Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How's Live?

Chatted with a friend in Sydney this morning. She asked me how is it like living in the middle east and whether I like living here, and whether it feels like home.

Hhmmmm.. what can I say?
This country located in the other part of the world, with its differences and unique from other country. The weather, believe it or not it has 4 seasons. We are going into autumn and will reach winter soon. Yes there is winter here. With snow! As much as I want to see snow, I'm not sure if I'd like the cold. The food, also different. Hard to explain. I might need to take pictures of them to show you. Less pollution, no motorbikes, and not too many buses. Some of places are modern and clean. It has some good malls and supermaket, and I did meet some nice, friendly, and welcome local people.

But in some ways this country does remind me to Indonesia/Jakarta, where majority of people are moslem, how people drive, how people just can not line up, how boys/men stare at women passing by, and how people smoke. This might contribute a sense of feel like home, in which it means I wasn't so surprise, less cultural shock, and able to adapt to the new environment easily.
Some of foreign friends who usually live in western countries have trouble in adapting some of local habits here. Many of my girl friends can't stand how men stare, honk their car, follow them, make comment, or try to make silly conversation. One of my friend really annoyed and hardly get over it. She thinks it's serious harassment to women. Other friends can't stand how people drive. They don't indicate, park or stop in the middle of the road, don't give away in the place they suppose to give away, and honk a lot. Other friends complains about how people don't line up or stand very close when queue in public places like bank, ATM, and other customer service places. Other friends sigh when there isn't any 'Thank You' words came from the mouth of cashier in shops after they made payment. The foreign couple from Canada who used to live in Jakarta love Jakarta better as people are more friendly, welcomed, helpful, and respectful. They even love Jakarta traffic better! I could say at some stage here is worse than Jakarta.

I have recently started to drive and get used to the left side road and traffic. For me, as far as I have internet and phone connection, know where to get my stuff, more mobile and get to get around by myself, make friends, have some friends to talk and have coffee with, and just enjoy whatever you do, that's enough. In fact I haven't feel bored since I came here. So I guess so far I adjust quite well, but still, far from feel like home.

Back to the local people habits, I recommended you to see
this to see that I was not exaggerating . This was posted in 2005, and hasn't been changed much.....

== Dear Olin, thanks for the inspiration ;p==

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


hihihi ma'acih juga...
eniwei gud deh klo kau betah disono.. ngebayangin elo yg adem ayem manis begituh di antara org2 timur tengah.. hahahha

gue bakal plg indo end of des neh.. kau sih tdk ada di darwin lg :p
