Thursday, May 13, 2010


A friend reminded me about today. I would completely forgot about how special today is. Today is an anniversary of my blog! Yes I started this blog 13 May 2006, exactly 4 years ago.

It's interesting to see that the layout had changed many times (unfortunately I didn't keep the record), I guess I'm not easily satisfy with what I have, always want to be better and learn new things. The way I write is different too. I must try to write in Bahasa Indonesia again sometimes. Not sure if my english improved, though. It's not me to assess. The topics moves from time to time, reflecting how colourful the journey of my life. The frequency is up and down, depending on a lot of factors. But I confess in the last year I had not much time blogging since facebook come into my daily life.

But today, this blog still exist. I'm glad I started it. Not many people following it (it's not my intention anyway), but it has a few loyal readers, which i think made this blog special. Thank you to one of them for the reminder about today's special day. :)


Anonymous said...

at the 5th anniversary..maybe you should try to find a publisher for your life journal.. :) -bamz-

Nencee said...
