Thursday, October 25, 2007

Big Question

Is it a girl or a boy ??
Another question is whether I want to know it now or want it to be a surprise.
Some people say this, the others say that,
but no one can tell me what to do
Yes, I make up my mind,
I don't want to be a surprise!
Am too excited and too curiouuus!!


Anonymous said...

Kalo anak pertama kayanya lebih seru kalo tau kali ya, biar bisa prepare everything, soalnya pasti too excited .... either ways, whether it's a boy or a girl, you won't be disappointed,coz it's your firstborn anyway but it may be different if it is the 2nd one. Let us know when you find out, okay ?!
Take care...

Anonymous said...

dr jaman dulu namanya lahiran itu ya a big surprise!!! mau laki apa perempuan ya musti siap jd ortu..maslah tau lbh dulu..sebenernya cuma EGO ORTU..based on just a curiousity of their parents..that's it's!!! curiousity!!!

Nencee said...

Olince, thanks yaaa... i'll let you know.

Bams, hahahha.. ada yang sewot!:D It'll be a surprise for you only deh. :D