Friday, May 14, 2010

Love Tommy

Someone gave us a portable GPS car navigation system for our return to Australia in August last year. At first I am skeptical about the function of this little 'thing'. Not sure if it's reliable and helpful. I still prefer to use road map. We set our foot in Perth in September, where everything are new. We didn't know the way to anywhere! None of us ever lived here. The GPS was safely stay in our suitcase. What we did first was buying a big heavy road map and use it to out and about.

Until we settled in the new house and have emptied all suitcases, I just realised that we have this little gadget (i'll call it tommy - to be easy) safe and sound in the box, unopened. We finally turn it on, set it, and put it in the car, but still, we hardly use it. I don't remember when did we first use it, but out of the blue I became a big fan of tommy.

Tommy is such a smart little navigator. Not only it always choose the fastest route, it also shows lots of information such as how many km will it takes, beeping alarm if we about to pass speeding camera, tells you when you are speeding, the nearest fuel station, etc. It also very easy to use, clear instruction, clear touch screen.

I use it a lot in the last 2 months where I have to drive to places I never been to. It work out great!
I drove 40-60 km without any hassle. Never get lost, no confusion, arrived and get home on time. It's quite amazing, really. I can go on and on and on about how amazing Tommy is, but I would sounds like a sales girl. What I want to say is just this little gadget has never let me down so far. It's like a little magic box that can tell you everything about streets. Highly recommended for people who live in a new place like us.

Talking about technology, Internet connection on mobile phone is another one that I adore. It probably nothing but a tool for chatting and browse unimportant things, but at some stage it can be helpful when you know how to use it. One day I was driving by my self to find a place where I can print out a document. It was urgent, and it was on Saturday (limited shops are open on weekend here). Library was extremely busy, they couldn't do it. I didn't know where else to go, the only thing I know is a place called Snap who might be able to do printing. What I did then I google it via internet on my handphone. I got the phone number and address. I called and they're open. As I don't have any idea how to get there, I used Tommy to navigate me there. My problem solved without lots of hassle.

Now I love Tommy. I have to have tommy in the car so I feel safe, at least something to rely on when I get lost. But if you talk about my mobile phone, it's my second boyfriend (after my hubby). It has to be with me everytime and everywhere. It's my best buddy! :) Btw, I got GPS on my mobile too, but it takes the battery and not sure if it can be reliable.

Ah well, what a technology era we live in now.....

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