Monday, July 14, 2008

My Mum

My mum went back to Jakarta yesterday evening after spending 2 month here with us. She had no choice than flew across the continent for more than 20 hours to see her first grandson. it was a brave thing to do considering she had to travel alone to a strange country. Arrived on the 19th of May, she suffered a jet lag for 1,5 weeks (*grin*).

It's been a year since the last time I met her, and it's been 3 years since I move from my parents house. I'm happy to finally have family visiting us. Even though we never lost contact, it's hard to explain about my new life style and the way we live here if they are not experience themselves. So it was really nice to have her in our house (I wish dad could come too, but he has business to run - 2 months was to long). It's funny, I hardly talk and do things together while we were in Jakarta. I can't remember when was the last time we went holiday together. Here, we had fun doing things together, catching up and talk about many things, and travel around.

It was only 2 months, but so many things happened. We've gone through a lot of changes especially in the milestone and growth of Evan. His schedule, habit, and skills changed quite fast so that we didn't have time to breathe. Mum help us a lot with that. She loves spending time with Evan, cuddling, carrying and playing with him. We had lot of laugh together. She help me going through the misery of breastfeeding and c-sec wound problem and gave us a few tips and tricks on taking care of Evan. She also help us with some of the house chores like cooking, laundry and iron. And we had a great time travelling out of town a few times.

I am now feel a lot better from the c-sec and have more confidence in taking care Evan. It's been a lot of fun with mum here. I wouldn't know what to do without her. I miss her as soon as she walk out the door. Thanks Mum!

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