Friday, May 4, 2007

How Busy I am

Geeee........ I've been busy! Yes I'm no longer employed. But still... I have many things to keep me occupied, or I make myself occupied, to be exact.

Well, been busy attending Arabic lesson 4 hours a day, attending dentist and doctor appointments (so we can get clearance to go overseas), arranging this and that as part of moving preparation, and busy with Sitobi (of course!).

Other than that, I've made changes on this blog (see sidebar). It has new layout for my profile (see "About" section), and it has new widget called 'blog mood',which frankly I'm not really sure what's for (*wink*)... It should “reads” my latest blog posting and tries to figure out what my current emotion is and will display that mood immediately. Sooo, I'm expecting the picture of 'Moji Bear' will change (into other mood) every time I make a new post. I'll see if it's true.

Last but not least, I've also created a Photo blog ! Hope it will motivate me to be more creative with my
Canon Ixus 850IS, which I bought about 2 months ago. Apparently this little pocket camera has a high technical spec that would be good enough for me to play 'pro'. I'm not expecting it would be as good as professional SLR camera, but I hope I can make beautiful-variety-uncommon photo with it, as long as I can use it properly though! I still need a lot of practice, improvisation, trial and error. Anyway, the link to get into my photo blog is on the sidebar too. In 'Gallery' section. Or simply click this. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Btw, any tips and hints about taking photo using Depth of Field technique with Canon Ixus 850IS would be good (pleeeaaaasee.....).

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