Friday, December 15, 2006

Not My Day

I'm soooo through today. Sooo angry. Sooo frustrated. Getting sick and tired with the trouble and unfairness that I (and some people I know) gets from doing the right thing. Someone said to me, by doing the right thing, and for being honest and helpful, people will only take advantage of you. They will think you are weak, easy to handle, will shut up and will make no trouble. In other words, it's not smart for being a good person. Instead, being sneaky bastards would make life easier and will bring you to the top of the world! . What the hell ??!!! What happened with people ??!! They are just so selfcentre, saving their own sake, don't care about anybody else. They will laugh and laugh on top of other unfortunate people misery. Ggggrrrr @#%*(!*!!

I'm just a new girl in town. By all the good things about this place, I never expected to experience the "beauty" of frustration because of bloody bureaucracy and 'office' politics. Surprise surprise it happened once about few months ago, and today was the second. Why don't they just make it everything simple and transparent and honest. I don't like confrontation, and always avoiding troubles. I don't like this situation. It frustrates me. Will I survive in this wild and tough world ??? HUhuhuhuhu.....

By the way,... when I came home I read my sister's
today's story, which makes me upset again. What happened with people ???!!! Get real!

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