Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cheery Mood

New Year, new appearance. Yup,.. new template, again!

Some people like my last template and made a good comment of it, but I just need a refreshment. This new template represent what I feel and what I want to feel in the next 4-5 months. It's bright, colourful, and unique with the spiral main body. I need this colour in this winter and pregnancy season. The bright colours will cheer me up, bring more energy, and turn me to warm and happy mood.

However, i'm not sure how long it going to last, as I get bored quite easily and always want new challenge, new style, new appearance. :)

Talking about new year and new look,... I finally had my hair dyed and cut my fringe bit more shorter just a day before new year eve. Simply to say, I have a new look too. :)

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