I, Me, and Myself

I’m just an ordinary girl whose like to share my ordinary life. Definitely not a morning person. Rather complicated with lot of things going on my head. Some people say I have a very active mind and so I become a real dreamer (read: I dream when I sleep, every night). Open minded yet stubborn and moody. Flexible, easy going and friendly yet can be totally grumpy, cynical, and quite at the same time.
Like to hang around with friends and love ones, yet appreciate myself and other people privacy and so enjoyed my own space.

Appreciate beautiful things like art, design, photography, flowers, jewelry, buildings, and craft. At the stage of learning of making beautiful art and handmade myself. Not bad in cooking, but it’s not my cup of tea. I love eating. I eat most everything, loves my mum’s, Thai and seafood. I am a coffee addict. I like black coffee, or special Darwin Ice coffee, and nice thick-well presented cappuccino.
I like to go to the gym coz I like to jog, walk, swim, bike, do weight, aerobic, and yoga -and any sport that doesn’t involve any ball. I like little dog or fish but not that I wanted them as a pet. I have my hand full already with the little boy. Freak out to any kind of reptiles, including little gecko. My books and music are from all genres: from trashy chicklits to literatures, from easy pop to heavy jazz, classic and opera. I like independent and foreign movies, those which the scene and acts would trap in my head at least for a few days after I watched it. Star Trek - The Next Generation is the science fiction series I like the most. Hate ‘not happy ending’ movies and say a big no to movies about natural disasters.

I am currently juggling my time between being a housewife, a mum, and an employee. Life for me (and my little family) is never been slow. Instead, always busy and rather crazy. I like to be busy and try and see new things. I love to explore the world and going out with friends. I always enjoy shopping (and bargain) especially for clothes, bags, shoes, jewelry, and other girly things. Wishes I can be more arty and creative, dream to have my own business one day.

Born and grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia, moved to Australia in 2005, currently living with my loving hubby and a adorable baby boy in Thursday Island, QLD, Australia. We want to keep a healthy, simple, and happy life together.

August 2011