Friday, December 29, 2006

Sweet Try

First flower bouquet from Andrew

Iya, gak ada angin gak ada ujan (mmm.... ada sih sebenernya. Ujan ni sekarang), tau-tau pulang kerja Andrew bawa buket bunga. Percaya gak percaya, ini bunga pertama yang pernah dia kasih ke saya loooh... Biasanya dia lebih suka kasih barang daripada bunga. Katanya dia tau saya lagi bete, and wanted to cheer me up. Jadi terharu... ihik ihik..... gak jadi pengen pulang deh. ihihihi.....

Aku Dua Hari Ini

Lagi sensi, lagi pms (kali), lagi gampang kesel n pengen marah-marah. Ibaratnya disentil sedikit bisa nyakar ato malah nangis. Cape. Bukan salah siapa-siapa. Gak nyalahin siapa-siapa juga. Semua baik. Cuma saya. Padahal dapet berita bagus kemarin, akhirnya paket natal saya nyampe ke tangan yang berwenang (yaitu si pap, mam, jo, & cipluk). Meskipun udah di acak-acak isinya (*grrrr*). Dan kemarin pula saya dapet paket kaos2 lucu dari teman saya, Anna. Senang sesaat, tapi semenit berikutnya mood berubah lagi. Teteeeeep, terutama sekarang - berasanya dikit-dikit salah, ada yang belom bener, belom bersih, belom siap, belom ini belom itu. Lagi gak puas sama ini, sama itu. Lagi pengen santai-santai. Tapi ga bisa. Lagi pengen liburan. Pengen pulang. Heh... (*sigh*)

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Story

Christmas is finally here.

For me who had lived for many years in Jakarta, I would expect Christmas in other country would be different. Not sure how different, but you know... Christmas in western country.. at least I expected will be merrier....

This is my 2nd christmas in this country. Last year we were in Adelaide. Both of us were quite a "new comer" at that time, we didn't have many friends. So only 2 of us, I was busy with hubby, didn't really look around the town and paid no attention to what's going on in the city.

Here, in Darwin, we had hot, humid, overcast, and rain instead of cold weather and snow, just like in Jakarta! Christmas tree were everywehere, but I could not see extravagant Christmas Tree in town (you know, the one that make you say "woooow..." and will feel like taking a picture of it..), no christmas parade, and no children singing christmas carols in the malls or streets. I even may say the christmas decorations in all places (cities, streets, malls) are not as nice and luxurious as in Jakarta. I also hardly hear Christmas songs in public places, until only few days before Christmas. So, it's pretty plain. But I saw nice christmas light and decorations in front of houses, and christmas shopping rush was different. Shops opened for late shopping, mall and shops full of people who bought presents and foods, and all are in the holiday mood. Yes, Christmas here is like Lebaran. Majority of people are celebrating it. Most of them gone to their home town, spend time with families, have a long break from work, and the shops are closed on the day.

But this year were were busier than last year. We had party, midnight Mass, lunch, friends, and lots of presents...! Yay! On Christmas eve, we were invited to an open house 'all night long' party. It was fun. Food was great. Wish we could stay longer for karaoke, games, and exchange gifts. :)

Around midgnight, we went to the Midnight Mass at the St Mary Cathedral. Although the weather was hot and sticky, the Mass and carols were beautiful. Glad to see the Church was full of people. Reminded me to my lovely old church in Jakarta. :)

Today, we invited some friends to come to our place for Christmas Lunch. Andrew cooked (of course). He's done a great job. We had a yummo roast pork and chicken. Plus lots of snacks, chocolate and lollies. We had nice friends coming over. Hope they are all enjoyed and had fun too.

Thank you for having us as guests on X'mas eve, and thank you for everyone for coming to lunch and thank you for the prezzies!
I guess I have had a merry Christmas this year. Surrounded by friends and spend time with lovely hubby (I wish our family could be here too... ).

Christmas is about love, peace, and share. Merry Christmas to you all, wish for peace on earth, peace in our hearts now and forever.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Eating vs Cooking

I like eating, as in: I enjoy the foods, I usually not picky, and like to try new foods. But when it comes to cooking.... that would be a different case. For sure, I don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy eating (*grin*). I'm not sure why, I did not find myself interested in cooking, baking, and anything related to kitchen and its utensils. Especially when I was in Jakarta. My mum was the queen of our kitchen, so was in charged in that area and cooked for the family everyday. I guessed I took it for granted sometimes. My sisters helped my mum sometimes, but not me. I was so lazy, kitchen just not my area, and I prefer to do something else... :)

I always think that I can learn to cook later, if I really really have to. And I did! Cooking became one of my problem when I got married and have to move here, far away from my mum. Could not depend on my mum cooking anymore (*sob*) I was only able to cook instant noodle at that time! Lucky, Andrew is a good cook. He enjoyed cooking, as cooking is one of his hobbies. But, of course I couldn't depend on him cooking all the time. What kind of wife am I ?! :) So there I was, learned how to cook. Tried my mum's recipes, tried other recipes, called my mum for advises, and been through lots of pain (got my finger wounded by the knife, skin burned from bumped into hot pans, got spilled by hot water, splashed by hot cooking oil, etc, etc).... - That's why I think cooking is a very dangerous job ! :D And it's probably why I didn't enjoy cooking from the first place.

After more than a year, I think I made a progress. I still cook when I have to or when I'm in the 'mood', and I still only cook simple meals. But I think I know about cooking spices and ingredients a lot better than before, and less hurting myself (*yay!*). Now I know how to cook beautiful rice (without rice cooker!), know how to avoid cooking oil splash, how to make nice chicken stock, know name of spices and how to use it, cook faster, able to make new and more variation of foods, and the food taste better and better. As people said, practice makes perfect. Hope to be able to make cakes next year. :)

Pictures above is only few simple meals which I usually made. You may click it to enlarge and see clear details. Will take pictures of others meals later :)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

What English Speaking Country I Am

Woo... this is a surprise. Haha...

After learned American English at school for so long, I'm more Australian English now, hey?! This might be true, though. I live in Australia now, and I think my American English has been contaminated by Australian people and environment I've dealing with in the last 9 years, that's why! :D

But I still prefer to have rice than meat pie or vegemite! ;p

You Belong in Australia

Sunny, upbeat, and cute
You make the perfect surf bum
Now stop hogging the vegemite!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

My Personality Cluster

Your Personality Cluster is Introverted Thinking

You are:
Objective, honest, and credible
Intellectually curious, with many diverse interests
More inclined toward ideas than people
Fiercely independent and unapologetically unconventional

Friday, December 15, 2006

Haiyaa! Race Time!

This one made the rest of my night full of laugh. Feel so much better now, after went through unpleasant and dissapointing day. As I don't have pay TV at home, I was heartbroken to not be able to watch this show. But, thank you to youtube,...I can enjoy the show now !! :D

Not My Day

I'm soooo through today. Sooo angry. Sooo frustrated. Getting sick and tired with the trouble and unfairness that I (and some people I know) gets from doing the right thing. Someone said to me, by doing the right thing, and for being honest and helpful, people will only take advantage of you. They will think you are weak, easy to handle, will shut up and will make no trouble. In other words, it's not smart for being a good person. Instead, being sneaky bastards would make life easier and will bring you to the top of the world! . What the hell ??!!! What happened with people ??!! They are just so selfcentre, saving their own sake, don't care about anybody else. They will laugh and laugh on top of other unfortunate people misery. Ggggrrrr @#%*(!*!!

I'm just a new girl in town. By all the good things about this place, I never expected to experience the "beauty" of frustration because of bloody bureaucracy and 'office' politics. Surprise surprise it happened once about few months ago, and today was the second. Why don't they just make it everything simple and transparent and honest. I don't like confrontation, and always avoiding troubles. I don't like this situation. It frustrates me. Will I survive in this wild and tough world ??? HUhuhuhuhu.....

By the way,... when I came home I read my sister's
today's story, which makes me upset again. What happened with people ???!!! Get real!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Little Christmas Corner

May I present .... my first nativity set and... my first 'branchy' christmas tree.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Si Kenong

Belum lama ini saya dapet cerita tentang pembantu rumah tangga di rumah orang tua saya di Jakarta. Katakanlah namanya Kenong.

Si Kenong ini katanya sangat polos dan lugu, sampai-sampai membuat orang rumah 'gemes'. Sekali waktu dia membukakan pagar untuk Jo. Sebelum pergi Jo bilang perginya gak akan lama. Well,.. gak lamanya si Jo bukan cuma 5-10 menit lah, Tapi sekitar 2-3 jam. Waktu Jo pulang, si Kenong dengan setia udah nongkrong (baca: jongkok) di depan pagar. Ternyata dia nungguin Jo terus diluar selama itu. Lain waktu dia disuruh buka pager karena si papi mau ngeluarin mobil, maksudnya cuma mau mindahin mobil, mau diparkir di depan pager, karena space di dalem tempat mobil di parkir mau dipakai buat pingpong. Si Kenong yang cekatan, langsung nutup dan ngunci pager, dan dia masuk ke dalem. Si Papi dikunciin diluar! Dan kejadiannya bukan hanya sekali dua kali. hihihi.... Suatu hari, Cipluk minta tolong dia masak mie instant kuah untuk temannya yang sedang belajar di rumah. Setelah jadi,... ternyata isinya kuah semua! Mienya gak keliatan, tenggelam di dasar mangkuk. hihihi... Dan banyak lagi kejadian-kejadian lucu, tapi ngeselin.

Disini, saya cuma bisa liat aspek lucunya aja. hihihi.... Ceritanya, si Kenong ini udah pernah kerja di Singapura. Looh.. tapi kok kayak gitu ya kerjanya? Mungkin dia kurang ngerti bahasa indonesia. Mungkin dia cuma ngerti bahasa Jawa, Mandarin, dan Inggris. :D

Anyway, si Kenong sudah mengundurkan diri, dan sekarang sudah ada pembantu baru. Hmm....biar gimanapun,... how I miss to have pembantu !

Monday, December 4, 2006

Thousand Candles

Following to the last posting..... Not long after, a thunder storm - heavy rain was pouring down. It only went for about 1/2 hour, but it was cloudy and dark..., looked like going to rain again, and the grass in the park must be damped. We were quite sure that they will cancel the Carols by Candlelight. As we have prepared everything, we were a bit dissapointed... But an hour later we saw the news on TV that the show will still go on. Yay! My friend still interested to come, and the sun was showing its rays a bit for sunset, so off we went to the park! Last year I went to the same event in Adelaide. But I just realised that Carols by Candlelight is only happen in Australia. It's actually an Australian Christmas tradition.

Here is information I got this from a website:

Carols by Candlelight hold a special place in the hearts of most Australians as these unique events brings families together to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas

The inspiration for Carols by Candlelight came in Melbourne in Christmas 1937. Radio veteran Norman Banks MBE while walking home, noticed an elderly lady sitting by her window, her face lit up by a candle as she listened and sang along to Christmas carols on the radio. He was inspired to organise the first gathering of people to sing Carols by Candlelight.

In 1938, 10,000 people gathered at Alexandra Gardens to sing carols with a choir, and the Fire Brigade Band. A new Australian Christmas tradition was born. The event started a tradition to an entire nation.

Carols by Candlelight is now held every year in the week before Christmas, when thousands of people gather in the parks of most of Australia's larger towns and cities to sing their favorite Christmas carols.

In Melbourne the RVIB Carols by Candlelight now attracts a crowd of over 30,000 people and in Sydney over 100,000 people attend Carols in the Domain which has helped raise millions of dollars for the Salvation Army Oasis Appeal for Homeless Youth. These two major events are telecast nationally on TV and the local state capital events statewide in other states, with Sydney's Carols in the Domain attracting around 2 million TV viewers.

Food and drink stalls are often organised at these events by local Rotary or Lions Clubs. Most people bring a rug to sit on or a portable chair for seating as well. Some bring a picnic meal and of course everyone needs a favorite candle. There are a wide range of candles in the market palace including unique Christmas candles at specialised Christmas Shops.

Most Carols by Candlelight events feature a band or an orchestra, and well known entertainers who sing and lead the audience in carols. Father Christmas usually appears, and most events have a Nativity scene on display, and at bigger events the evening ends with a fireworks display. Carols by Candlelight, truly a great Australian Christmas Tradition.

So, that's the history.

The lights candles in the park last night was beautiful. The Carols were lovely. Foods were yum! (Kaori brought yummy sushi). People and companion were wonderful. My Japanese friend, Kaori, was impressed. It was the first carol for her. I think she enjoyed it. :) You may need to enlarge the picture by clicking it to get clearer view. Wish everyday is Christmas....

Sunday, December 3, 2006

X-Mas Spirit

We are entering the end of month of the year. Another year will come very soon. But it also means Christmas is coming!

I did not think much about Christmas much until yesterday. After went through a tense Christmas shopping for my family in Jakarta (buying people gifts is a stressful task for me. I guess that was because I am so much want to make people happy, and so I would be busy thinking what to buy, and busy worrying if the person will like my gift, will it be suit, will it be fit, will it be useable, will it make them happy, etc etc etc...). Anyway, I finally got everything (i guessed),... and I spent lot of time yesterday wrapping and packing. It's now ready to be sent. Will do more Christmas shopping next week for Andrew's fam,.. means: another stress. :)

Heard couple of Christmas songs yesterday in the office. Instead of making me happy, it made me rather sad. Especially the melow sweet songs like White Christmas, I'll Be Home for Christmas, and Silent Nights. It reminds me to my family in Jakarta, and how we usually spend Christmas together. It did not feel special when I was there. But being here now, far away from them makes me realised how I missed that moments and how I missed and love them so much *sob..sob*

Today I felt a bit relax and all of a sudden I feel like doing things that relates to Christmas. I took out Christmas decorations and started to decor my little apartment. I even decored my blog and change the music. Haha.... It's a disco remix style of Jingle Bells. Just want to share a Christmas spirit to you all. Let's dance, Let's cheer, and prepare this Christmas with humble and peace in our heart.

This evening I planned to go to the Christmas Carol by Candle Light in Darwin's Botanical Garden. Hope it won't rain. It's a bit cloudy and windy now... Andrew has made a roast lamb this morning. We gonna bring it with other foods to share with friends there. :)