Sunday, December 17, 2006

What English Speaking Country I Am

Woo... this is a surprise. Haha...

After learned American English at school for so long, I'm more Australian English now, hey?! This might be true, though. I live in Australia now, and I think my American English has been contaminated by Australian people and environment I've dealing with in the last 9 years, that's why! :D

But I still prefer to have rice than meat pie or vegemite! ;p

You Belong in Australia

Sunny, upbeat, and cute
You make the perfect surf bum
Now stop hogging the vegemite!


cendee said...

sapi..vegemite apaan si?..

Nencee said...

ini niiii....
Penampilannya kayak selai gitu. Katanya si penuh gizi dan vitamin tinggi. Bahan utamanya ragi. Warnanya coklat tua. Keliatannya kayak coklat nutella,.. tapiii rasanya asiiiiiin banget. Biasa dimakan pake roti tawar, ato buat dicolek sama biskuit, ato apa aja lah....