Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Day To Share

It's rather strange but also flattering when I got asked to show how to make jewellery in front of bunch of women. Early last month, I've been asked to do it at the event of women association in indo emb's monthly meeting. I wasn't so sure if I could do it, not only because I'm not a pro, but also I don't have experience in teaching how to make jewellery!

I was then asked my beading 'guru', thought she could do it instead. But she said she would be busy with classes and shows and might be out of town on the nominated date. Instead, she encouraged me to do it and gave me some ideas how to.

After all this time, I came to their monthly meeting, some other events, hang out with some of the members, and we started to get to know each other better and became friends. I really want to contribute in this community, and thought this would be a good chance. So I agreed, and will do it for February monthly meeting. Not really a good time though as I started to feel tired and breathless more than usual due to my pregnancy. But being busy in other things besides shopping and daily routine was actually fun and enjoyable.

So you know why I didn't have so many posting last month. This project is one of the reason, besides busy with so many invitations and baby shopping. Anyway, I was then busy trying to find the material and tools, thinking how am I going to do it, preparing what I wanted to make, preparing all the information I want to give, and typing the handouts.

The day had come when I have to deliver the talk and demonstration. The plan was I will show them how to make bracelet and necklace, and gave basic knowledge about jewelry making. So I have one half-finish necklace, which all the beads arranged nicely in the wire with both ends opened (just have cello tape to hold the beads). My plan was to use this half-finish necklace to show how to finish and close both ends of the wire with crimps, clasp and jump ring. The idea was so I don't have to put all the arranged beads into the wire anymore as it'll take times. What I was worried about was actually happened. All the beads from half-finish necklace came off the wire and all fell to the floor ! Not to mention it was a huge room full of tables and chairs. Luckily it happened when I and one of my friend preparing all the equipment on the table, before the event was actually started, and no one there yet. So with my sudden creativity, I have to create another design (as we could not find all the beads) and made new half-finish necklace. A little accident I didn't need for the start!

I wonder what's gonna happen next. But actually, it went very well! The ladies like my work (I showed some jewellery I made for show). They listened to what I said, interested to know what is what, made a note on their handout, and took a close look at the tools & equipments I passed around between them. Some of them very enthusiastic to practice together by arranging beads in the wire, and finish it with the crimps. They asked lots of questions and interested to learn more. One woman personally said, "excellent". The other woman said, "this is very nice, thank you for sharing with us". Another one asked if some jewellery I made was for sale. They were all try and put my jewelleries on and had a picture with it. I take that as a compliment.

I'm happy to share and contribute although it took a bit of hard work, but happier and satisfied with the result and responds. That was just made my day. That day also the day when I brought the rujak and snacks. We had so much food at the end as we had another lady brought main food, arabic rice, and one other lady brought arabic sweets. yum yum! :)

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