Sunday, July 30, 2006

Darwin Show

As I told you, last Friday was a public holiday in Northern Territory. But for what occasion??.... It was actually a Darwin Show Day! I think people here just want an excuse for a day off work. But I don't mind! I had a loooong weekend :) Why can I complaint about that! I got a lazy day on Friday at home. Chit chat with my li'l sister, and conference chatting with old friends. Was a fun laugh! :) Did not go anywhere becoz Andrew had to work.... poor thing.....

I and Andrew then went to the Darwin Show on Saturday. Mmm... that was the first time I went to a show. Apparently every states have their own show. As Darwin considered as a Territory, the Darwin Show was basically an event for Territorian (people who lives in Territory) to have fun, and for them to show what they can do. People were showing 'everything'. From pets, animals, plants, foods, cakes, crafts and arts they made. Lots of races and contests too.

Amazing on how you can see lot of animal and strange creature in this show. Here is the picture of some of them.

The chicken above was soo strange. I called it KLINGON CHICKY.... see, its head have something like Klingon people in Startrek. And look at those cute innocent faces of the big hamster! Little pink piggy was also sooo cute. I have the picture of it's mum. She is big and black! The other blurry picture is the picture of bunch of ducks wear dresses and just finished the race!. Sooo funny. So many more animals in this show, from snake, birds, cat, dogs, to horses and buffalo. I did not take a pic of all. But its so interesting and.... smelly too! :)

To satisy our shopping needs, there were also some commercial stalls selling showbags, clothing, and novelties. But the most interesting things to look are the rides. Sort of like little Dunia Fantasi. Here is some pictures of the rides...

I was quite amazed with some of the rides. I thought I will definitely sick if I took a ride on those things (getting old niiih)... So we didn't take any ride at the end. But I am happy to find fairy floss. It's been ages since I ate those kind of thing. And I ended up win something. Was soooo happy, like a little girl. This is what I got for a prize....

Yes, got the big stupid look blue doggie doll. Andrew said it was bigger than me. hahaha ... But it is sooo cute. I forgot when was the last time I have a doll. This dog is sitting at the corner of the spare room now, watching me typing.... :)

We spent almost 7 hours there, and stayed up to see the fireworks. We found a good spot to watch it where we could see people who released and control the crakers. So it's pretty close. The fireworks was so pretty, and I felt it explodes on top of our head. soo cool!

Got original carnaval hot dog and fairy floss for snacks... and rice with salt and pepper squid for dinner. yummy! Got few of fireworks photos and movie... but i'll share the best one. Wish I had professional camera and know how to use it to make better pic. In the mean time, this will do :)

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