Sunday, December 3, 2006

X-Mas Spirit

We are entering the end of month of the year. Another year will come very soon. But it also means Christmas is coming!

I did not think much about Christmas much until yesterday. After went through a tense Christmas shopping for my family in Jakarta (buying people gifts is a stressful task for me. I guess that was because I am so much want to make people happy, and so I would be busy thinking what to buy, and busy worrying if the person will like my gift, will it be suit, will it be fit, will it be useable, will it make them happy, etc etc etc...). Anyway, I finally got everything (i guessed),... and I spent lot of time yesterday wrapping and packing. It's now ready to be sent. Will do more Christmas shopping next week for Andrew's fam,.. means: another stress. :)

Heard couple of Christmas songs yesterday in the office. Instead of making me happy, it made me rather sad. Especially the melow sweet songs like White Christmas, I'll Be Home for Christmas, and Silent Nights. It reminds me to my family in Jakarta, and how we usually spend Christmas together. It did not feel special when I was there. But being here now, far away from them makes me realised how I missed that moments and how I missed and love them so much *sob..sob*

Today I felt a bit relax and all of a sudden I feel like doing things that relates to Christmas. I took out Christmas decorations and started to decor my little apartment. I even decored my blog and change the music. Haha.... It's a disco remix style of Jingle Bells. Just want to share a Christmas spirit to you all. Let's dance, Let's cheer, and prepare this Christmas with humble and peace in our heart.

This evening I planned to go to the Christmas Carol by Candle Light in Darwin's Botanical Garden. Hope it won't rain. It's a bit cloudy and windy now... Andrew has made a roast lamb this morning. We gonna bring it with other foods to share with friends there. :)

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