Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas is in The Air

Cool weather, christmas trees and decoration in the shops and malls, and christmas functions. I even found some street seller change their merchandise into Santa hat and fresh point sepia plants. Surprise surprise seems like Christmas in Amman won't be too bad after all. After settled down from the holiday I started take out christmas decoration from the cupboard and have put up bit of it around the house. We don't have christmas tree. At first was thinking what kind of christmas without christmas tree (I used to have christmas tree every year at home in Jakarta), but we survived, we always have good christmas. It's not about the tree. But the companion, friends and our heart ;p. As to light up the christmas feeling in the house without tree, it's even better as I'm challenged to do something different every year with simple and same decoration. Other than christmas songs playing every morning, here is a little christmasy stuff in the corner of our house this year.

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