Sunday, May 30, 2010

Little Treat Of The Day

My sister in Jakarta told me about a korean children cartoon series called Pororo, which she said it's cute and funny. Her 12 months' son likes it, then she bought one for Evan. Unfortunately it can't be played on our dvd player. So he didn't watched it until about 3 weeks ago when I found out it can be played on our computer.

By surprise, he loves it! He can sit and watch for more than half hour. More surprisingly he can laugh, squeal, yell and point while watching. He was really watching, with full attention and emotions! Another milestone, yet another problem and dilemma.

Lately he went straight to computer room after bed, and turn the computer on by himself, then insisted to sit there watching pororo. If he gets restless and difficult I'll say 'you can watch pororo after this' , and he will settle down.

Not that I like him to sit in front of computer monitor for hours, but I can have lot of things done during those peaceful time. When everything's done, I can sit with him and browse the internet on the other window - in peace as well. He didn't let me type on the keyboard, but it's fine!

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