to love the most was the singing ball. It was also interesting to see that he like Matahari Terbenam song :)

Eating and drinking was easy. He never refused spoon, which was good. He even get more portion from 2 table spoon to 4-5 tablespoon as I noticed he kept open his mouth asking for more. I kept making puree and started new things slowly. He started to get pumpkin and baby biscuit (only sometimes - not in his daily diet). Also he trained to drink water/juice from the 'sippy cup'. It's rather tricky as he thought it's a toy. At first he just bite away the spout. So I tried to let him know that there's juice inside it by taking out the valve that controls the flow. Then I put the valve back in and he would understand to suck for his drink. I had to remind him from time to time though.

I tried to make him socialise more. But still, every time he sees new people/stranger he will scream and cry. I hosted the play group in my house for the first time last month.

I never mentioned this before, that he was still sleeping in my room. However he sleep in his own cot. As he turn 7 month old, I started to prepare him to sleep in his own room which is just next to my room. Luckily we have space which big enough to move the cot between rooms. I moved his cot to his room for morning and afternoon nap.

I guessed he also developed how to show emotion and mood. When he was bored, he would scream so loud with his eyes looking at me. Sometimes he tried to get attention by calling me 'eeh'... ! :)

I think that's all I can remember from last month. He is now getting more active and hardly stay still. Also more 'vocal'. I am getting used to go out more. As the time goes by, Christmas is near. It would be the first Christmas for my little boy. We bought him lots (maybe too much) of Christmas presents today. Hope he'll like it. I'm excited. :)

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