Friday, May 21, 2010

Control Issue

My little cheeky monkey started to be very difficult when we go and about. Start from the parking park, when he get out of the car. He would refuse to hold hands, he walks or run to wherever he wants. Then he would run to every stairs, automatic doors, escalators/lift, or coin's mobile toys he sees. And then he can run so so so fast, doesn't stop and doesn't look behind. It's impossible to put him in the trolley or stroller in more than half hour. He would scream and cry and climb, trying to get out. One day he ran and ran to the matic door in the mall, until I have to leave my shopping trolley and run after him, out of the door, then ran again to the street (sigh).

When he sees small merry go round or any toys that he can sit in he would go in and out the plastic car, truck (or what ever it is) a hundred times until he gets bored, which will take more than half hour. If I force him to do what I want, he would make a scene in public. From screaming (very loud), crying, struggling (so so strong) when i pick him up, or sitting down or laying down (wherever he was. on the road, on the concrete, on the grass, on the floor ... everywhere!). He would do whatever he wants and I am the one who has to run after him and follow him. (aaarrrgghhh....!). Not to mention how I feel when people looked at us, especially when he is making a scene in public.

It doesn't matter if I am not in a rush. I'm happy for him to explore and play as long as he want! But sometimes it's not the time for play. I go to the mall because I have to. I brought him with me because I have to. And since I have to do everything myself, time is very important. I don't have time to wait and play with him all day or whenever he wants. I can't sit and wait for him running around and play in the playground hours and hours until he is tired. It's impossible and is not supposed to work that way. He is the one who supposed to follow me, do what I tell him, behave and obedient.

Nobody would probably understand, but trip to supermarket, mall or playground slightly become a nightmare to me. I got very tired mentally and physically by the time we got back to the car. I didn't enjoy out and about anymore. But I have to do it now and then. No other option (at the moment).

Recently I finally bought a harness with a little backpack and a long tail. The tail is for the adult to hold, to control toddlers from running away too far. My hubby didn't really like the idea so I didn't buy it, even though I was thinking about it long time ago. Since I think it become out of control, I thought I have to give it a try.

At first I'm afraid that he didn't want to wear it. So I was surprise to see that he actually looovee it. He even didn't want to let it go until bed time! The tail works too. It doesn't stop him from running, but at least I have control and I don't loose him or I don't have to chase him anymore. It definitely made my life a liiiitle bit easier. :)

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