Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First Movie

First movie for Evan. The first movie for me after 3,5 years!!

It was Kungfu Panda 2.

I was all packed with snacks and lollie pops my bag, in case he bored and wanted to get out the cinema before the movie finish.

I told him what to expect in the cinema, that it would be a very big screen, loud sound, dark, not allowed to scream, not allowed to kick the front seat, and no jumping or standing on the seat. But he was still excited to see Panda. So all good.

We went in and he was still excited. He sat down and looked around and didn't stop talking. The add and movie trailers started. After 10 minutes, he started to asked for lollie, so I gave one. He sat down quietly watching.

The movie now started, he was quiet entertained for about 15 minutes. Then bored. Wanted snacks, wanted to sit with me, wanted to see people at the back, and kicked the front seat (lucky no one sit on the row seat in front of us!).

After about 1 hour. he started wanted to step out the seat. I kept saying there's a crocodile down there. (*sigh) He munched his snacks, had 2 lollies, and the movie still went on.

He sat down, then he stand, sometimes looked at the screen, sometimes bored. The story is too heavy for him. He likes the panda, he laughed when panda made silly move, and that's it. He wasn't interested in the fight, in other animals/characters, and of course didn't care about the story.

But I intended to sit there until the movie finished. And finally we did it! We survived one movie. Tiring. :D

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