Wednesday, May 23, 2007

This Moment

Empty big house to wander around
Dinners, functions, parties, every night
Girls meeting, walks, shops at day time
Dress up, full make up, at all time
New people, new life style
Smile, listen, remember names, chit-chat, jibber jabber
Familiarization, adaptation,
Depressing news from neighbour countries
Excited and alive,
Very tired
Exhausted, weak, no energy
I just want to have a rest
I just want to be left alone, at least for this moment.


Anonymous said...

peeseeeeekkkkk....kemane ajeeeee...duh ibu dubes..sibuk berat yah..

Nencee said...

coba yaa....yang ngilang sapa, yang sibuk sapa.... mikir! ;p