Tuesday, September 30, 2008

you might just knew that I...

1. smell papers. What would I do first when I open new book fresh from the store? I'll browse and smell it! Same thing with new CD covers and cards.
2. am a dreamer. Meaning: I always have dreams when I sleep. Meaning: I sleep well and tight when I dream. In contrary, I would wake up tired if I had no dream. I had a dream journal at one stage, it stopped when i was pregnant because sleep is a hard thing to do, or if I had dream it's impossible to remember.
3. like everything organised and plan ahead. I'd choose what am I going to wear a night before. I prepare my luggage at least a week before I go travelling.
4. hate cleaning, but sort of a neat freak. I can't sleep if the dishes hasn't washed. Can't stand to see stack of dirty clothes or mound of clean un-iron clothes.
5. eat noodle with rice even though I know it means double carbo-hydrate. I just love it that way.
6. like my coffee Black at home or office. Cuppa of coffee in the morning is a must, otherwise I'll turn to a zombie (had yucky decaffeinated during pregnancy). Cappuccino is the kind of coffee I'd have at the hang-out places.
7. walk around back and forth when talking on the phone (thank God for wireless and handphone)
8. am addicted to internet. Will jump up and down, wailing, and cranky without it.
9. think secret agent is the coolest job, but a doctor or a lawyer - like the one in Hollywood's tv series - is my dream job.
10. wrote diary since I was 12 year old, as a result I have more than 10 written diary. I still have them all. Only stop when I start this blog in 2005.
11. keep old handwritten cards and letters.
12. hate to be alone, but annoyed to be with around people too long. Just like to have my time alone sometimes.

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