Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Shot

I'm 2 months old now!
I went to Jerash yesterday. Although it was a very hot day, and I stroll around in my stroller on bumpy stony streets, mum, dad, and Oma took a good care of me so I feel comfortable, didn't get too much sun and still have a nice breeze coming to my seat. I slept the whole walk through. I felt pretty thirsty and hungry just in time when we were about to reach a restaurant. I had a feed there and few pictures with mum. Do I look good in red or what?! :)

I had my first immunisation today. Wasn't pleasant at all as I had 2 shots! I could handle the first one, but I scream very loud on the second shot. The loudest scream I've ever made (*grin*) Mum and Oma then gave me a bit of liquid that taste different today. It taste sweet. They said it's a syrup for making me not having temperature from the shot.

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