Monday, March 3, 2008

7 Months Celebration

This special rujak, especially made for me (and the bub) to celebrate the seventh months of my pregnancy. It's a fruit salad, which made in mixture of seven types of fruits which are sweet, sour, hot, and salty in flavour. No, I don't know exactly the tradition, I thought at least I want to be thankful that everything seems to be fine so far, and to celebrate it with some friends here. Brought it with some snacks to the monthly meeting of Indo Women's meeting last month and had it for all the embassy's staff there. People love it as they haven't eaten rujak for so long.

It has been said it depends on the rujak's taste to determine the gender of the baby. It actually taste spicy more than sweet. Since I have known the gender, so it doesn't matter anymore about the taste. All I know is it's refreshing and yummy

If anyone curious,... of course it was made by Bu Minul. ;p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


wah hebat lu, bisa nemu rujak 7 rupa gitu di negri antah brantah...itu Bu Minul serbaguna eh maksudnya serba bisa bikin apa aza yah...untung deh, biar si baby nanti jadi ngga ileran deh..hehe...
