Saturday, June 30, 2007

Zodiac Reading

Read my horoscope in one of the local women magazine. Instead of having Finance, Romance, or Business as I normally read in other magazines, this one has mystic message, hottest date, and karmic goal. This is what it says:

Mystic message: That song you can't stop singing has a message for you.
Hottest Date : 27 June
Karmic Goal : To admit you're wrong, we know it's going to be hard.

I'm not sure what the karmic goal message means. I thought I always right! (*grin*)

I don't think I had a hottest date on 27 June. That was when hubby got home late from work and I cooked dinner and eat alone at home....

The mystic message is interesting. Since I watched the concert, I have this
SONG in my head that I can't get rid off. It's stuck there, even until now. Its title, Yemma, might means Mummy I Lie To You (not really sure). I can't remember when was the last time I lied to my mum (It's true!) ;p. And of course I can't understand what the lyric says.

Never trust what horoscope says. But always fun to read and compare it to the real life. ;p

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