Friday, March 14, 2008

Killing The Time

I was thinking to make something to wear for the bub, but it was hard to find good pattern. I found this mittens and bootees's pattern finally, thought this was the best from the others. Not easy to do, considering my numb and sore hand due to pregnancy. Also found some new knit term in this pattern, but I managed to know what and how, and think I did it well! Not sure if the bub will really wear this, though. But it would be nice for decoration too, I guess. Besides, it was a soothe enjoyable thing to do for killing the time and counting down!

Do you agree that my knitting skills has improved? ;p


Anonymous said...

Cuteee banget deh tu hasil knitting elu. iya nih, kayaknya udah tambah ok lu dalam hal rajut merajut..


Nencee said...

trims kakak Winda :D