Sunday, July 24, 2011

Become an islander

Day 6 in the island. I am officially an islander! Almost fade up with the temporary accomodation, which nothing than give me allergy reaction from all the dust and rotten yucky smell. I couldn't stop sneezing!

Evan had a strange allergy reaction from who knows what. His right eyelid got red and swollen. It didn't bother him much, seemed it didn't hurt or itchy, but it slowly got bigger in 2 days, he only could have his eye half open on Friday. We had to take him to doctor. After a few doze of phenergan (which didn't make him drowsy at all !!) the swollen slowly gone away, but the red stayed. Hopefully it'll completely go away by days.

There's not much to see here. The beach is not as pleasant as beach in Perth, they are not beaches to play and swim. It's no doubt beautiful scenery, but it's not sandy, there might be crocodiles around, and the sea smell like raw salty fish.! Unfortunate we are surrounded by it.

There's only one main street, which has all shops n places you need, eq: clinic, chemist, bank, government n cultural centre, supermakets, cafe, shops, churches, etc. Thank God for people who own/run the cafe in the cultural centre. The only civilize place i found so far. Nice tropical setting and atmosphere, clean, good food, cool music (cafe del mar/budha bar), playground for children, and most of all: free wifi!! I went there everyday for lunch since i arrived!! Except today, sunday. Because it's closed. I met and talked to a few ladies already in there. I guess people like to know other people and they are more friendly in this island.

I am now sitting on the floor, in the empty house where we gonna live, alone. The boys are napping in the temporary house. The big blue container full of our stuff sits across the road since friday. Tomorrow people will come to take out (hopefully) everything from the container, so i need to do bit of cleaning. Thankfully this house is nice n clean. The veranda is overlooking to the sea.

I missed my house, beach, park, shops, and everything we left in perth. But hope by moving to the new house, surrounded by our furniture n stuff will make me feel hommie n better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yah abis critanya _bams_