Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Moving Distress

Do you know that moving house is the third most stressful things in life?? I've heard that, and it's damn true!

We are leaving Darwin on Monday next week. We are counting the day. Time is ticking. 6 more days! And the tension is getting high. Not that we did not know what to do from earlier time. Not that we are too lazy to do it earlier. But a lot of things just can be done on the last minute. Don't have a lot of choices.

That's what I am at now. Getting on the upper level of the stress. These are only few of things I have to do. Sorting everything we have..., decide and arrange which one go where; to our luggage or to international container or to storage (that's the hardest and the most time consuming). Start to clean our white goods, wash left over linen such as towels, bed sheets and table clothes, iron left over clothes (as many as I could - as they going to take our iron tomorrow), deal and finish other things such as bills, banking, car, etc.....

Tomorrow, they are going to start taking our stuff away. The home PC, which connected to the internet will be one of them. You know what's that mean, don't you? No more easy internet connection. No more online all day :(
But, don't forget .... I have Sitobi! So I hope I'll be able to touch 'net' world from public places, maybe from other part of the world.

So I guess see you all again soon! Be in touch, don't hesitate to drop the line. ;p

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