Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trip to the island

After a long day i and evan were finally arrived in thursday island. The island we gonna live for at least two years. Quite amazingly i and evan were on a taxi, a plane, a bus, a boat, and a truck in one day!! 

The details are, we took a taxi from serviced apartment in cairns to the airport, as we had to check out by 10am, we got into the airport early, which make easier for the check in and bag drop. But then evan was too bored and tired after waiting for 3 hours in the airport. He was excited when we finally got into the plane. The overtired boy could not sleep n wanted all my attention the whole flight. Good it was only 2 hours flight to horn island. Andrew was  waiting in the smallest airport i've ever seen, in horn island, that is! We were then taken to the harbour by bus with our luggage. Then we hopped on a boat that took us to thursday island. Evan was super excited. He was happy to see his dad, went on his favourite vehicle: bus, and got on a boat! He didn't stop chatter away. After about 5 minutes boat ride, we finally arrived in Thursday island! We then got into andrew's business car, which actually a 4 wheels car with a Space at the back, so we call it a truck. :)

We were welcomed by shower and rainbow, which was beautiful. I wish our temporary accomodation was as nice as the look of the rainbow. But nothing's perfect. Until our stuff from perth arrive, we have to live in a house with limited facility, that's mean no washing machine, one queen bed for 3 of us, no tv, no internet n wifi !! *crying, screaming* that would be for 6 days! Only God knows if i can survive. 

Good news is the house we going to live in is quite nice n clean We had a quick look at the only childcare in town, and happy  with it. 

It's very small town, and it might be not my cup of tea. But as long as  we are together as a family, that's all the matter. 

Looking forward to move to our house next week, and hoping the best will come from our island experience. 

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