Monday, December 4, 2006

Thousand Candles

Following to the last posting..... Not long after, a thunder storm - heavy rain was pouring down. It only went for about 1/2 hour, but it was cloudy and dark..., looked like going to rain again, and the grass in the park must be damped. We were quite sure that they will cancel the Carols by Candlelight. As we have prepared everything, we were a bit dissapointed... But an hour later we saw the news on TV that the show will still go on. Yay! My friend still interested to come, and the sun was showing its rays a bit for sunset, so off we went to the park! Last year I went to the same event in Adelaide. But I just realised that Carols by Candlelight is only happen in Australia. It's actually an Australian Christmas tradition.

Here is information I got this from a website:

Carols by Candlelight hold a special place in the hearts of most Australians as these unique events brings families together to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas

The inspiration for Carols by Candlelight came in Melbourne in Christmas 1937. Radio veteran Norman Banks MBE while walking home, noticed an elderly lady sitting by her window, her face lit up by a candle as she listened and sang along to Christmas carols on the radio. He was inspired to organise the first gathering of people to sing Carols by Candlelight.

In 1938, 10,000 people gathered at Alexandra Gardens to sing carols with a choir, and the Fire Brigade Band. A new Australian Christmas tradition was born. The event started a tradition to an entire nation.

Carols by Candlelight is now held every year in the week before Christmas, when thousands of people gather in the parks of most of Australia's larger towns and cities to sing their favorite Christmas carols.

In Melbourne the RVIB Carols by Candlelight now attracts a crowd of over 30,000 people and in Sydney over 100,000 people attend Carols in the Domain which has helped raise millions of dollars for the Salvation Army Oasis Appeal for Homeless Youth. These two major events are telecast nationally on TV and the local state capital events statewide in other states, with Sydney's Carols in the Domain attracting around 2 million TV viewers.

Food and drink stalls are often organised at these events by local Rotary or Lions Clubs. Most people bring a rug to sit on or a portable chair for seating as well. Some bring a picnic meal and of course everyone needs a favorite candle. There are a wide range of candles in the market palace including unique Christmas candles at specialised Christmas Shops.

Most Carols by Candlelight events feature a band or an orchestra, and well known entertainers who sing and lead the audience in carols. Father Christmas usually appears, and most events have a Nativity scene on display, and at bigger events the evening ends with a fireworks display. Carols by Candlelight, truly a great Australian Christmas Tradition.

So, that's the history.

The lights candles in the park last night was beautiful. The Carols were lovely. Foods were yum! (Kaori brought yummy sushi). People and companion were wonderful. My Japanese friend, Kaori, was impressed. It was the first carol for her. I think she enjoyed it. :) You may need to enlarge the picture by clicking it to get clearer view. Wish everyday is Christmas....

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