Sunday, July 30, 2006

Lazy Sunday

I woke up at 10:25 am this morning..... hmm...what a sleep in :) Andrew had gone to walk when I got up. I made some coffee and toasts, put some clothes in the washing machine, and suddenly i felt like.... hair spa! It's been more than a month since my last hair spa. My hair screamed to have it again soon. So, I spent about 1 hour giving my hair and scalp (plus my body skin) a nice treat. 20 minutes to distribute all the cream evenly, and massage the scalp and hair. Then I leave it under warm towel for 15 minutes, while I used the waiting time to scrub my body with body scrub. Then spent another 15 minutes to rinse it thoroughly. My hair and skin felt smooth, soft, moisturised, and aromatic. Sooo nice. :)

I love to sleep in. But the bad thing about it is you'll spend almost half of you day for nothing. It will frustrate me if I actually wanted to do several things on that day because of little time that I have left. Like today..... So many things I planned to do today, but after the hair spa I felt a bit tense because it's already noon, and I have not done none of them. aaarrrggh.... But then Andrew gave me a 'snap' (;p) so that I was calm down a bit.

Anyhow, while Andrew was watching his fav. series, The Shield on 'original' dvd, I cooked the traditional javanese tempe, which usually called tempe mendoan. This is of course, my first try. Think it's a bit to salty,... but Andrew said it's fine, and he liked it. He even dips it in sweet soy sauce (with chili). I have to admit it's really taste the same as my mum's! yummo!! :)

Then it's time for ironing. As usual, 2 baskets of them (only) :(.... To avoid being bored and tired, I did it with my fav. series, Lost, played on the dvd.

It was about 5.30 pm when I finished iron, and supposed to get ready for church. But Andrew got a work call and has to go to work soon. So we missed church again today. Hope to not miss it again next week.

I didn't do some of the things I planned to do, but pretty much happy with what I have done today.

1 comment:

constant change said...

Nen.. pembantu abis gitu.. hehehe.. untung pake cream bath.. hee hee