Tuesday, October 21, 2008

life from a balcony

I live in a top floor of the apartment building number 5.

I love everything about this apartment building, except that it has stairs (in small steps), in the ground floor corridor where the main door is. It didn't really matter before, but now it start to annoy me. It's not user friendly for people who walk in wheels like handicaps or babies in the stroller. I'm not strong enough to carry the whole stroller plus baby in it through the stairs. While I can't be so mobile anymore, it would be nice to stroll outside the house sometimes for a change, especially in the weather like now. It started to get cooler but not so cold. It's warm, not hot. But alas, I can't do it just because of those little annoying stairs around the main door!

What I can do is only take the stroller out to the medium or big size balconies in my apt. Or sometimes I just carry the little boy out there to see things and feel the fresh air. The routine to walk/stroll in the medium balcony has been going on since about 7 weeks ago, around 4-6pm, before the little boy's bath time. This medium balcony is facing east and the main street where other buildings are, so it's busier than the other balcony and not sunny during those hours.

I was not intentionally observing, but went out to the same spot everyday at the same time,... I can't help myself to notice unimportant routines that happened around my neighbourhood:

- a van will deliver a box of meal for the guard of the building next door
- a white-brown cat will move back and fort or sit on the top of the wall fence across the street
- a grey Prado will come and park at building number 4 across the street, then a well dressed women with a toddler and a baby carried by maid will emerge from the front door and jump into the car
- a car will stop in front of my building, the driver will dial his hand phone. Not long after a teenage boy will come out of my building and jump into the car.
- a funky sport car will stop across the street, at the building number 4, to let a trendy women out of the passenger seat then the car will leave with loud sound
-a truck selling gas will pass on the other street, it has loud musical sound like ice cream seller.
- a man who I guess is a driver will clean a car across the street
- two Filipino maids will be at the front of the house number 6 across the street, gardening. Sometimes they chat with the maid who is watering the garden at the first floor in my building.
- my neighbour at the first floor watering her garden every second day.
- a man will walk a dog that looks like chihuahua. The man always busy with his hand phone. Either texting, or talking on the phone.
- a boy will pass by with his bike, with two plastic of arabic breads hanging on each side of the handlebar.

Very unnecessary. But that's one of the thing that keep my mind in place after being at home the whole day.


cendee said...

buset deh sapi..parah loh.hhaahhaha

Anonymous said...

bow..hari geneee...gak ada elevator gitu....-bams-

Nencee said...

aduuu..pak bams! lift ada lah bow. kalo nggak ada mati gue naek ke lantai 4 tiap kali. Maksud gue itu anak tangga buat variasi doang di gedung, di lantai paling bawah pas keluar dari lift, menuju pintu utama, dan beberapa anak tangga lagi setelah pintu.