Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Miss....

driving in a chaos traffic of Jakarta, spending times with family, hanging out with old friends,
taking shopping tour from mall to mall, shopping like never shop before,
going crazy with crazy sisters and friends,

and satisfy my tummy with yummy favorite food.
These are the one I miss the most as I can't get them here,
Crab with spicy sauce, traditional cakes from stall on the street,
frog leg with margarine sauce, teh botol, and hoka-hoka bento!

These pictures were only some from many others taken on my last year Jakarta visit, around the same time last year (march). Pulang kampung once a year, that's what I usually do since I move out. But I live far far away now, and with the baby coming soon, I don't know when I can go back there. Rather sad. Especially I'll miss my sister's wedding too this year.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whith all the list... you didn't miss me at all... hiks - bams _