Wednesday, June 27, 2007

First Concert

Last Monday we went to the a concert of a female singer called Souad Massi. Who the hell is she? we did not know. We never heard her name before, nor hear her songs. But we don't care. We were still very interested to go. Why? Because of where the concert gonna be held. It would be a concert under the stars, in one of the roman amphitheater in the ancient city called Jerash, about 1 hour drive from Amman. How cool would it be??!!

And I was right. Everything was great. The singer, the songs, the location, environment, crowd, all were fantastic. Only one thing, I couldn't understand any words they said. People on stage, including the singer spoke and sang in French and Arabic. But it's ok, not too annoying. I was surprise that the performance was far from glamorous. Massi looked very modest and simple, nice and humble. She wore very simple white top and pant, not much make up, no special hair style, and no jewellery. Most of the songs have nice beat and rhytym, mix of folk, rock, and traditional Algerian music. Very easy to listened and enjoyed, especially for us who listen the songs for the first time. She also play guitar. Always like singer who can play music instrument. And apparently she is quite famous. Chek out more about her in
here. If curious what kind of music and song she had, check this out.

And about the place itself, the amphiteater... it was amazing. Was built thousands and thousands years ago (sometimes BC!), I was thrilled! Kind of place that gave me goosebumps. I imagined people who built it, try to picture this place and Roman people and the small village surround it at the time when it was built. How they died and the place extinct and buried....... Hiiii.....
Was it looked like roman village we saw in the movies ??? Who knows....
Another thing is the village of Jerash used to be called Gerasa or Gerasene. And Gerasene is mentioned in bible! (Mark 5:1 and Luke 8:26). Am I a little be too excited here? :D
But truly, standing, sitting and looking at that historical place, it's just.....amazing....(*excited sigh*).
As I am now live near to all the places that also mentioned in bible and all of historical places, dont be surprise, dont get bored if I say 'amazing'... over and over and over again. ;D

Anyhoo, time to shut up and start cook dinner. Here is some
PHOTOS for you to enjoy.

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