Monday, December 31, 2007

Before Year End

Some people asked me how I went with my pregnancy. Just realise that I didn't put much stories about it here. That was simply because I have other journal where I post the development of the bub every week and all the joy and complaint related to the pregnancy, including photos, ultrasound, and videos. But it requires permission if you want to have a look at it. Unlike other people who are pretty open to show her own tummy to anyone, for me I thought it's rather private. But I'll be happy to share it with my friends. Just send me message or email me.

In this time of the year, I thought I'll share with you a bit from my preggy journal.
Last Saturday I went to obgyn for another monthly check up and had another ultrasound. As I only can feel bub's nudges, and don't feel the kick yet, I asked the Doc if that's normal. He said the bub is kicking but I might not feel it because he is still small and this is my first so I might not sensitive enough to feel it. We could see through the ultrasound that the bub is moving a lot, and his heart is beating. Doc also said that the bub is now weight 900 gr. Good news is all are looking good, perfect baby, nothing to worry about. Doc also said to Hubby that I am worry too much!! Hhhh.... Hubby just laughed, very happy to get a partner in crime who agree with him since he's also been telling me over and over that I am worry too much about everything. (*ugh*). But I couldn't help being worry. I guess, it will happen to all women on their first pregnancy. I still think I'm normal! (*stubborn grin*) ....

Recently I'm craving for sweets more than usual. I even couldn't help myself to get a donut after ordering cheese croissant when I had small lunch with my friend last week. My friend noticed and said, ooh,.. I don't know if you like donut! :D Well, not that I like donut so much, usually I will not be bother. I was just looking at it and it look sooo tempting that time :) Also I started to eat more sweet, cakes, and biscuits at home.. and coke and teh botol!

I also do have itchy skin lately! around my belly, hips, thighs, and legs. I've been using body lotion and butter cream from Body Shop to reduce the itch and stretch mark. However, I haven't seen any stretch mark on my tummy by far. Hopefully never!

As for pregnant 'shape',... o ya,... I definitely have that shape now. Tummy is really growing, and it's getting bigger and rounder. I weight 56 kg, gained around 9 kg so far. I feel heavy on my lower back, and have a very bad back ache, particularly at the up left side. It's a hard work every night lately to be able to sleep well at night since it was very hard to find comfortable position to balance tummy and back.

The pregnancy went very fast without I even realised. It is only around 4 months more to go. I'm sure it will go very quick too. New Year is coming soon, next year will be very different and merrier for me and Hubby, with little bub come into our life. Can't wait!


Hope 2008 brings lots of great things your way, good health and happiness.

End of 2007, 24 weeks preggy.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

So It Is Christmas

So Christmas is finally here. I was wishing for a white christmas, but unfortunately (or luckily), no snow today. :)

This year we are celebrating Christmas differently. No presents - as we thought we already have too much presents for ourselves during the holiday last month, we had no roast which Andrew usually make for Christmas lunch - as we didn't have time to do it. We went to church at 12pm on christmas day and invited to dinner at friend's house in the evening, and no church on christmas eve as we usually do every year - as I still not feeling too well and Andrew was tired from work. Yeah,... it sounds like very ordinary day.

But Christmas not always about presents, festive, and roast. We called and talked with both of our families in 2 countries, and we are glad they are all healthy and celebrated christmas safe and sound. We are thankful for our families and their support, thankful with our partner's warm companion, and especially thankful for the little bub coming. In the evening we had a great time at dinner with friends.

I feel blessed and happy. That's all I need on Christmas day.

from both of us :)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Poor G Of Mine

It must be hard to be a g-string, especially it's back side, where it always have to stuck between buttocks. Lucky if it gets to clean nice puffy fragrant buttock. I feel so sorry for them....

Mmmm..... i'm not sure why I wrote this. It might be effect of the flu. ;p

But also maybe because I accidentally bought wrong undies and can't wear them. About 5 of them, and all are g-string model. I never have or worn g-string before and too lazy to return it back. So I thought I would try and keep it. It looks cute anyway. I understand it was made for women and men who especially have nice buttock, to show off their buttock, or for other people who need to wear it when they wear white or tight pants, and swimwear. And it does look good when i see other people wear it. But I didn't work for me. Not that I don't look good (*grin*) but mainly coz I don't feel convenient. I tried few times,... but always can't last long. At least half day and I would change to usual undies again. Well, at least I've tried. While I'm sure some people used to wear this and feel convenient, still I wonder if some other people feel inconvenient but wear it anyway just for the sake of their buttock's look in public. I can't see if it's worth it enough for me. Being convenient when you wearing something is number one for me, especially if it's about underwear. I do not see the need for me to use g-strings model. My buttock looks good enough already with usual undies. :D I've decided, I'm not a g-string person! ;p

So I don't know what to do with my g-strings now. They might just sit in the drawer for a looooong time.

Btw, I woke up this morning feeling much better than yesterday. But I still feeling weak, have runny nose and sore mucle and a bit of cough (*uhuk..uhuk..*)

Sicky Day

It happened so fast.

Started with funny feeling on my throat yesterday evening, then sneezed a lot, followed to runny nose like a leaking tap, and only can breath through mouth at night and of course couldn't sleep. I woke up this morning feeling terrible. Dizzy, sore throat, sore muscles and weak. I think I have a bit of fever too. I hate flu, and as I'm pregnant now I hate it more. Upset and frustrated as I can't take any drugs other than panadol.

I felt as gloomy as the weather outside today. I treated myself with couple cup of tea with honey, chicken soup, orange juice and plenty of warm water. Couldn't go to doctor as today is a weekend holiday. Besides, I'm confused as do I have to see GP or my Obgyn. Really hope I feel better in a couple of days without seeing doctor and taking special antibiotics. (*grunt grunt*)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Answer Of The Big Question


Anyone who don't want to know the answer of the BIG QUESTION is not recommended to continue to read this post.

Well, we know the answer of our curious question, finally.

After 2 monthly check up, and had a couple of thorough ultrasound, we (doctor, I, and hubby) are now sure that our baby is.... a boy!

So we are going to have a baby boy! I still can't believe that sometimes. Life is changing so quickly for me lately. At least that's what I felt!

Anyway we both happy with the result and started to fill our mind with plans. One of them is find a boy name. I tell you, it's not easy. Boy's name are so average while girl name can be more varies and interesting. We threw names out and also look up some options on the internet. After a few days we finally have a short list, and from it we have one that we both like the most. Seems like we have our choice, but we are still open to other names and going to see if we can find other name on the way.

So many things to think about baby, and we are looking forward to have another team work to welcome the baby into the world.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas is in The Air

Cool weather, christmas trees and decoration in the shops and malls, and christmas functions. I even found some street seller change their merchandise into Santa hat and fresh point sepia plants. Surprise surprise seems like Christmas in Amman won't be too bad after all. After settled down from the holiday I started take out christmas decoration from the cupboard and have put up bit of it around the house. We don't have christmas tree. At first was thinking what kind of christmas without christmas tree (I used to have christmas tree every year at home in Jakarta), but we survived, we always have good christmas. It's not about the tree. But the companion, friends and our heart ;p. As to light up the christmas feeling in the house without tree, it's even better as I'm challenged to do something different every year with simple and same decoration. Other than christmas songs playing every morning, here is a little christmasy stuff in the corner of our house this year.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Back In Town

I'm back in dusty and cold Amman. Yes, it's cold, as we are officially in a winter season. We were back on Friday night (4 days ago) and been busy with household things and catch up with friends. Also tried to catch few photos to show from more than 1300 photos we have from the trip, and I only could upload 50 of them. See the "Picture Of My Life" on the left bar.

I had a lot of walk up and down the stony street around Italy. Whilst we have a few day with clear blue sky and sun, but mostly we have gloomy rainy days. The temperature fell down to 2 degrees at some nights, but mostly around 6-12 degree. As for walking, surely I can't walk too fast and carry heavy things around with my preggy condition. But I have Hubby to carry bag pack and shopping bags, (and suitcases) and he was very patient to wait and walk with me in my 'granny' walk. We had a relaxing trip and not in a rush. So I felt pretty relax and enjoyed it. Of course I usually got very tired at the end of the day, usually had sore back and waist and just have no energy. But Hubby was ready to give me gentle massage before sleep. :)

In 21 days we've done pretty good in travelling around middle, south and north Italy, managed to visit about at least 18 towns by plane, car (Hubby drove), train, bus, and ferry. Started from Rome, we drove to Positano via Capua, then spent a day in Sorrento. Then we went to Orvietto visa Pompeii, then a night in Asisi via Todi, Spoleto, Montefalco and Spolegno. Spent couples night in Sienna, then headed to Pisa via Monterigioni and San Gimignano, then drop the car off in Florence where we spent 3 days there. We took a train to Venice and spent another 3 nights, where we spent one day in a close town, Padua. And back to Rome from Venice by train, spent another night in Rome before going back to Amman the next day.

Hubby enjoyed driving in the country side, The autumn scenery was nice when we get to Tuscany. But the tuscany view must be much much better in summer.

I was looking forward to taste the real Italian food before we go. But then we both a bit shock with it. Real Italian pasta and pizza are not as rich as pasta and pizza we usually eat. They don't put too much in it. Pasta usually just plain and serve as first main menu (meaning it wont be too much portion - sort of like appetiser). As a main you can have grilled chicken, pork chop, or steak, also plain and small portion. We found that eating out in a normal restaurant quite expensive. But as the time go by, we got use to it and decided that the food is healthier than food we usually eat, and planned to change the way we cook. Hubby even have some idea for him to cook at home that he pick from the trip.

I was also surprise that people still enjoying a cup of ice cream in 2 degree weather. I know the Italian ice cream, gelato is very very nice, but I imagine it would be very cold for your throat and body. Anyhoo, I could not resist to eat it too one day, too many ice cream shop and people eating it. So tempting! It was nice, and it was truly cold. :)

As for the masterpiece from the Michael Angelo and friends,.... it was just AMAZING. Italy has so many churches, duomo, basilica, piazza, ruins and museums loaded with amazing and unique carvings, fresco, painting, statues, and arts. It was so brilliantly made and well maintained. We entered and saw so many churches and museum along the way, so that we felt tired to enter museums again once we reach Florence. A slight regret that I didn't go to Uffizi Museum where they have a lot of famous masterpiece... but I felt so tired at the time we got there and the queue was long. Then we don't have time to see it the next day.

It was again a new adventure for me. Overall, it was a tiring and expensive holiday, but certainly worth it, and we are glad we did it. Hubby was in a good mood the whole trip, done a lot of hard work during the trip (carry bag, drove and read the maps), and we had a wonderful quality time together, and we learnt new hopefully healthy habits during the trip that we will keep it in our daily life.

Btw, pregnancy is going ok. Baby is good. I think I could feel the baby movement very slightly since I was in the plane on the way back to Amman. It was just very slight jolt around my belly. We went to doctor the next day after we back, and doctor said everything looks fine. Doctor did a thorough ultrasound check and record it in a dvd. It was awesome! My tummy definitely growing as I entered the 5th month (20 weeks) last Saturday. I gained around 7 kg so far, and i think I look very chubby! and I need new big legging for winter!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Bad, Good, Great

Finally..... I can log in to blogger! I don't know what happened with my internet connection, but it's been very hard to log into Blogger and browsing Youtube. Also have trouble in opening some websites like Baby Centre and BBC, and some blogs which are hosted by blogger. Or if could get in to Blogger, I could not save my posting or upload photos. Soooooo frustrating. Made five calls to the internet provider to complain, but got nothing but conclusion that they have no problem with my internet connection.

And that's one reason why I haven't been blogging lately.

The other reason is that I was busy. I have things to do almost everyday that forced me to go out and spent times with friends and new people and had a blast of Indonesian food! I had class and project to do a home, had some things to prepare and to researched for application, had to find and book some things for the coming plan holiday, went to International Bazaar where hubby busy voluntering at the Australian lam burger stand, and I was only busy strolling along and eat bakso and sate from Indonesian food stand, and got invited to the meeting of Ibu-ibu Dharma Wanita of the Indo Embassy. They usually get together every month and have cake/craft demonstration and arisan! I think I was expected to join the arisan too. But at the time I went there, they have a feast to celebrate Eid. O... My... God.... the food....for people who live far away from home town like me, eating authentic food was something luxurious, especially if it's free :D. Started from martabak telor and krupuk rengginang, followed by main course: lodeh, ayam goreng, dendeng balado, teri goreng kacang dan pete (yes, pete!!!!), and sambel goreng cumi. All made by ibu-ibu, and all taste great. Just perfect. Yuuum...! I made sound very norak, but I that's what I felt! Tasting real Indo food again was soooo....greeeat! Anyhoo, it's nice to know there's bunch of Indonesian here, and they are all nice and helpful. I got to know some new people, but the important thing, I know what to get the food if i really want to get one, especially the difficult one like lontong and bakso. Someone has apparently can cook it for us. :D And the other day I got invited to a my indo friend's 1 year old son birthday party, and had another indo food feast, and ended up bring home sambel goreng teri and emping, and couple of teh tong tji. I felt sorry for hubby who has been left out for quite a while. But he seems didn't mind hot dog and sandwiches for munchies in a few nights.

Basically I felt more energetic lately and don't have to take a nap anymore. But at the end of the week I felt pain around my lower abdomen so I had to see my Obgyn. He said everythings looks ok, the twinges pain may caused by the grow of the baby which make the uterus expanded so much that the ligaments in my abdomen are stretching to make room for it. But he suggest me to have lot of rest and reduce activity outside the house! Gosh,... but I have so much plan and need to do so much things. Not good, especially when I just gained my energy back and feel like going out a lot and go back to my favorite place,... Malls. (*hiks*). I reach week 16 today, that means I just enter the 2nd trisemester. So far I can still wear my usual clothes. Wearing maternity clothes are more comfortable but they are still a bit too big. By the sound of what doctor said, seems I am going to need maternity clothes soon.

I guess I better have a rest in the next few days to gather all the energy and health for the coming holiday.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

It's Only 5.30pm

when I woke up from a nap, and surprised that the sun had gone down!! It was completely dark inside the house and and pitch black outside as if it was 9pm. I felt soo strange as if i was dreaming. Usually the sun would set down around 7-7.30pm. Apparently that's how the day light saving in Amman ended. Today we had to switch the time 1 hour backward, and the sun does really rise and go down earlier than usual.

That's explained why KFC which supposed to be open at 12.00pm didn't open when we got there at 11.55am (we got a bit upset to see that they didn't have a single chicken on the shelf when they supposed to be open in 5 minutes). But that was because we didn't know the time has changed! It must have been still 10.55am when we got there. (*grin*)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Big Question

Is it a girl or a boy ??
Another question is whether I want to know it now or want it to be a surprise.
Some people say this, the others say that,
but no one can tell me what to do
Yes, I make up my mind,
I don't want to be a surprise!
Am too excited and too curiouuus!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Play The Beads

For those who knows me too long must know that I have passion in doing handy crafty work. I like doing crazy (according to some people) things, like: Paper Tole, Scrapbook, Making Cards, Knitting, Cross Stitch, Jigsaw Puzzle, etc. Some people think I was nut when I show them my paper tole work, where I have to cut many an small pieces of paper and built it into 3 dimension picture with glue. Others could not understand how could I finish a picture of 10.000 pieces jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes I even dream about it. Example, when I worked on puzzle, I would dreamt about pieces of puzzles everywhere and connected it. When I worked on cross stitch, I dreamt about the pattern, tangle yarn, match colour. When I worked on paper tole, I dreamt about the mountains of glue melted... and many other strange dreams.

As much as I like doing it, there are times when I busy with work and other things, too tired and has no time to do anything else. That's when hobbies started faded away. It has been left out for quite a long time.

Not long ago I learned how to knit. I like it but I didn't have so much time after that. I know I have to do it again before I completely forget how to.

But in the past few weeks I've been having fun playing with my new toys, ie: beads, wire, pliers, crimps, clasps, headpins, etc. Yes, I am now at the stage of learning to make jewellery. Apparently not so easy! Especially the ones with wire. Same as other hand craft work, you have to be creative and super patient, as you are working with tiny bitty beads or soft/hard wire sometimes. But I lovee it! I have so much FUN ! :)

Beads for my lariat necklace project with varies of tools

One of the charm for the necklace. Making the loop and wrap on the wire is really a challenge.

Some of the charms I've been making so far.

Simple necklace I made for our first project.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Ketupat Lebaran

Lebaran,... selalu jadi salah satu penyebab saya kangen pulang kampung. Bukan karena saya ikut ngerayain, bukan karena kangen ramenya beduk dan takbiran, bukan karena hebohnya petasan, bukan karena sepinya jalanan Jakarta, tapi karena...anteran ketupat (dan teman-temannya) dari tetangga-tetangga! Ada tetangga Jawa, yang semur dan lodehnya mantap, ada tetangga Sunda yang opornya leker, dan ada tetangga Padang yang rendang dan sambel goreng hatinya pedes bukan main. Ketupat plus lauk pauknya yang bersantan, pedas, berlemak, plus krupuk dan sambel, aaaah.....slurp.. slurp... :)

Gak terasa udah 3 tahun absen lebaran di Jakarta, dan tiap tahunnya saya ada di tempat yang berbeda. Dua tahun sebelum ini, di Adelaide dan Darwin, Australia, dimana Lebaran tentu saja tidak terasa. Tahun ini, di salah satu negara di Middle East. Mau tau gimana ramenya lebaran disini? Ternyata sama saja seperti di Australia. Lebaran tahun ini disini dirayakan pada tanggal 12 Oktober, bukan 13 Oktober seperti di Indonesia. Buat kami yang tidak merayakan ternyata sama sekali tidak merasakan suasana meriahnya Eid / Idul Fitri. Malam sebelum Eid, gak ada ramai-ramai beduk lebaran, gak ada rame-rame takbiran, acara TV Dubai dan Saudi Arabia (saya tidak bisa menangkap acara tv lokal) tidak ada yang berubah, gak ada acara special Lebaran. Toko-toko kebanyakan tutup, tetapi supermaket dan restoran buka seperti biasa. Sama seperti hari Jumat secara umum. Kota lebih sepi dari biasa, dan tidak ada suara petasan. Intinya, semua berjalan normal seperti biasa! Kantor-kantor libur 2 hari. Sangat amat mengherankan terutama buat saya yang biasa tinggal di Indonesia. Meskipun tidak ikut merayakan lebaran, tapi dampak dari hari raya ini sangat terasa di Indonesia, bukan cuma buat mereka yang merayakan, tapi hampir bagi semua warga. Seenggak-nggaknya jalanan lebih sepi dari biasa, tontonan TV semua bertema lebaran, yang kerja dapet bonus THR, sebagian dapet libur lebih dari satu minggu, dan sebagainya. Jadinya saya gak tau warga jordan ini ngapain aja untuk ngerayain Lebaran. Mungkin mereka bersilahturahmi antar keluarga saja. Sepertinya juga tidak ada perayaan besar kenegaraan. Yang pasti, secara umum saya tidak merasakan suasana lebaran di kota ini. Kesimpulannya: Lebaran di Indonesia jauh lebih heboh dan ramai, dan lebih asik karena ada ketupaaat. :)

Anyway, for those who celebrate, have a blessed Eid day. :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I've been waiting for so long to tell this. In the past 3 months I've been feeling tired, sleepy, and lazy most of the time. I know I know,.. for anyone who knows me, it's sounds like very 'me'. But not only I felt it more than usual (so bad that I have to lied down or took a nap), but after a few weeks, it also followed with other symptoms, like headache, heartburn, bladder 'calling' 100 times at night, and... growing tummy.

Guess what, ... yes,... I'm expecting!

I know! Can you imagine, me, pregnant? It was a rather shocking when I found it out too. ;p

I welcome the second trisemester this week. The last first trisemester had been full of new sensations. This very new experience, so amazing that I could freak-out and excited at the same time. Doctor said being pregnant means live as normal. But I don't agree. I definitely have to take a good care of myself more. More cautious of myself. Have to watch what I eat, what I drink, what I see, what I hear, what I say, what I feel, and what I do. Automatically I have to switch the way I think, as I am not only think about myself anymore. So, yeah, this is another changes in my life I should take, and I am really thankful for that.

As I am in the second trisemester now, my tummy is a little bit showing. At least that's what people said when they see me. I am hoping to feel better, have more energy, more energetic and enjoy this new experience more.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bamboo Mambo

Ada taneman baru di dalem rumah. Gak jelas taneman apa, tapi yang punya toko nyebutnya bambu. Yang berulir-ulir gini kalo gak salah namanya love bamboo.

Sebenernya sih gak sengaja, kebetulan aja nemu vas gede lagi sale. Ke toko bunga, cari yang cocok, kebetulan juga nemu taneman ini yang tampangnya unik, tinggi, tahan lama, dan gak perlu banyak perawatan. Tinggal di jogrokin aja di vas dan diganti air tiap minggu.
Ternyata taneman ini juga masih tergolong salah satu lucky bamboos. Menurut feng shui taneman bambu simbol keberuntungan dan kesuksesan karena bambu tumbuh cepat dan kuat. Punya taneman bambu di rumah dipercaya bisa meningkatkan energi di dalam rumah, memberikan penghuni rumah energi tambahan buat menghadapi hari-hari dalam kehidupan mereka. Juga dipercaya membawa keberuntungan pada rumah, bisnis, dan orang-orang yang dicintai. Sifat bambu yang mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan cuaca, dan dapat bertahan lama, menjadi simbol dari kemampuan untuk maju terus dan beradaptasi dengan perubahan dalam hidup. Tanaman bambu yang disimpan di dalam rumah dan kantor akan membantu pertumbuhan dalam segala aspek dalam kehidupan. Tanaman ini juga melindungi penghuni rumah dari 'unforseen force'.

Hmmm...gak tau bener apa nggak, tapi mudah-mudahan bener deh. Yang pasti sih it's nice to see green fresh thing in the house.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Promised Land

Top of the mountain where I can see Dead Sea in the distance (left side)

"Go up unto...Mount Nebo in Moab, across from Jericho, and view Canaan, the land
I am giving the Israelites as their own possession. There on the mountain that
you have climbed you will die."
- Deuteronomy 32:49-50 -

And there was I standing on that mountain. A biblican place full of history, one of the important pilgrimage site located in Jordan. On this mountain is where Moses is said to have seen the Promised Land, a land he was himself forbidden to enter. He died at aged 120 and was later buried in the area, but the exact location of the burial site is unknown.

Enough about the history, the complex itself is a sanctuary completed with museum, some stone marks, old church, old ancient mozaics, a hugh artistic monument inspired by bronze snake upon a pole used by Moses, and shaded with some pine and olive trees .

I couldn't believe that we were supposed to be able to view Dead Sea, Jericho, Jordan River and Jerusalem (which is in Israel - different country!) on a clear day. Unfortunatelly it was a bit hazy when we were there, I could only see the Dead Sea vaguely in the distance.

This plaque is a direction finder points that shows various locations throughout the region.

I never seen a bus full of group tour in town, but there were few of them there up in that mountain. Every group accompanied with tour leader who were busy explaining the history of the place. I couldn't understand a thing, as they spoke no English. Not sure, but they might be Italian, Greek, Japanese, or Korean, and Philipino. But out of the blue, I heard someone said "Ini loh tempatnya Musa....",.. "panas ya, mustinya bawa payung", "jangan cepet-cepet!", "ayo-ayo foto disini"...... a group of people who are definitely from Indonesia!. :D They were just practically walked past us, and ignored us. I and hubby could only smile and look at each other, amaze to see a bunch of people talking Bahasa. ;p

After about 2 hours wondering around and took pictures, we headed back. On the way back we dropped by to a mozaic and souvenir shop full of tourist. Lots of nice things there, i felt like I shopping! Best thing was that we got half price discount on everything in the shop as we are residence of Amman. So I knew that they charge tourist double price! What a pricey...
As we have to go through a town called Madaba, we did a bit of exploration there. We went to St George's Church, where we saw interesting mozaics. We were tried to see other recommended church, but it was closed, and I started to get tired from long walk,...we were then drove back home, which only took us about 45 minutes.

Nice day, good to be out and about again. Check out more pictures

Monday, September 17, 2007

Menikmati Film Indonesia

Dua bulan terakhir ini saya menyempatkan diri nonton beberapa film Indonesia. Maklum, saya sempet bawa beberapa vcd film Indonesia dari hasil pulang kampung bulan Maret kemarin. Sebagian lagi hasil dari pinjam meminjam dari seorang Indonesia yang lain yang tinggal di kota ini.
Ada empat film yang berhasil saya tonton dalam dua bulan terakhir ini. Menarik. Ada yang 'sinetron banget', ada yang kaku, ada yang norak, ada yang cukup bagus, ada yang menyentuh, dan hampir semuanya gak masuk diakal.

Tapi saya gak peduli, saya menikmati semuanya. Saya menikmati kenorakan dan kekakuan bintang-bintangnya, gak garuk-garuk karpet lantaran gemes karena ketidakmasuk akalannya, menikmati salah satu film yang diproduseri Mr. Punjabi yang dibintangi bintang-bintang sinetron remaja papan atas yang lebih mirip sinetron daripada film layar lebar. Menikmati tiap adegan, setting dan permainan kameranya, menikmati bahasanya yang kacau, juga menikmati film yang harusnya menyeramkan tapi malah bikin saya senyum-senyum. Menikmati musiknya, dan menikmati cerita dan akting di salah satu film yang bisa membuat saya menitikan air mata.

Sedikit intermezzo, suatu hari hubby pulang pada saat saya masih menonton salah satu adegan dimana banyak remaja-remaja berpesta di suatu acara pantai. Ceritanya si tokoh utama dicekoki minuman keras sampai mabuk di lantai dansa. Hubby dengan polosnya bertanya,... "Itu cewek kenapa? mabuk? dia keliatan aneh" ;p Saya cuma senyum-senyum, sedikit malu, menjawab 'iya'.

Kembali ke perbincangan semula, biar bagaimanapun saya menikmati tiap detik dari tiap film tersebut. Mungkin karena sudah lama saya tidak melihat tontonan dalam bahasa Indonesia, mungkin karena setiap film unik, membuat saya gak peduli, dan yang pasti membuat saya kangen tanah air.

Tapi teteep,... ada satu hal yang saya harus akui cukup mengganjal. Setelah film ke-tiga saya mulai menyadari satu adegan yang tidak perlu yang cukup janggal yang ada di setiap film yang saya tonton. Adegan tersebut adalah adegan di bawah guyuran hujan. Ya, adegan itu. Sepasang sejoli berhujan-hujanan di bawah guyuran hujan deras, entah dalam situasi senang atau sedang dalam konflik. Entah sambil berlari-larian, sambil berpelukan, sambil marah-marah, atau cuma diam bengong meratapi nasib di bawah guyuran hujan buatan. Sebelum saya memutar film ke-empat saya berharap untuk tidak menemukan adegan ini. Tapi percuma aja. :)

Entah kenapa, sepasang kekasih dan hujan selalu ada dalam hampir tiap adegan di film Indonesia. At least ada dalam semua film yang baru aja saya tonton. Supaya lebih dramatis? Mungkin mau menunjukkan di Indonesia gampang turun hujan? Supaya si artis bisa lebih meresapi peran dan perasaannya? Please deeh....emang perlu banget ya??

Masih ada beberapa vcd lagi yang belum saya tonton. Akan menjadi kejutan manis kalo diantaranya ada yang 'kering' - bebas hujan.

Ini daftar film yang saya baru perbincangkan di atas plus rating.

1. Badai Pasti Berlalu (**)
2. Mirror (***)
3. Buruan Cium Gue (*)
4. Heart (****)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How's Live?

Chatted with a friend in Sydney this morning. She asked me how is it like living in the middle east and whether I like living here, and whether it feels like home.

Hhmmmm.. what can I say?
This country located in the other part of the world, with its differences and unique from other country. The weather, believe it or not it has 4 seasons. We are going into autumn and will reach winter soon. Yes there is winter here. With snow! As much as I want to see snow, I'm not sure if I'd like the cold. The food, also different. Hard to explain. I might need to take pictures of them to show you. Less pollution, no motorbikes, and not too many buses. Some of places are modern and clean. It has some good malls and supermaket, and I did meet some nice, friendly, and welcome local people.

But in some ways this country does remind me to Indonesia/Jakarta, where majority of people are moslem, how people drive, how people just can not line up, how boys/men stare at women passing by, and how people smoke. This might contribute a sense of feel like home, in which it means I wasn't so surprise, less cultural shock, and able to adapt to the new environment easily.
Some of foreign friends who usually live in western countries have trouble in adapting some of local habits here. Many of my girl friends can't stand how men stare, honk their car, follow them, make comment, or try to make silly conversation. One of my friend really annoyed and hardly get over it. She thinks it's serious harassment to women. Other friends can't stand how people drive. They don't indicate, park or stop in the middle of the road, don't give away in the place they suppose to give away, and honk a lot. Other friends complains about how people don't line up or stand very close when queue in public places like bank, ATM, and other customer service places. Other friends sigh when there isn't any 'Thank You' words came from the mouth of cashier in shops after they made payment. The foreign couple from Canada who used to live in Jakarta love Jakarta better as people are more friendly, welcomed, helpful, and respectful. They even love Jakarta traffic better! I could say at some stage here is worse than Jakarta.

I have recently started to drive and get used to the left side road and traffic. For me, as far as I have internet and phone connection, know where to get my stuff, more mobile and get to get around by myself, make friends, have some friends to talk and have coffee with, and just enjoy whatever you do, that's enough. In fact I haven't feel bored since I came here. So I guess so far I adjust quite well, but still, far from feel like home.

Back to the local people habits, I recommended you to see
this to see that I was not exaggerating . This was posted in 2005, and hasn't been changed much.....

== Dear Olin, thanks for the inspiration ;p==

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Morning Surprise

I woke up this morning and surprised with what I saw outside. Clouds! It was cloudy and no bright sun! Where did the sun go?? It almost looked like it was going to rain. Does it mean summer is going to end soon? Oooh... noo... it's going to be freeeezziiing cold!

Layout Change

New layout!

No particular reason. Just bored with the old one and found this template. No particular reason as to why I chose this template either. I like the balloon, that's all.

Also I found out that I've entered into a next step in my life. I'll tell the details later. But for that reason I'm now feel a need of refreshment, a change, like changing the layout of my own blog.

Not a very great layout, but pretty happy with it and this will do for a change I needed now. I have to get use to the fact of sidebar is now on the left side, though. I might change my mind and returned to the old layout. ;p

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

One Fine Evening

Conversation of 3 women in a fancy cafe

A = Are you just recently married ?
Me = Errm,... not really, I got married in 2005.
M = OMG, I got married 10 years before you, in 1995.
A = And I was in 1985!

Hmmm... a bit weird.....

and I suddenly felt young. ;p

Experience Damascus

coffee/tea seller in Al-Hamadieh Soukh

I'm not sure how, but I got quite busy lately. Since I got back from Damascus, I had to attend so many appointments, helped a friend moving out and attended so many lunches. Not only that. Hubby was sick, and I've been not feeling well too. Fatigue. feel tired, feel like want to sleep all day, and almost everyday have new things to complain about.

You might be waiting story about Damascus. I might not have many words to tell about Damascus and its tourism site, as I didn't go to any tourism site such as mosques or museums even though I stayed for 5 days. Partly because hubby was there for work, so I had to explore the city by myself in the afternoon. So mainly I just enjoyed the hotel and looked around and shopped a bit. I gave up exploring the city at the 3rd day, I felt so tired from 3 days full walk, and it was very hot (40-42C in the afternoon). I spent the last 2 days in the hotel, enjoyed the pool and spa, or just sit by the pool and read, and have room service. Very nice treat.

Damascus, Syria, was a busy and alive city, very different than Amman. That's strange, considering it’s only take about 3 hours drive from Amman. It totally a different city. It packed with people (population might be triple than Amman), and of course heaps of vehicles, and more pollution. Houses, apartments and buildings closed to each other, narrow streets, little alley, and traffic jam everywhere. But I supposed nothing can compare to Jakarta if we’re talking about traffic. It has a lot of cafe and restaurant. I could see a lot of green such as parks around the city or farms out of town. Also lots of old maintained building. They use it as residences or shops, or restaurant. Local people are very more friendly and relax. They don't care what skin colour you have and will not hesitate to offer you tea or coffee in their shop. I felt more relax and safe to walk around and shop by myself.

The unique place to visit is of course the soukh (market). Unique because it sells most of fine middle eastern antiques, furniture, ornaments, linen, and jewellery. It located in a very old area with lots of old building, places that you never imagine. It huge and crowded, and dirty. Reminded me to Jakarta Kota and Pasar Baru. Shopping is good. Lots of nice thing to buy, you can go crazy. But you have to know good shop and bargain to get best price. The antiques of course not cheap, but lot more cheaper than in Australia. For me, Indonesian furniture and etnic ornament's price are still more reasonable.

Slightly out of the topic, of course I and Andrew as a foreigner were excited to see everything in the soukh. The place itself, the people, the shops, building, what they sell, etc were all new and interesting. But not for Ms M, the local from Amman who is hubby's staff who came along for work. She is still very young, maybe in her mid twenties. I could tell that she didn't have any interest at all in everything in the market. All the amazing furnitures and paintings, fine and unique table clothes, walk around crowded dirty streets, all seemed too boring for her. I'm sure she is more interested in malls and all modern clothing shops. Reminded me to myself back in Indonesia. Since when I was interested in indonesian traditional dance, batik, songket, wood craft, wayang, etc? Maybe only since I met my hubby. I remember when I was a little, I always get bored if we (I and parents) went to the Indonesian handicraft section in Sarinah. I always say no if my mum wanted to buy me batik clothing, I learned ballet dance instead of Bali dance, and switched the channel if it showed traditional dance or wayang. It's funny that now I appreciate them more. Seeing foreigner amazed with our culture and tradition made me proud of my country. I think at the moment that's the only thing that Indonesia can be proud of. Anyway, Ms M was excited when I told her that there are more modern shops like Kookai, Benetton, GAP, etc not far from the hotel. She went to the a mall (which she found not impressing) and walked around modern shops the next day, while I and Andrew went back few times to the soukh. She may appreciate middle east handicraft and antiques later when she is older. :)

The other interesting thing was driving. There was no speed limit. On the highway you are welcome to speed 100-200 km/hour. The scenery out of town wasn't so appealing at all. But we found some un-common things on the way, which we captured on the camera. We had to go through immigration and customs in both Jordanian and Syrian borders. Although it only take about 2 hours to reach Syrian border, but it takes about 1 hour to process everything in both borders. We had to go through all the 'important' immigration and customs process, including registering and apply for insurance for our car. That's when I learned that people here are also doesn't have enough patient and attitude in taking line/queue. I may say it worst than Indo. ;p I might still laugh of their rude attitude, as such attitude didn't surprise me. But no for my hubby. He thinks it's totally unacceptable and the most annoying attitude, ever.

Damascus photos are now available. See in "Picture Of My Life" list at the right side bar, or simply click here. You need to click the little image to see bigger and clearer image.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Long Live Indomie

Look what I found on Damascus trip!
An old bike parked on the side of the Straight Street at the Old Market, with Indomie box on its basket!

Big billboard of... Indomie! Not sure name of the street and location. Captured this from taxi on the way to Soukh Al-Hamidieh

Can't get away from it.... bump into this truck on the highway (still in Syria) on the way back to Amman.

I know it was just only Indomie. But this product is amazing. Save me lot of time from hunger (*grin*). Easy and taste good, everybody loves it, even my hubby. And more amazingly its available everywhere! well at least it's in every countries I've been to so far. Even in this area where hard to find Indonesian products and food. Hope to travel to other countries and will take picture anytime I see Indomie in different countries :) That's my plan. :D

Curious if I have some Indomie at home? Of course I have. Here is the picture (only) few packs of Indomie I bought here, in Amman, Jordan.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Back In Town

I've done Damascus, and now back in town. It was an interesting and relaxing trip. Just wished the temperature was more friendly. I think my skin is doubled darker now, not tan. I can't be tan. Just simply become darker :(. Stories and photos of the trip will be posted later. Have other things in mind at the moment and not feeling too well, as well as hubby. Think we caught up Syrian bugs. Hope won't be too bad.....

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Out of Town

image hosting

Oh,.. and Happy Independence day, Indonesia! I had an interesting day today watching lots of Indonesian (and locals) played traditional independence day games, dangdut music and dance (of course), and enjoyed Indonesian food at the celebration hosted by Indonesian Embassy. ;p

Monday, August 13, 2007

Shocking Result

Your Emoticon is Shocked

Just seen the most shocking result ever.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Another Transformation

Found this when I browse YouTube last night. I tought it's lovely and quite amazing.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Time to be a real narcissist. :D

After a few days digging to all my pictures collection, i found it easy to find my childhood's and current's, but hard to find the 80's and 90's. And here they are, some of them I could get from each decades of my life. Reminded me to how old I really am (*sigh*)...

So, how do I transformed? Do I look so innocent in the 70's? Do I still look innocent now? :D

Let's Go To Pup!

One of the thing I found in west part of the city. I thought I'll share. :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Harpot Mania

Everyone is talking about the latest Harry Potter book lately. But here I am, just finished the previous edition (6th), The Half-Blood Prince last night (*grin*). I know,... I'm soo sooo late. But better late than never (*grin*). I bought the book long time ago (of course) and read it as soon as I bought it, but I dropped it after only a few pages. For some reason I didn't find it appealing at that time, and I read other books instead. Besides, it needs lot of effort to read it in bed (the only place and time I could find convenient to read), as the book is quite thick, big, and heavy. So I just left it behind until few days ago I started to read and finish it. I knew I would read it eventually.

Not because it's a must. But I always (try to) read all the books I bought, eventhough it means few years later. I just looooove to buy books but hardly find time to read, especially in old days. I am expecting to read more now. You know... as I am not as 'busy' as before.

The other reason is, this is Harry Potter ! I read the first released book in 1997. I just realised that it was 10 years ago! I was in my twenties.... (ooops). I liked it as soon as I read it and continued to read the next released book with excitement. The story started when Harry turned 11 years old and he was almost turned 17 in the 6th edition. Also, look at the movie. The cute little boy with glasses has turned into young handsome teenager. And see how old I am now (oops oops), and I'm still reading it. Not only me, but all of Harry Potter's readers has grown too. It's not not only about Harry Potter, but I also about grew up with him. Amazing feeling, I thought! But I impressed with the author the most! If only I can write and be like her.... (*day dreaming*)

Back to the 6th edition, it was very 'dark', still magical, and Potter and friends still playing 'trio detectives'. The funniest was when Ron got poisoned by love potion :D. The sweetest was that love was hanging in the air. But the unexpected death of Dumbledore is the saddest, darkest, and most shocking thing. (I know.... I'm so so late to know about this ;p).
I wonder how is Hogwart without Dumbledore, and whether Harry can really kill You-Know-Who, and if he would get back together with Ginny. You who has read the latest book,... better keep quiet. I'm not accepting spoiler. I'm gonna read it (not very) soon,... as soon as I get the soft copy. ;p

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nationality Confusion

On one hot day:

me : salamualaikum
taxi driver : .... mumbled
me : ila Mecca Mall (to Mecca Mall)
taxi driver : ok
taxi driver : (mumbled in arabic)
me : la arabic (no arabic)
taxi driver : where are you from?
me : not answering
taxi driver : from Japan ?
me : no

Another day in a cafe

me : can I have grilled chicken caesar salad and orange juice, please
waitress : sure, ok. Anything else ?
me : No, thanks
waitress : Are you from Japan?
me : no

On one fine day in a salon

me : I want to have my hair wash and blow dry.
man A : of course, come and have your hair wash here (then he started to wash my hair)
man B : (sitting on the sofa near me), where are you from ?
me : Australia.
man B : (smile, looked puzzled)
me : but I'm originally from Indonesia, Jakarta. You know?
man B : Ooooh,....I know Indonesia. I thought you from Japan.
me : (smile, sighed)

Another day in another taxi

taxi driver : where from ? china?
me : no
taxi driver : philipine ?
me : no
taxi driver : Japan ?
me : no

I don't understand...

Tell me, do I really look like Japanese?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Inget Kampung

Kemarin, tiba-tiba saya pengen nonton Harry Potter. Setelah ngeluarin segala bujuk rayu, akhirnya si hubby mau juga nemenin. Tapi bisa-bisanya kita keabisan tiket, padahal kita datang 1/2 jam sebelum film dimulai. Emang sih disini film ini baru keluar. Masih fresh dan rame, terutama kemarin yang notabene malem sebelum weekend. Ngomong-ngomong tentang keabisan tiket, kapan ya terakhir saya nonton keabisan tiket? Nggak inget. Mungkin juga karena kita gak terlalu sering nonton, tapi juga karena sebelum ini kita tinggal di Darwin, gak ada acara macet dan gak pake acara ngantri di bioskop. Mau film paling top, paling rame, ato paling heboh, kita bisa pegi dari rumah 10 menit sebelumnya, dan nggak pernah keabisan tiket ato dapet tempat duduk yang gak enak. Enak banget :)

Karena gak jadi nonton, jalan-jalan lah kita. Ketika mulai lapar, kita mutusin buat nyoba satu restoran asia yang katanya 'enak'. Setelah nyoba makan makanan asia di 4 tempat, sebenarnya saya sudah mau menyerah buat makan makanan asia di negeri ini. Selain gak autentik, juga rasanya biasa aja. Tapi karena rekomendasi teman-teman, akhirnya saya n hubby mencoba restoran Noodle House.

Aneh tapi nyata, saya hampir gak percaya sama pendengaran saya saat masuk dan memilih tempat duduk. Tapi benar! saya benar-benar mendengar lagu Yang Terbaik Bagimu-nya Ada Band! Lalu disusul lagunya Letto (lupa judul), lalu Satu-nya Dewa... dan seterusnya. Aaah.. jadi kangen Jakarta. Eerm...mungkin buat orang lain biasa aja. Tapi buat saya yang tinggal di negara orang, yang jauh dari peradaban Indonesia, rasanya benar-benar aneh dan surprise bisa mendengarkan lagu-lagu yang biasa saya dengar di Jakarta, dengan bahasa indonesia, di tempat umum di suatu restoran di kota ini. Senyum pun mengembang (*grin*).

Senyum semakin gede setelah melihat apa yang tersaji di meja.... pot-pot sambal! termasuk salah satunya cabe ijo kegemaran saya! Jadi saya bisa bebas ngambil sambal semaunya. yay! Catatan: Ini pertama kali saya liat ada sambal nangkring di atas meja restoran. Makanannya pun ternyata gak mengecewakan,..seenggak-enggaknya jauh lebih baik dari pada restoran asia lain yang pernah saya coba.

Kesana lagi? Pastinya!

Monday, July 30, 2007

First Bake

Another update of my recent cooking experience, which has been become more creative and authentic. All made from scratch, involved little bit war in the kitchen, but no pain this time.
I was surprised of myself as the result was not too bad at all. Very tasty and yummy (of course that's whay Hubby said, .... but it's true! ;p). I even got the highest rank I've ever had for the Ayam Goreng Kecap/Fried Chicken with Soy Souce dish, which was 9 out of 10! (ranked by hubby too, of course). That's perhaps motivate me to do my first baking dish later on, Makaroni Schotel/Baked Macaroni, which is delicimo too. :)

Ayam Goreng Kecap

Baked Macaroni (Macaroni Schotel)
first time baking in oven!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Something I Missed From May

It was 13th of May last year,
when I firstly start this blog
just for fun.
didn't think I will go this far
didn't think I'm going to write this much
didn't think I'm going to post this much
didn't think I'm going to have so much fun
a bit too much so I didn't realised a year has passed
This might be a little bit too late
but I'm proud to say
happy 1st anniversary to my own blog ;p