Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Back In Town

I'm back in dusty and cold Amman. Yes, it's cold, as we are officially in a winter season. We were back on Friday night (4 days ago) and been busy with household things and catch up with friends. Also tried to catch few photos to show from more than 1300 photos we have from the trip, and I only could upload 50 of them. See the "Picture Of My Life" on the left bar.

I had a lot of walk up and down the stony street around Italy. Whilst we have a few day with clear blue sky and sun, but mostly we have gloomy rainy days. The temperature fell down to 2 degrees at some nights, but mostly around 6-12 degree. As for walking, surely I can't walk too fast and carry heavy things around with my preggy condition. But I have Hubby to carry bag pack and shopping bags, (and suitcases) and he was very patient to wait and walk with me in my 'granny' walk. We had a relaxing trip and not in a rush. So I felt pretty relax and enjoyed it. Of course I usually got very tired at the end of the day, usually had sore back and waist and just have no energy. But Hubby was ready to give me gentle massage before sleep. :)

In 21 days we've done pretty good in travelling around middle, south and north Italy, managed to visit about at least 18 towns by plane, car (Hubby drove), train, bus, and ferry. Started from Rome, we drove to Positano via Capua, then spent a day in Sorrento. Then we went to Orvietto visa Pompeii, then a night in Asisi via Todi, Spoleto, Montefalco and Spolegno. Spent couples night in Sienna, then headed to Pisa via Monterigioni and San Gimignano, then drop the car off in Florence where we spent 3 days there. We took a train to Venice and spent another 3 nights, where we spent one day in a close town, Padua. And back to Rome from Venice by train, spent another night in Rome before going back to Amman the next day.

Hubby enjoyed driving in the country side, The autumn scenery was nice when we get to Tuscany. But the tuscany view must be much much better in summer.

I was looking forward to taste the real Italian food before we go. But then we both a bit shock with it. Real Italian pasta and pizza are not as rich as pasta and pizza we usually eat. They don't put too much in it. Pasta usually just plain and serve as first main menu (meaning it wont be too much portion - sort of like appetiser). As a main you can have grilled chicken, pork chop, or steak, also plain and small portion. We found that eating out in a normal restaurant quite expensive. But as the time go by, we got use to it and decided that the food is healthier than food we usually eat, and planned to change the way we cook. Hubby even have some idea for him to cook at home that he pick from the trip.

I was also surprise that people still enjoying a cup of ice cream in 2 degree weather. I know the Italian ice cream, gelato is very very nice, but I imagine it would be very cold for your throat and body. Anyhoo, I could not resist to eat it too one day, too many ice cream shop and people eating it. So tempting! It was nice, and it was truly cold. :)

As for the masterpiece from the Michael Angelo and friends,.... it was just AMAZING. Italy has so many churches, duomo, basilica, piazza, ruins and museums loaded with amazing and unique carvings, fresco, painting, statues, and arts. It was so brilliantly made and well maintained. We entered and saw so many churches and museum along the way, so that we felt tired to enter museums again once we reach Florence. A slight regret that I didn't go to Uffizi Museum where they have a lot of famous masterpiece... but I felt so tired at the time we got there and the queue was long. Then we don't have time to see it the next day.

It was again a new adventure for me. Overall, it was a tiring and expensive holiday, but certainly worth it, and we are glad we did it. Hubby was in a good mood the whole trip, done a lot of hard work during the trip (carry bag, drove and read the maps), and we had a wonderful quality time together, and we learnt new hopefully healthy habits during the trip that we will keep it in our daily life.

Btw, pregnancy is going ok. Baby is good. I think I could feel the baby movement very slightly since I was in the plane on the way back to Amman. It was just very slight jolt around my belly. We went to doctor the next day after we back, and doctor said everything looks fine. Doctor did a thorough ultrasound check and record it in a dvd. It was awesome! My tummy definitely growing as I entered the 5th month (20 weeks) last Saturday. I gained around 7 kg so far, and i think I look very chubby! and I need new big legging for winter!

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