Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Stop and Go Bus

Goosh..... first time got into a bus in this town. Had to change buses to get home from work. It only took 45 minutes, but it was really make me (bus) sick! And Andrew may need to catch a cab tonight. All of these hassle caused by stupid man called Will. Heeeeh...... it makes me upset again thinking about him!

Hhmmmm..... i need a hot shower and then lie down for a while....


constant change said...

What happened to the car?

Nencee said...

Got all of those trouble just becoz the idiot guy at the car regist office. Didnt pass the practical test, n he put the condition on my lisence, that I should be accompanied by person with full lisence when i am driving. Which is totally absurd, considering I've been driving for more than 15 years. Anyway, we use 1 car now, Andrew has to drop me off and pick me up to and from work now. He can't always pick me up due to his work schedule. In that case, I should catch the bus :(