Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Answer Of The Big Question


Anyone who don't want to know the answer of the BIG QUESTION is not recommended to continue to read this post.

Well, we know the answer of our curious question, finally.

After 2 monthly check up, and had a couple of thorough ultrasound, we (doctor, I, and hubby) are now sure that our baby is.... a boy!

So we are going to have a baby boy! I still can't believe that sometimes. Life is changing so quickly for me lately. At least that's what I felt!

Anyway we both happy with the result and started to fill our mind with plans. One of them is find a boy name. I tell you, it's not easy. Boy's name are so average while girl name can be more varies and interesting. We threw names out and also look up some options on the internet. After a few days we finally have a short list, and from it we have one that we both like the most. Seems like we have our choice, but we are still open to other names and going to see if we can find other name on the way.

So many things to think about baby, and we are looking forward to have another team work to welcome the baby into the world.

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