Friday, October 24, 2008

out of comfort zone

I wonder what's going on when some of my friends called me recently. They asked how did I go, asked me to go out, offered help, and came to my house for a short visit. Apparently they haven't seen me for ages and started to missed me! (i'm not making this up, they told me) :)

It's probably true. I realise that my world has only been with the little boy in the last 6 months, and my house has been my only comfort zone, far from socialising world that I used to be in. After ramadhan finished I received many invitations and turned down many too. By the sound of them, I think they were concerned that I'll be a prisoner in my own house and will depress soon or later (*grin*).

Yes sometimes I wanted to go out, sometimes I get so tired and cranky. But I enjoyed being at home too. I need more time to be more confidence to bring Evan out. Need time to find right babysitter. Besides, I can go out on weekend. But my friends said it's been 6 months, and it's time to start to be mobile again.

Ah well,.... they might be right. I'll try to go out more or invite some people in so that Evan also can get used to other people. Have started last week when I went to mothers group and mall. That was good. I'll take it slowly, though and hopefully bit by bit I'll build my confidence to take him everywhere.

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