Saturday, February 2, 2008

Unexpected Holiday

Unlike last week’s snow where snow flakes fell down nicely and peacefully, it was only last for about half a day, leaving us only thin snow on the ground which then completely vanished the next day.

It was on Tuesday night, when the snow began to fall again quite heavily together with gusty wind. The city had hit by a blizzard! It went on all night, and didn’t really change on the next day. Though, we woke up in the morning with excitement, look out the window, everything covered in white, whilst the wind and snow still falling quite heavily. Grey sky, gloomy, cold, and silent!

One thing we just realised, that here, snow means time off!
No work, no school, no shopping, no going outside. Everything freezes. Just snow and waiting. Wait for the snow to accumulate, and then melt. Then everything will go back to normal, after a few days.

Anyway, it was gloomy and miserable day. But Hubby and I enjoyed it. We stayed in a warm house (thank God the heating works!), and got everything we need at least for a few days in the house. We looked out the window now and then, waited for the snow to stop falling. We couldn’t wait to go out and play on the snow. It was like a holiday! We went out couple of times that day when the snow and wind wasn't to strong. The snow was about 10 cm deep. It was cold because the wind and snow still falling.

That day was the day when I had my first walk on the snow, had a feel of it on my bare hand, stood under the snow fall, and first time for Hubby and I had snow fight. Was great! Although it was a terrible weather and we were technically trapped in the house, the snow also brought excitement and happy feeling. Wish to have it on Christmas day. That would be perfect.

It was Thursday morning, and snow still falls! But this time not as heavy as the last 2 days. It was nice flaky snow without gusty wind. The sky was clearer too. The snow storm has finished. What happened after snow storm was amazing. The view from the roof of our apartment building was fantastic. Everything is covered with snow,… and it’s thick! Maybe about 20-25 cm deep, made it harder to walk on. Lots of cars got stuck in the middle of the road and abandoned. Cars on the side of the road were buried about half of their tires. Definitely another day to stay at home. Also a perfect time to play on the snow again! Another day for Hubby to skip work, so we had a wonderful time at home and playing on the snow again - just two little kids. (*grin*)

This time we have companies. Some people and kids lives on our street were out too, just to have a little visit to their car or tried to drive their car out. Some people built snowmen in front of their houses, or had snow fight. As for myself, I built a tiny snowman outside my bedroom window. It wasn’t too cold as the gusty wind has gone. Again I and Hubby had snow fight (of course I got hit more!), walked bit further down the road, and took few beautiful photos.

Yesterday is Friday, snow was no longer falling, sky was clear, but still cold. Stack of snow everywhere paralysed city's activity. Supermaket started to run out fresh vegetables and fruits, people dig up the street and pathway so they can get their cars out, snowmen started to melt, snow and ice falling from the roof, and some people start to go to shop or work (only if they really have to - as Friday and Saturday is a weekend days).

And today, the sun is shining, the sky is blue. Snow blast has finished, no more excitement although everything still covered in white. Most of the snow on the trees and roof has gone. Leave alone snow on the ground, on the empty land and streets. The roads are wet and slippery, made it hard to drive on. More cars on the road, piles of snow in the middle or on the side of the road. The city started to be alive, but not completely normal. Snow became annoying. I can't wait to be able to mobile again as usual.

This city and it's citizen has never experience snow this bad since more than 20 years ago! People said they never seen this such of degree, weather, and snow. Apparently weather is going crazy everywhere in the world. Jakarta and NSW got flooded, South Australia got toasted by 47 degree, and many more - at the same time! It's crazy!

Snow is beautiful, it's cool, it's fun. But being snowed in, is not too fun! Back to the old school advise, it's not good to have too much on something, and it applies to everything.

Now it's time to see some cool pictures. :)

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