Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Harpot Mania

Everyone is talking about the latest Harry Potter book lately. But here I am, just finished the previous edition (6th), The Half-Blood Prince last night (*grin*). I know,... I'm soo sooo late. But better late than never (*grin*). I bought the book long time ago (of course) and read it as soon as I bought it, but I dropped it after only a few pages. For some reason I didn't find it appealing at that time, and I read other books instead. Besides, it needs lot of effort to read it in bed (the only place and time I could find convenient to read), as the book is quite thick, big, and heavy. So I just left it behind until few days ago I started to read and finish it. I knew I would read it eventually.

Not because it's a must. But I always (try to) read all the books I bought, eventhough it means few years later. I just looooove to buy books but hardly find time to read, especially in old days. I am expecting to read more now. You know... as I am not as 'busy' as before.

The other reason is, this is Harry Potter ! I read the first released book in 1997. I just realised that it was 10 years ago! I was in my twenties.... (ooops). I liked it as soon as I read it and continued to read the next released book with excitement. The story started when Harry turned 11 years old and he was almost turned 17 in the 6th edition. Also, look at the movie. The cute little boy with glasses has turned into young handsome teenager. And see how old I am now (oops oops), and I'm still reading it. Not only me, but all of Harry Potter's readers has grown too. It's not not only about Harry Potter, but I also about grew up with him. Amazing feeling, I thought! But I impressed with the author the most! If only I can write and be like her.... (*day dreaming*)

Back to the 6th edition, it was very 'dark', still magical, and Potter and friends still playing 'trio detectives'. The funniest was when Ron got poisoned by love potion :D. The sweetest was that love was hanging in the air. But the unexpected death of Dumbledore is the saddest, darkest, and most shocking thing. (I know.... I'm so so late to know about this ;p).
I wonder how is Hogwart without Dumbledore, and whether Harry can really kill You-Know-Who, and if he would get back together with Ginny. You who has read the latest book,... better keep quiet. I'm not accepting spoiler. I'm gonna read it (not very) soon,... as soon as I get the soft copy. ;p

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