Monday, December 31, 2007

Before Year End

Some people asked me how I went with my pregnancy. Just realise that I didn't put much stories about it here. That was simply because I have other journal where I post the development of the bub every week and all the joy and complaint related to the pregnancy, including photos, ultrasound, and videos. But it requires permission if you want to have a look at it. Unlike other people who are pretty open to show her own tummy to anyone, for me I thought it's rather private. But I'll be happy to share it with my friends. Just send me message or email me.

In this time of the year, I thought I'll share with you a bit from my preggy journal.
Last Saturday I went to obgyn for another monthly check up and had another ultrasound. As I only can feel bub's nudges, and don't feel the kick yet, I asked the Doc if that's normal. He said the bub is kicking but I might not feel it because he is still small and this is my first so I might not sensitive enough to feel it. We could see through the ultrasound that the bub is moving a lot, and his heart is beating. Doc also said that the bub is now weight 900 gr. Good news is all are looking good, perfect baby, nothing to worry about. Doc also said to Hubby that I am worry too much!! Hhhh.... Hubby just laughed, very happy to get a partner in crime who agree with him since he's also been telling me over and over that I am worry too much about everything. (*ugh*). But I couldn't help being worry. I guess, it will happen to all women on their first pregnancy. I still think I'm normal! (*stubborn grin*) ....

Recently I'm craving for sweets more than usual. I even couldn't help myself to get a donut after ordering cheese croissant when I had small lunch with my friend last week. My friend noticed and said, ooh,.. I don't know if you like donut! :D Well, not that I like donut so much, usually I will not be bother. I was just looking at it and it look sooo tempting that time :) Also I started to eat more sweet, cakes, and biscuits at home.. and coke and teh botol!

I also do have itchy skin lately! around my belly, hips, thighs, and legs. I've been using body lotion and butter cream from Body Shop to reduce the itch and stretch mark. However, I haven't seen any stretch mark on my tummy by far. Hopefully never!

As for pregnant 'shape',... o ya,... I definitely have that shape now. Tummy is really growing, and it's getting bigger and rounder. I weight 56 kg, gained around 9 kg so far. I feel heavy on my lower back, and have a very bad back ache, particularly at the up left side. It's a hard work every night lately to be able to sleep well at night since it was very hard to find comfortable position to balance tummy and back.

The pregnancy went very fast without I even realised. It is only around 4 months more to go. I'm sure it will go very quick too. New Year is coming soon, next year will be very different and merrier for me and Hubby, with little bub come into our life. Can't wait!


Hope 2008 brings lots of great things your way, good health and happiness.

End of 2007, 24 weeks preggy.


Anonymous said...

You must be small; only 24 weeks pregnant and it looks huge

cendee said...

sapi..emangnya disana ada yg jual teh botol?.. buset de..

Anonymous said...

bon, berat segitu tuh berat gue sekarang kakakakak