Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Story

Christmas is finally here.

For me who had lived for many years in Jakarta, I would expect Christmas in other country would be different. Not sure how different, but you know... Christmas in western country.. at least I expected will be merrier....

This is my 2nd christmas in this country. Last year we were in Adelaide. Both of us were quite a "new comer" at that time, we didn't have many friends. So only 2 of us, I was busy with hubby, didn't really look around the town and paid no attention to what's going on in the city.

Here, in Darwin, we had hot, humid, overcast, and rain instead of cold weather and snow, just like in Jakarta! Christmas tree were everywehere, but I could not see extravagant Christmas Tree in town (you know, the one that make you say "woooow..." and will feel like taking a picture of it..), no christmas parade, and no children singing christmas carols in the malls or streets. I even may say the christmas decorations in all places (cities, streets, malls) are not as nice and luxurious as in Jakarta. I also hardly hear Christmas songs in public places, until only few days before Christmas. So, it's pretty plain. But I saw nice christmas light and decorations in front of houses, and christmas shopping rush was different. Shops opened for late shopping, mall and shops full of people who bought presents and foods, and all are in the holiday mood. Yes, Christmas here is like Lebaran. Majority of people are celebrating it. Most of them gone to their home town, spend time with families, have a long break from work, and the shops are closed on the day.

But this year were were busier than last year. We had party, midnight Mass, lunch, friends, and lots of presents...! Yay! On Christmas eve, we were invited to an open house 'all night long' party. It was fun. Food was great. Wish we could stay longer for karaoke, games, and exchange gifts. :)

Around midgnight, we went to the Midnight Mass at the St Mary Cathedral. Although the weather was hot and sticky, the Mass and carols were beautiful. Glad to see the Church was full of people. Reminded me to my lovely old church in Jakarta. :)

Today, we invited some friends to come to our place for Christmas Lunch. Andrew cooked (of course). He's done a great job. We had a yummo roast pork and chicken. Plus lots of snacks, chocolate and lollies. We had nice friends coming over. Hope they are all enjoyed and had fun too.

Thank you for having us as guests on X'mas eve, and thank you for everyone for coming to lunch and thank you for the prezzies!
I guess I have had a merry Christmas this year. Surrounded by friends and spend time with lovely hubby (I wish our family could be here too... ).

Christmas is about love, peace, and share. Merry Christmas to you all, wish for peace on earth, peace in our hearts now and forever.

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