Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Never get enough talking about Evan.

Evan's speech is getting better and better. He definitely understand many many things, almost everything, including words in Bahasa. He can talk a few words, some are not really clear, but he was definitely trying to tell us something. Sometimes he talks to his thomas train, sometimes he talks to the ipod, or talks when he plays lego. He also can almost count 1-10.

Here are his words I can remember so far :
titi = auntie
mimi = dummy
ink = drink,
ta = thomas (the tank engine)
ta = thank you (in australian)
nite nite
i love you
eed = read
ook = book
cip = chip
nana = banana
ed = red
eow = yellow
pepel = purple
two three four five six ten
eep = sleep
amb = lamb
hos = house
in = chin
eek = cheek
oup = soap
Ease = please

and many many many many more!!!

There are two things tough,.... he still can not say his own name ! and he can not say "one"... so always missed number 'one' when counting.

Last night I caught him singing ABC together with Elmo when he watched a youtube video on ipod. And today I just realised that he knows almost all alphabets.

This video was recorded after singing and talking ABC many times and made a mess as usual.

Have fun with Auntie

Lil' sister has gone back home two weeks ago. There were some boring days.. but most of the days were lots of fun and exciting. Not that she helped me much with the house chores... but certainly helped in other bit and pieces, like taking photos (*grin*).

Evan also had fun with auntie. Last saturday he was still asking for 'titi'. That's how Evan called her: "titi", instead of auntie. :)

Hope she enjoyed her visit and will have opportunity to come back. There are still a lot more to see!

I and Evan are missing her a lot!!

See you again soon in Jakarta, titiii !

Monday, December 20, 2010

Simply Active

Updating his daily activity lately....

Started to understand to colour inside the shapes (yay!).

can't wait until he can sit and concentrate doing art and craft !

Started to get him used to the pool as the preparation of swimming lesson.
As the weather getting warmer, we got him a splash pool to play with every weekend.

and still going to the school every Tuesday and Thursday.
Here he is in his favorite toy at school... red car :)

coincidence or what ?

it's hard to believe... but it happened.

Yesterday I found a $20 note on the ground, lying nicely between plants at the corner of our front yard.

Last weekend, hubby found $20 note on the front yard when he was mowing the lawn.

It's very strange considering we never experience things like this before.

Is it by coincidence these notes flew to my front lawn because of the 'king money frog' i bought two weeks ago???

let's hope more dollars coming to our door from now on :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Next Plan

myspace layout

First Santa

Evan had his first Christmas party at his school last week. I was more excited than him, mainly because it was my first school party with Evan! :)

Evan slept in that morning, so did I (of course ;p). We then frantically left the house in a hurry, and yes, I forgot to bring camera. :(

The school was actually in a bit of chaos when I got there. All children age 2-5 were running around in the outdoor area plus their parents/guardian scattered around. I had a little chat with one mum, then couldn't continue the conversation as each other kids' made a little drama. Her boy fell, and Evan pulled my hand. Not long after, we were entertained by a magician. Evan didn't want to sit with the other kids, so I ended up sitting between the kids on the floor whilst Evan sat on my lap (*sigh*). Evan laughed a lot at the magician's silly joke... but he didn't really understand the magic trick yet. However, he loved the balloons trick. It only last for 15 minutes, when then he played with my sandals, then his own sandals, then pulling things from my handbag (*sigh*). And the magician shows last for more than an hour!

When the show had finally over, we enjoyed sausages sizzles in a bread and bun, and cordial, and ice cream. Again, I didn't have a chance to talk to other parents.

Then time for Santa, which was a surprise (I didn't know that Santa will be there). So all the kids gathered and sit in front of Santa, and sit on Santa's lap one by one then receive a present. The room was so full with all kids and parents. I tried hard to make Evan listen and look at the Santa, and sit nicely with other kids. but he didn't care! Whilst other kids sit nicely waiting for their turn, Evan chose to go to his favorite corner which of course he familiar with, and played with toys there. So I waited until few kids had their turn, and until Evan bored with the toys. I was right...after about 10 minutes, he started to look around searching other thing to do. He started to look at Santa who talked to a boy on his lap.

Finally, Evan's turn. He was a bit shy but did not look scared. I said "Santa have balloons. go get them!" So much for a lie (i hate to lie - but sometimes I really have to). When he heard a word 'balloon'.. that's when he finally walked to Santa and wanted to sat on his lap. :)

And here's pictures I took with my hand phone camera.

He then excitedly opened the present right there. It was a book, which he like to have it read before bed now.

We went home soon after that. Exhausted......

Saturday, November 20, 2010

all important stuff

dear oh dear... I've been super busy lately so i hardly have time to blog! So many thing has happened, so many things i want to talk about, so little spare time. Here i go doing another short cut. Write everything in one entry.

* my little sister (who is not so little anymore) is here, visiting us since 29 oct. Cant believe she is really here. So we have a lot to catch up and do and shop and sight seeing, and many more. it's fun and good to have company in daily days. Little boy is very fond to her as well. He calls her Titi.. (from auntie). She is surely the main reason i abandoned the blog lately though.

* hubby went for a business trip to Amman for 5 days. i didn't look forward for long hour flight, but i wish i could go too. Thought would be good to go back there, as I realised i still have a few good friends there to visit, and that we had a lot of good memories in that city, including the birth of our boy!

* Whilst hubby is on the business trip, Evan had a bit of runny nose at one day, then a bit of cough another day, then the next day had unusual shorth-hard breath. He was still active and eat well, but a bit unsettled. so i took him to doctor concerning his breath. It was sunday, so i had to take him to a GP after hour in the hospital. By my surprise, GP advised me to take Evan to ER to have more treatment. I started to worried, especially coz hubby was not back in town yet. But tried to remain calm. It's the first experience for him and me to be at the hospital. He was pretty good the whole time, except when when we have to give him ventolin and oxigen. He was good when having chest x-ray and taking medicine syrup. After 4 hours, doctor decided for him to stay in the hospital that night for more observation and treatment. I was worried but agreed. Thankfully hubby finally landed in town and rushed to hospital to see us. we were all very tired. Hubby just landed from very long hour flight, and i didnt prepare anything to stay the night in the hospital. lucky that Cindy is home. She prepared everything i and Evan need that night. It was a sleepless night. I got very tired the next morning. Evan got better in the morning and doctor allowed him to go home. Apparently he had a mild asthma broncilitis. He treated with antibiotic and ventolin at home. It was certainly a frightening experience. Glad it's over.

* I had my first job interview after three years absence from world of office work. Realised that i dont have many descent formal clothing anymore. my waist has changed drastically so that all my formal pants got too big or too small. All of my formal tops were out of date. The interview made me panic, not only because it was hard to find right outfit, also because it seems too long since my brain used with professional office work stuff. I didn't have any clue about what to do and say anymore. Another thing was i had lot of thing to do on the same day, as it was hubby's bday and we were planning to give him small surprise celebration. It was a super busy long tiring day!, it was last thursday, 11/11.
the interview went ok, i guess. We'll see what happen. I don't expect much as they are now looking for a full timer, while i want a part time job. But I'm excited thinking to go back to work!

* it was hubby's 40th birthday last thursday. it's a special number so that i really want to give him special birthday celebration for him.
That day was the busiest ever. I got to find a present, party supplies, cake, candle, attend job interview, and cook chicken noodle for the first time! Glad to have lil sister's companion to do all the preparation. It wasn't a big fancy party, but simple and quite special. the most important think is the bday boy was happy. And the chicken noodle was satisfying.

* I turned 37 yesterday. we had no birthday celebration. But that's what i wanted. Instead, i had a great 2 days off from house and kitchen chores. Spent the whole 2 days playing, relaxing, swimming, sun bathing with lil' sister and lil' boy (day one, on day two he was at school), and had yummy dinner. It was special. everybody's happy, i was happy too. I didn't feel different as i got a year older... but i certainly thankful and greatful for everything i've got and achieved.

* It was our 5th anniversary on 19th of November. As little sister is here, we turned her to be a babysitter that night so we could go out just two of us on a very rare date. Yes, we didn't have time to go on a date anymore since Evan was born. We got off the house as soon as Evan went to sleep. Nothing much still open after 9pm,so we only had coffee and sweets in one of the restaurant at the rockingham foreshore. It was a nice night weather that night. Warm and the moon was full, perfect time to stroll along the beach at night. So it was very good to have a quiet time just two of us out of the house, even only for 2 hours.

updated 24 nov 2010 : I didn't get the job... :(

Next plan is undergoing....

Monday, October 18, 2010


Just when I told the whole world that i would make my ME time more happily and freely as the little one was happy to go to school,... it happened again. My ME time is gone, not happening. It's a false alarm! The series of sickness came back and didn't stop. And so the old story linger. Sleepless nights, lots of laundry (from vomits), lots of medicines, lots of doctor trips, plus the boy had to not go to school. I was drained and exhausted again.

The boy was diagnosed as having pneumonia about a month ago, after series of flu he had. The doctor confirm he had mid pneumonia after he had his chest x-ray taken. Since then he had lots and lots of antibiotics. The pneumonia has completely gone now. The last chest x-ray taken last week made sure it's clear.

However, somehow he keeps getting bugs. I guess that's his favourite activity at the moment. Collecting bugs from others (*sigh*)... Doctor trips is most common thing in our daily life now. We visited doctor almost twice a week in the last 3 months.

Doctors and many people said that it's very common that toddler get sick all the time once they go to childcare/school. It's actually good to expose them to all the germ and bugs at this age, so they will build their immune system by the time they go to real school. Doctor said I should expect the boy to get sick for a year. Let him get to know to all the bugs in every season. Once he get one bug he will be immune from the same bug. And that I should keep taking him to childcare.

The thought that he would build the immune system was good. But to see him sick, it was heart breaking. And the most sadness thing is that I still can not find my freely happily ME time.

At the moment the boy is down with diarrhea. Just after his thrush and cold vanished. What a hard world I live in now...... (*long long sigh*)

So you all now know why I dont blog as often as before, and that I still had to put down all my plan (*another long sigh*)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Evan, Happy Me

Evan has been attending "school" for almost a month now. In between, he had to absence twice due to illness. For the first two weeks he held my hands so tight and I had to stay with him a while before I said goodbye and left. Of course then he cried.

The next two weeks he seems started to understand that I was going to leave him there. Although he seemed happy to go to school, never have trouble in getting him inside, he still held my hands tight. I tried to not stay too long. When I said that I need to leave now and will be back and pick him up in the afternoon, he cried, but released my hand!

So he always in tears everytime I left him, which breaks my hearts, even though the teachers said he got easily calmed down. At first I picked him up around 3pm, then gradually longer and longer, and last time I picked him up at 5pm.

But this week, on Tuesday, I took him to the outdoor area where the other children already there and played. He went straight to a ball and kicked it, he wasn't holding my hand! I talked to a teacher for while, then I said to Evan, "bye, Evan".. and surprisingly, he looked at me for one second, then waved bye bye, then ran off to the playground!!!!

Oh my oh my....I amazed!

And it happened again today.

I know that he is happy to be at school now. He must like the place, the teachers, the toys, the acticity, etc. I am very happy to see him happy. His tears might be the cause of me not being too comfortable doing things while he is at school. Deep down in my mind I was a liiiiiitle bit worried about him. Now that I know he is happy there, I am also ready to do other things happily while he is at school as my mind would be a little bit in peace. I have a few plans in mind. ;p
notes: the picture was made in the "school" for Father's Day.


Updating my ambitious project. About 2 weeks ago I finally made more than 25 squares and decided to give a try to attach them. It turned out to be a little of hard work.

Because there are 5 different colour on each squares, there are plenty of yarn tails at the back of each squares, which I had to finish them off, ie: had to use a needle for each tails, brought the yarn's tail in between stitched and cut them off carefully and neatly.

Then to put them in a layout pattern, made sure colour combination are well-matched.

Then attached them one by one using crochet method.

The result actually not too bad. Although it might be too colourful and the colour are not structured. But I think I will continue to make it bigger because I enjoyed making the squares. I become very use to it so don't have to count or worry if the pattern is wrong. I can make it anytime anywhere while watching TV or watching Evan playing. I don't have a dead line, no pressure, and don't have to think much, so it's sort of has a calming effect for me. And it feels good to work with beautiful yarn colours and textures.

Am now had made another 10 squares and many more on the way. :)

Pile of squares

squares ready to be attached

20 squares finally attached

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Hujan baru saja berhenti dan matahari mulai kembali muncul dari balik awan kelabu saat aku mulai menapakkan kakiku di jalan beraspal.

Bau aspal basah bercampur bau rumput basah di udara, kuhirup udara dingin dan baunya dalam2.

Senyum mengembang, kepala terasa ringan dan bersih....

Itu cerita tentang mimpiku tadi malam, as far as I remember.Weird....

Saturday, August 21, 2010


It finally got me. I was being so confident when Evan was sick last week that I kindly accepting all of his sloppy snotsy kisses. Completely forgot about all the germs that might got into me, and didn't bother to take vitamins. Btw, he likes to kiss my lips recently! (Don't know where that coming from...) Then one day I woke up with terrible sore throat. Yes, the flu was finally got me, and I must got it from the little boy! I've heard lots of stories that you can get sick from your sick kids. But that never happened to me until last week. and this time the flu is really really bad. I didn't remember when the last time i felt this sick. Within a day my voice started to break and had runny nose. The next day i couldn't talk at all. I lost my voice. The next day my voice was better then I started coughing... and coughing... and coughing. It was terrible!!! Antibiotics seems to work very slow in my body. The day I couldn't talk, had no choice but to whisper. By no means, Evan started copying me, then hubby did the same. So we are all whispering to each other! One lesson to learn : stay away from the kid when he is sick! which of course I can't! So another lesson to learn : do not forget to boost myself with vitamin C and plenty of good night sleep when Evan is sick.

Update 1 september 2010
Both evan and i still sick. Evan's cough got worse last weekend so i had to take him to doctor and he is on antibiotic now. So sad seeing him coughing so hard and unable to sleep well. :( sadly of course it effecting me too. I have to give him full attention 24 hours, alas, me too had sleepless night and overly tired during the day. Not helping my recovery at all. I had visited 2 doctors and swallowed 2 different antibiotics for 3 weeks, still not getting better. Starting to get upset!!! I'm so sick of being sick. I need to be well to take care the boys!! And the little boy need to get well too for crying out loud.....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First day at "school"

It's a school day today.

It's Evan's first day in childcare !

I was a bit nervous. But actually it went well!

I didn't mean to sneak out, but I did. First, I meant to hide and see how he went. He cried, and soon taken over by one of the teacher and he started to settle down and play. I didn't want to upset him again, so I left. I felt terrible after that as I didn't say goodbye. Around nap time I called the centre and he actually was sleeping!

What did I do when Evan at school? today actually I did the usual thing. Went to woolies for groceries shopping, then went home and cook. It was soooo weird doing the normal thing at home without the little rascal around. It was quiet and peaceful. Too quiet! and I was too busy too and time flies quick. By the time everything finished, it was the time to pick Evan up.

When I got there he was playing in the sand pit. So busy that he didn't look please when he saw me. He even didn't want to go home! After I asked him to go home for the 3rd time he started to got up and walked to get his water bottle, then walked to the front door. He knew the way!

OMG... the first day in 'school' wasn't that bad at all. He spent around 6 hours there, and everything looked good. He looked a bit hungry when he got home though. He ate plenty of fruits and biscuit after I bath him, and seemed to please to go back to 'school' on Thursday :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cot's Resident

Evan likes to threw things he likes to his cot... not sure why. Maybe so that he can sleep them ??.... Among all the odd things, yesterday I found these in his cot.......

* Biscuit tin (and its lid) - dirty one as it has been used for his crayon and markers collection

* My old ipod and usb charger connector

* a potato - not sure how he got it !

* a truck - his favorite one

* and Cliffy - the dog. This one is the legal resident of the cot, though ;p

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hair Drama

Who just had a hair cut today? ... Yes.. my little boy! :)
I personally like his long hair, but as he is going to childcare, I think he needs to have his hair short. For easy treatment and lice protection.

So another drama in the salon happened today for 15 minutes. He cried the whole time on his dad's lap. I was trying to cheer him with toys and books, wipe his tears and snots, and brush hair that came down to his wet face. When it finished, he transformed to a very stranger looking boy :)

He looks 1 kg lighter without his big bushy hair on his head.
I can see his ears sticking up now and that's reminds me that I haven't cleaned those ears for so long! :) He looks skinnier, and actually looks cheekier!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


This is Evan this morning - on his trial childcare day. He was pretty excited with his new school bag, and he knew he was going to school. What he didn't know was that I would leave him there for one hour - as a trial before he really go to the "school" next Tuesday.

It went quite OK,.. actually went as expected. I stayed for a while watched him playing. He was overwhelmed watching many kids around and so many new toys to touch and play with. When he looked a bit settle I told him that I will go to toilet, and he started to cry and clinging on me. I tried to explain that I won't be long and will be back. But he cried harder. Then the heartbreaking drama started. The teacher picked him up and I should go away. He cried louder and screamed 'mum... mum....mum!"

Dear oh dear....
I didn't know what to do when I got back to the car. Then I decided to go to the post office to post a dvd to my friend in Sydney and did a bit of groceries shopping. Half hour has passed, then I called the centre. They said he was settled after about 5 minutes. All good. However Evan has already started to cry and wanted to leave the playing room when I got back to the centre to pick him up. But looked happy to see me again.

I took him to library to do some crafting with other kids, then we had lunch in Mc Donald for a treat. :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Have finished reading Perahu Kertas.

Have to tell you that I like it a lot.

The story is simple. About love and friendship. Maybe it's not an exciting theme for people at my age.

But for me, it's good to have a break from reading English books.
The words that the author's use, the way she put them all together, the story itself, strongly enough to take me into each characters world, enough to make me happy and sad, in tears because of both. Enough to take me back to the good memories of myself old days. Enough to make me realise how I miss to write in Bahasa again. In a good Bahasa words, that is.....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

This and That


* I finally finished Mao's Last Dancer, amazed with the author's life journey, I am now longing to watch the movie.

* started to read Perahu Kertas - and fall in love once again with Dee and indonesian 'sastra' world. I read until 3am last night and can't wait to read again tonight. Yes, have to wait to read because it's on my ipod. As you know, I can't use my ipod when the little Evan is around (*sigh*)

* still making squares.... it comes to 14 squares now...

* i baked cookies for the first time since we are back in australia

* went to salon to have a hair cut. Last hair cut was in Jakarta, a year ago.

* i made two new chicken dishes that were successfully accepted by the boys. They were chicken grill and tom yum sauce chicken.

* I got a 'me' time in the middle of the week and on the first day of the week.... that was because hubby was at home... not working on work days...

* I and Evan have spent more times with hubby around, since he had day off work for the whole week, which was great.

* evan like to ask for tissues to wipe everything he thinks are dirty. His own hands, mouth, table, and the other night he couldn't stop wiped his dad's face, tried to get rid of the unshaven beard. He thinks it was dirt!

* i started to read Evan a book before bed. He loves this new routine. sometimes he wants to read two books.:)

* Evan is getting better in building Lego and blocks. He made lots of interesting building. Photos to come.

* Evan was saying grace before dinner. Well, not exactly... but he followed what i and hubby doing, close eyes and close our hands together. He did it with smile, sometimes he close his eyes too, sometimes looking at us and smile whilst his hand holded together in front of his chest... ;p We didn't asked him to do that, he just followed what we did ! Soooo cute :)

* Has been telling Evan over and over, that he is going to school every Tuesday and Thursday... and that he will have fun playing with new toys with friends and teachers, and that I will not always be there, but always will be back and pick him up in the afternoon. Not sure if he understand....

* Evan started to sleep through the night ... finally! So I was able to sleep through the night too, but alas, still have not enough sleep, as I was too excited to read a book or crochet-ing, or ipod-ing.

* i think my little boy is the cutest boy in the world.

* almost fed up with winter.

* just realised that today-last year was the day we landed our feet in Aussie. We were in Sydney, though.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tractor Madness

only some from many more

Evan is very in to vehicles lately. Anything from car, motorbike, aeroplane, truck, tractor, train, boat, etc. But the most favourite are trucks, tractors, and train. He even can say 'tata' for tractor/truck/train :) He likes to watch Thomas and friends over and over again, on tv, dvd, youtube, computer, everywhere. He likes to flip any book that have vehicles pictures in it. He would be excited to hear sounds of truck or aeroplane from the distance, and would be excited to see big vehicles on the road. He takes one of his little tractor to go out (to shops, library, everywhere). And he takes some trucks/tractors with him along to bed !

There's a big toy sale recently. I feel like also buy something for him. So many things I wanted to buy for him, but then decided to buy him a big thing, and the choices fell into a big tractor. So here he is happily riding his new tractor. :)

Big Step

Finally,... after long search and deep thinking, we found the childcare. Not a perfect one, but which we feel is the best from the others. Last week the confirmation has been received by family assistant office, and this week the registration form has been submitted to the childcare. The plan is Evan is going to spend the day in the childcare every Tuesday and Thursday start from 10 August. Next week we are going on Tuesday and Thursday for a couple hours introduction and trial.

The weird thing is Evan has been a good boy in the last few days. He became a sweet for the whole day. Made me a bit guilty to send him to 'school' (that's what I told him - that he's going to 'school' every Tuesday and Thursday). Thinking about the comfort habits and rituals we have in daily basis, that it would probably change when he goes to 'school', made me have a slight doubt to send him there, but it might be for his and my own good.

Both need a break from each other, both need to socialise with their kind. :)
I hope Evan's behaviour, social and speech skills will improve. And it would make the settling in the pre-school easily later. I hope I will have a little bit of my own during those time. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, though. I'll think about it later, when I'm sure Evan is happy and settle to stay in 'school' for the whole day.

Now I'm a bit nervous about it. It would be a big step for both of us. Hope everything goes well.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

ambitious project

Hard to believe, lately I actually could do few things that I like, which I abandoned for such a long time. First, I started to read a book again. I currently read Mao's Last Dancer. It's slow reading, but I get there and determined to finish the book this time.

Other thing is I'm back to yarn and wools. After almost 3 years I left behind my knitting passion, I am now in to crochet. I never crochet before, but inspired by my friend's crochet blanket pictures. Later she sent me first kit to learn crochet - a book and a crochet hook from Sydney (thanks An :)). So in late May, I started to teach myself how to crochet with help of a book and lots of sites on the internet. Many long nights after that, because that was the only time I can sit down and concentrate. I am talking about until 1 - 2 am in the morning!

Then early this month the Guru came (my mum in law :) ). She visited us here and stayed for a week. I learnt few things from her. My biggest mistake was I didn't know that crochet terms in UK and US are different. I used US stitches in UK crochet pattern before, so it's all mixed up and the result looked odd. She showed me that the trick of buying wools and how to hold the hook. She should be able to teach me more, but she had to go back home. Of course she made lots of positive and encouragement comments about my crochet, then said practise makes perfect. Then later she always ask me on the phone if I still crocheting (*doh*). During her visit I successfully made an amigurumi doll, and made few squares.

I didn't know what to do next. I thought I should have project to do, but I wasn't sure what it was. I thought about making scarf or beanie, but I thought I don't wear those much even in winter. I thought of making a bag, but I have too much bag already. Thought of making more amigurumi, but I actually don't have patient in crocheting little things. So my choice ended up in making a blanket. I know it's a very ambitious project. It will takes lots of time, energy, and wools! I think it's gonna be a long project. But I, again, determined to finish it.

colourful blanket project

The project will be making a small squares like the above picture then attached it all together to make a blanket. So I will need to make lots of squares, hundreds of them, depends on how big I want the blanket to be. At this stage I want to make at least King Single bed size (around 105 cm x 203 cm). I like to make four colours combination on each squares cause i thought it will not make me easily get bored (i know along the track I might be sick of making the same thing over and over again), as it would fun to choose and match the colour before making each squares. So yes, it would be a colourful blanket. The colour probably will depend on my mood/feeling when I made the squares :)

As for the back up plan, in case I'm sick of making blanket, I might try to make more amigurumi or make scarf for next winter (by that time hopefully Evan will let me wear anything that hang on my neck)

And here is the little amigurumi turtle I made during the Guru's visit :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Gadget boy

This is evan, playing my ipod. Have to teach him to take turn otherwise i would never have a chance to use it. But it's good i got something to keep him occupied for a few minutes. :) is it a phenomena of new generation being very smart in using any gadger and games? Or it is evan who is a smart boy. I guess both are right. Recently we discover he knows n understand almost everything we said and ask him to do. The only problem is he doesnt talk! But he add his vocabulary today : "eesss" ... Meaning: please. :)

One thing that is both good and bad is that he is very cautious with the dirt and mess. He doesn't like to have his hands dirty when eating, he likes to be fed just to avoid the dirt n mess on his hand. When he feels his mouth or nose dirty from food or tears and snots, he would get a tissue. He wipe his face by himself. Or point n wipe his dad or my face if he sees stain on our faces. When he sees dirt or mess on the table or floor, he would notice n point them. Sometimes he would ask for tissue and clean the mess! Not very clean , of course:) but clearly he is aware and annoyed by the mess. I think this is pretty extraordinary. But he probably learn from me! The clean freak in the house:) However, he is still messy with his toys and books and sometimes with the food, which is quite a relief:)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Si Ipin

Introducing si Ipin, my new toy.
It is no doubt fun and addictive. Enough to distract me from reading, blogging, crocheting, and cleaning! Even little Evan got his eye on it all the time. It's quite amazing to see how he use it. He knows how to unlock, find his games folder, and play his games one by one over and over, at his age!
Although i still have to use my multitasking E71 most of the time, mainly because I cant use it peacefully when Evan is around, this new toy has brighten our family's day. So, thank you, mr Bams, for the nice surprising gift. :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Historical day

19 June 2010 was a special day. It's when Evan started to say 'Mum' and 'Dad' ! We've been waiting for him to talk. At his age, 2,2 years, his speaking skills is very limited. His vocab since he was 1,6 year old was Shoes, No, Juice, and Cheese. It didn't improve much for a long time. He screamed a lot though, which is frustrating and annoying. Sometimes he babbles and babbles with his own language, and didn't stop. A few weeks ago he started to say "tatata" which means Tractor. That was improvement, at least we know what he wants/talking about.

So when he finally said, "MUM" when I pointed myself and asked, "Who is this?" I and hubby was thrilled! And then he said "DAD' when hubby pointed himself and asked, "who is this?". We were filled with excitement!

He's probably doesn't talk much now, but he is definitely getting there.

Can't wait !

Evan is babbling... ;p

Saturday, June 19, 2010


One of Evan's favorite toys lately is lego and blocks. He had them for quite a while, but it takes time until he finally understand how to play it properly, that the blocks is there to be built into something, not to throw or munch on.

It's fun to see how his motoric n building skills change and improve everyday. Moreover, it's interesting to see the way he arrange the blocks. They always arranged in the same direction (not cross way or messy way), so it always resulting nice looking shapes. By the look of it, he might grow to be a tidy - ordered, organise boy (i hope! :p)

I use the blocks to teach him to learn colour too. He starts to know Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green now.:)

My next project is introduce him to blocks that can not be attached. Hundreds of block that you have to stack. It would be interesting. But I have to find the good one first.

Here is some pictures of the Lego shapes he made himself almost a month ago. It's quite amazing for me, and he gets better and better nowadays.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


My garden is blooming! Especially our Hydrangea. They keep emerging. I never have so much bloom in my garden before. So this time is kinda special. I can see them outside from our living room, so it's a nice view. As they are many of them, some of them starting look heavy for the plant. I decided to keep some inside the house so the house would look lovely too. :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Stroll Along

It seems not so long ago when we use this stroller around with Evan in it. Other than steriliser, this is another Evan's baby's thing that is long lasting and very useful. It's rather bulky and big, doesn't look so funky, quite heavy for me and bit hard to use at first. But no doubt it's really strong, safe for baby, and eventually very useful. It's been through any kind of surface; smooth, rough, rocky, wet, slippery, etc. Been through any kind of weather; sunny, rain, and snow. Been also trough many airport and luggage handling, which was not always nice to it. We though it was broken once we took it in Amman airport after our trip to Cyprus. But actually it could easily fixed on the spot. We took it everywhere, of course. We used it in Amman, many places around Jordan, Cyprus, Jakarta, and finally Australia. Evan not always happy to sit there too long. But he stroll, eat, and many times he asleep in it, so it must be quite comfortable. The above picture was taken in Cyprus in April 2009.

Now, more than a year later, we use a toddler's stroller which is much lighter and easy to use and store. But of course Evan doesn't really like to sit and stroll in there. He prefer to walk, run and climb now.

What happened with the big stroller? It is safely stored in one of our room. But sometimes Evan insisted to use it. Not that he want to sit in it, but he likes to push it around in the house with big Barney and Baby Bob in it. :)

Little Treat Of The Day

My sister in Jakarta told me about a korean children cartoon series called Pororo, which she said it's cute and funny. Her 12 months' son likes it, then she bought one for Evan. Unfortunately it can't be played on our dvd player. So he didn't watched it until about 3 weeks ago when I found out it can be played on our computer.

By surprise, he loves it! He can sit and watch for more than half hour. More surprisingly he can laugh, squeal, yell and point while watching. He was really watching, with full attention and emotions! Another milestone, yet another problem and dilemma.

Lately he went straight to computer room after bed, and turn the computer on by himself, then insisted to sit there watching pororo. If he gets restless and difficult I'll say 'you can watch pororo after this' , and he will settle down.

Not that I like him to sit in front of computer monitor for hours, but I can have lot of things done during those peaceful time. When everything's done, I can sit with him and browse the internet on the other window - in peace as well. He didn't let me type on the keyboard, but it's fine!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Little Helper

Evan always want to do everything I do. Including hang up the washed clothes. Sometimes he really wants to help me. So he would take the clothes one by one from the basket and hang it on the line. But sometimes the clothes is too big so it kept falling, when it finally stayed on the line, it would be in an odd order and position. Other times he played cheeky. That's when he took a few clothes from the basket then ran and threw them to the floor, took another clothes and did the same. Clean wet clothes were then lying everywhere on the floor (sigh)...
So basically he is far from helping. But lately he became a bit better. I found out he is good in hanging small clothing like his own clothes. And his speciality is hanging his own socks. :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's here

It's when the sun is brightly shining but there is a chill in the wind,

It's when trees turned bright gold, when yellows, oranges and reds are beginning to peak through the branches,

It's when the leaves started to fall and we rake the leaves in piles,

It's when small fires are made in the fireplace, AC switched to heating mode, and heater is out of the cupboard,

It's when the warm coat, sweater, long sleeves, and boots are worn,

It's when winter clothes start to get into the stores,

It's the season after summer and before the winter,

It's the fall, it's autumn,

it's cool, crisps, sweet, sometimes wet,

it's here.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Control Issue

My little cheeky monkey started to be very difficult when we go and about. Start from the parking park, when he get out of the car. He would refuse to hold hands, he walks or run to wherever he wants. Then he would run to every stairs, automatic doors, escalators/lift, or coin's mobile toys he sees. And then he can run so so so fast, doesn't stop and doesn't look behind. It's impossible to put him in the trolley or stroller in more than half hour. He would scream and cry and climb, trying to get out. One day he ran and ran to the matic door in the mall, until I have to leave my shopping trolley and run after him, out of the door, then ran again to the street (sigh).

When he sees small merry go round or any toys that he can sit in he would go in and out the plastic car, truck (or what ever it is) a hundred times until he gets bored, which will take more than half hour. If I force him to do what I want, he would make a scene in public. From screaming (very loud), crying, struggling (so so strong) when i pick him up, or sitting down or laying down (wherever he was. on the road, on the concrete, on the grass, on the floor ... everywhere!). He would do whatever he wants and I am the one who has to run after him and follow him. (aaarrrgghhh....!). Not to mention how I feel when people looked at us, especially when he is making a scene in public.

It doesn't matter if I am not in a rush. I'm happy for him to explore and play as long as he want! But sometimes it's not the time for play. I go to the mall because I have to. I brought him with me because I have to. And since I have to do everything myself, time is very important. I don't have time to wait and play with him all day or whenever he wants. I can't sit and wait for him running around and play in the playground hours and hours until he is tired. It's impossible and is not supposed to work that way. He is the one who supposed to follow me, do what I tell him, behave and obedient.

Nobody would probably understand, but trip to supermarket, mall or playground slightly become a nightmare to me. I got very tired mentally and physically by the time we got back to the car. I didn't enjoy out and about anymore. But I have to do it now and then. No other option (at the moment).

Recently I finally bought a harness with a little backpack and a long tail. The tail is for the adult to hold, to control toddlers from running away too far. My hubby didn't really like the idea so I didn't buy it, even though I was thinking about it long time ago. Since I think it become out of control, I thought I have to give it a try.

At first I'm afraid that he didn't want to wear it. So I was surprise to see that he actually looovee it. He even didn't want to let it go until bed time! The tail works too. It doesn't stop him from running, but at least I have control and I don't loose him or I don't have to chase him anymore. It definitely made my life a liiiitle bit easier. :)

How tall he will be

Evan and I - April 2010

I found this interesting facts on the net.

* By the age of 9, an average boy would have attained 75% of his adult height
* By the age of 18, he would attain double his height at an early age.
* By the age of 8, an average girl would have attained 75% of her adult height.
* By the age of 18, she would attain double her height when two years old.

source:Height and Weight for Children

This is indeed an interesting theory. I've heard that around the time a toddler turns two years old he/she has already reached half the height they will be when they are adults. I thought it was impossible, didn't believe it. But Evan's grandad called on Evan's 2nd birthday asking me to measure his height and told me the reason. He believed it's true, as he has it as one of the family tradition and did it to all of his son and grandchildren. He said he couldn't believe it either but it came up right with all of his sons.

Well, that was what we did that day. Measuring Evan's height, which was quite challenging. Now, the result might be not very accurate, but his height on April 2010 was around 90-92cm. It means his height will be around 180 - 184 cm when he is adult. Will be shorter than his dad, but definitely gonna be way taller than me! ;p

I just hope he will still as adorable and cute. :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Bad back pain, bad waist pain, bad headache, nausea, bloated tummy, sore tummy, lack of energy, over exhausted, swing mood. Unfortunately I have to face this every 2 weeks, about a week before the 'M' day.

All of those changes in my body practically will lead to my daily activities, because basically I wouldn't feel well and my stamina gradually dropped. I would not be interested in doing anything, very easy to get angry, would get furious from simple little problem, everybody - everything seems to be annoying, everything seems wrong.

I don't choose to feel like that. The truth is I really really hate it. I hate women's hormones and how it can cause me misery. But maybe people surround me hating me more for my bad mood and attitude during those period.

Poor Evan have to deal with me during this period, of course he doesn't stop annoying me. Anybody, better leave me alone. don't annoy me!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Love Tommy

Someone gave us a portable GPS car navigation system for our return to Australia in August last year. At first I am skeptical about the function of this little 'thing'. Not sure if it's reliable and helpful. I still prefer to use road map. We set our foot in Perth in September, where everything are new. We didn't know the way to anywhere! None of us ever lived here. The GPS was safely stay in our suitcase. What we did first was buying a big heavy road map and use it to out and about.

Until we settled in the new house and have emptied all suitcases, I just realised that we have this little gadget (i'll call it tommy - to be easy) safe and sound in the box, unopened. We finally turn it on, set it, and put it in the car, but still, we hardly use it. I don't remember when did we first use it, but out of the blue I became a big fan of tommy.

Tommy is such a smart little navigator. Not only it always choose the fastest route, it also shows lots of information such as how many km will it takes, beeping alarm if we about to pass speeding camera, tells you when you are speeding, the nearest fuel station, etc. It also very easy to use, clear instruction, clear touch screen.

I use it a lot in the last 2 months where I have to drive to places I never been to. It work out great!
I drove 40-60 km without any hassle. Never get lost, no confusion, arrived and get home on time. It's quite amazing, really. I can go on and on and on about how amazing Tommy is, but I would sounds like a sales girl. What I want to say is just this little gadget has never let me down so far. It's like a little magic box that can tell you everything about streets. Highly recommended for people who live in a new place like us.

Talking about technology, Internet connection on mobile phone is another one that I adore. It probably nothing but a tool for chatting and browse unimportant things, but at some stage it can be helpful when you know how to use it. One day I was driving by my self to find a place where I can print out a document. It was urgent, and it was on Saturday (limited shops are open on weekend here). Library was extremely busy, they couldn't do it. I didn't know where else to go, the only thing I know is a place called Snap who might be able to do printing. What I did then I google it via internet on my handphone. I got the phone number and address. I called and they're open. As I don't have any idea how to get there, I used Tommy to navigate me there. My problem solved without lots of hassle.

Now I love Tommy. I have to have tommy in the car so I feel safe, at least something to rely on when I get lost. But if you talk about my mobile phone, it's my second boyfriend (after my hubby). It has to be with me everytime and everywhere. It's my best buddy! :) Btw, I got GPS on my mobile too, but it takes the battery and not sure if it can be reliable.

Ah well, what a technology era we live in now.....

Thursday, May 13, 2010


A friend reminded me about today. I would completely forgot about how special today is. Today is an anniversary of my blog! Yes I started this blog 13 May 2006, exactly 4 years ago.

It's interesting to see that the layout had changed many times (unfortunately I didn't keep the record), I guess I'm not easily satisfy with what I have, always want to be better and learn new things. The way I write is different too. I must try to write in Bahasa Indonesia again sometimes. Not sure if my english improved, though. It's not me to assess. The topics moves from time to time, reflecting how colourful the journey of my life. The frequency is up and down, depending on a lot of factors. But I confess in the last year I had not much time blogging since facebook come into my daily life.

But today, this blog still exist. I'm glad I started it. Not many people following it (it's not my intention anyway), but it has a few loyal readers, which i think made this blog special. Thank you to one of them for the reminder about today's special day. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

M day


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Two Years

My baby boy is now a big boy! he had 2nd birthday last month. We only had a good simple celebration with his oma and opa. Photos with cake, then chinese food for bday dinner. As usual we had to have noodle on birthday.

The birthday party we planned cancelled. If we did it it would be on weekend, but we prefer to use weekend for out and about as oma and opa were here. Ah well,... hopefully next year we can throw a party for this little cheeky monkey.

He is such a clever and active boy, but also a stubborn and determined little person. He can be out of control sometimes, but can be a sweet pie another time. Whatever he is, I love him so much. Wish him a bright good future with happiness and good health.

My Dear Steriliser

This is one and only tool that have been very loyal and useful for Evan as a baby till few days ago. We bought it in Amman just after Evan was born, and had travelled around following Evan wherever he went. It has contribute a lot to Evan's life and health particularly when Evan was a baby. But his service has finally come to an end. It is now totally broken. It happened at the right time, as Evan might not need to have his bottles sterilised anymore.

It's time to say thank you and goodbye to steriliser, and hope to say goodbye to bottles soon, as Evan has turned 2 last month!