Wednesday, December 26, 2007

So It Is Christmas

So Christmas is finally here. I was wishing for a white christmas, but unfortunately (or luckily), no snow today. :)

This year we are celebrating Christmas differently. No presents - as we thought we already have too much presents for ourselves during the holiday last month, we had no roast which Andrew usually make for Christmas lunch - as we didn't have time to do it. We went to church at 12pm on christmas day and invited to dinner at friend's house in the evening, and no church on christmas eve as we usually do every year - as I still not feeling too well and Andrew was tired from work. Yeah,... it sounds like very ordinary day.

But Christmas not always about presents, festive, and roast. We called and talked with both of our families in 2 countries, and we are glad they are all healthy and celebrated christmas safe and sound. We are thankful for our families and their support, thankful with our partner's warm companion, and especially thankful for the little bub coming. In the evening we had a great time at dinner with friends.

I feel blessed and happy. That's all I need on Christmas day.

from both of us :)

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