Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hello from Dubai

Finally, we landed in the other part of the world. United Arab Emirates, Dubai! Arrived at 5.15 AM . From above, Dubai city looked dim and gleamed from the city and street lights. This view combined with yellow-orangey colour in the horizon from the sunrise. Nice! The Dubai Airport was massive. It huge and extremely busy! We even got lost at one stage. ;p maybe it was because we haven’t really awaken. And all the airport staffs seems busy and we had to queue in the information centre. However, without asking Information Centre we managed to get into the right place. The other thing about this airport is I could see lots and lots of Duty Free Shops. It’s like a mall! Was so excited, but I had to go to the hotel for half day check in. But I made it clearly to hubby that I want to look around the shops before we fly to Jordan this arvo. :D
I saw people from all over the world there and pretty crowded. And not surprisingly, I saw few groups of Indonesian and Sri Langkan who apparently are domestic workers. I was hoping I could see my ex-maid in Jakarta who resigned because she wanted to pursue her career as maid in Middle East.

We were not sure how the system works, but apparently as Business Class passengers we entitle to get a Limo for taking us to the Le Meridien Hotel. Yay! Well, here I am at the hotel, supposed to fresh up and sleep. I need it as I only had 3 hours sleep on the plane. Plus the time difference,… I am too confused to count how long I actually lost my sleep time. I don’t care, and I can’t sleep now. Maybe I’m too excited. I am officially in one of the country in Middle East!

I feel pretty tired and hungry now. We gonna grab breakfast soon. Till later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah..another part of the earth you go..hmmm..as usual..need to adjust time lg dong neh...pls d..