Friday, July 1, 2011

All packed

Now evan is sleeping at the back of the car, snorring. Poor thing, he was busy bossing around one of the removalist guy that he chose to call him 'man'. He followed this man everywhere n insisted to call him man eventhough he knew his name is john. So evan would say 'hey man, pick the box!' 'where is man?' 'slowly, man' ' carefull, man!' etc etc 

We were all tired. It was wet rainy gloomy day today. Made the move a bit slow, but about 4pm finally everything's packed in 2 big containers. 

The weather so gloomy, made me more gloomy and sad when we really have to leave the house. Who knows when i can see the house again, who knows where the future will bring us. 

Cant believe we are moving again, but we are. We are going to have 2 night sleeps in a serviced apartment in perth city just accross the road from hubby's office. Then we are going to have a week holiday at hubby's parents before we start our new journey. 

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