Monday, March 10, 2008

Up And Down

Last weekend Hubby took another day off, since we planned to hit Dead Sea for two days. I know it would be fun. Weather warm and nice. The scene of green and flower would be everywhere out of town, which is very rare and would be nice to see. But I was hesitant to go. Other than because I didn't feel like having a long drive, we also still have to prepare a lot of things for the bub. More stuff to buy, and more things to do for the nursery. I thought I would feel much better to have holiday if everything's ready for the bub.

We ended up stay in town, and Hubby didn't mind. Instead, we spent time together deciding which room are we going to make over into nursery and shops. I started to wash some of baby's the blanket and clothing. Hubby did the hard bit like installing the cot, stroller and canopy stand. The nursery is not really ready as we need to move some wardrobe to other room. But at least the cot is now up. It look more like a baby cot when we put the bed sheet and dolls and canopy on it. We also managed to visit the maternity hospital and take a tour. It looks good, and people said the service is like a hotel. So the long weekend is not bad after all. We are happy to have some things up and ready for the bub.

I started to knit things for baby too, and recently finish the mitten. It might look like socks,... but it's a pair of mitten, and I was only following the pattern. Think it's not too bad for the first knit wear I made. (*grin*)

Can't wait for the bub to pop out! My tummy is really growing, as well as my body. It swell in some part, and hard to move around. Although I still drive, I have to limit my activity. I can't stand, walk, or sit too long. Tired and exhausted easily, and usually need to take a nap. I also have a sore and numb feet and hands. Not a great feeling, very uncomfortable and make me a bit down sometimes as I can't do as much as I wanted. Anyway,.. not long to go. Just need to hang on here.

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